移民内参> 职业列表> 0011 立法会议员 (0011 Legislators)

0011 立法会议员 (0011 Legislators)

发布时间:2015-07-01 复查时间:2023-10-08 3846

0011 立法会议员 (0011 Legislators)- Immiknow NOC - LEVEL 0 


Legislators participate in the activities of a federal, provincial, territorial or local government legislative body or executive council, band council or school board as elected or appointed members. 

0011 加拿大立法会议员头衔范例 Example Titles - Immiknow NOC 

* 第一民族乐队首席 First Nations band chief 
* 立法大会成员(MLA) Member of Legislative Assembly (MLA) 
* 国会议员(MP) Member of Parliament (MP) 
* 国民议会的成员(MNA) Member of the National Assembly (MNA) 
* 省议会会员(MPP) Member of the Provincial Parliament (MPP) 
* 内阁部长 cabinet minister 
* 市议员 city councillor 
* 总督 governor general 
* 布政使 lieutenant-governor 
* 市长 mayor 
* 首相 premier 
* 总理 prime minister 
* 学校董事会受托人 school board trustee 
* 参议员 senator 

 0011 立法会议员主要职责 Main duties - Immiknow NOC 

立法会议员执行部分或全部下列职责:Legislators perform some or all of the following duties: 

* 制定,修改或废除法律和法规 
Enact, amend or repeal laws and regulations 

* 参与制定或修订政府政策,计划或程序 
Participate in developing or amending government policies, programs or procedures 

* 在地方,国家和国际会议中代表政府行事 
Represent their government at local, national and international meetings and conferences 

* 对选民或一般公众所关注的事宜做出回应 
Respond to matters of concern to constituents or the general public 

* 可作为部长负责政府部门或机构的相关事宜,在执行政府的政策和部门或机构的管理中,也可以政府高级管理人员和政府官员的身份参与。 
May serve as minister responsible for a government department or agency and direct senior government managers and officials in the implementation of government policy and the management of that department or agency. 

0011 立法会议员的任职要求 Employment requirements - Immiknow NOC 

* 选举立法机构,或委任参议员,副州长或总督等职务。 
lection to a legislative body, or appointment to positions such as senator, lieutenant-governor or governor general, is required. 

0011 立法会议员的其他分类 Classified elsewhere - Immiknow NOC 

* 委员 - 政府服务 
Commissioners – government services (in [0012](0012)Senior government managers and officials ) 

* 被选举或任命为以下机构的官员,如:医疗卫生机构,教育机构,工会和志愿者组织 
Elected or appointed officials of health care institutions, educational institutions, unions and voluntary organizations (in [0014](0014)Senior managers - health, education, social and community services and membership organizations ) 

0011 立法会议员的职称头衔 all titles - Immiknow NOC 

* 众议院成员(MHA) Member of the House of Assembly (MHA) 
* 国民议会的成员(MNA) Member of the National Assembly (MNA) 
* 省议会会员(MPP) Member of the Provincial Parliament (MPP) 
* 大都市理事会主席 metropolitan council chair 
* MHA(众议院会员) MHA (Member of the House of Assembly) 
* 政府部长 minister – government 
* MLA(立法大会会员) MLA (Member of the Legislative Assembly) 
* MNA(国民大会会员) MNA (Member of the National Assembly) 
* MP(国会议员) MP (Member of Parliament) 
* MPP(省议会成员) MPP (Member of the Provincial Parliament) 
* 男/女市议会主席 municipal council chairman/woman 
* 反对党领袖 opposition leader 
* 演说家 - 政府 orator – government 
* 总理 premier 
* 首相 prime minister 
* 地区长官 reeve 
* 区域直辖市主席 regional municipality chair 
* 学校董事会受托人 school board trustee 
* 参议员 senator 
* 总检察长 solicitor general 
* 立法机构发言人 speaker, legislative body 
* 国库局总裁 Treasury Board president 
* 学校董事会受托人 trustee, school board

上一页 4168 独特的政府项目官员
下一页 4169 社会科学其他专业的职业









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