移民内参 职业列表 0013 高级管理人员 - 财务,通信和其他商业服务

0013 高级管理人员 - 财务,通信和其他商业服务

发布时间:2015-07-01 复查时间:2023-10-08 4205

0013 高级管理人员 - 财务,通信和其他商业服务 Senior managers – financial, communications and other business services - Immiknow NOC - LEVEL 0 


Senior managers in this unit group are usually appointed by a board of directors, to which they report. They work either alone or in conjunction with the board of directors to develop and establish objectives for the company, and to develop or approve policies and programs. They plan, organize, direct, control and evaluate, through middle managers, the operations of their organization in relation to established objectives. They work in establishments throughout the telecommunications, finance, insurance, real estate, and data processing, hosting and related services industries as well as other business service industries. 

0013 高级管理人员 - 财务,通信和其他商业服务头衔范例 Example Titles - Immiknow NOC 

* 银行行长 bank president 
* 首席执行官(CEO) - 电话公司 chief executive officer (CEO) – telephone company 
* 首席财务总监(CFO) - 广告代理 chief financial officer (CFO) – advertising agency 
* 首席运营官 - 工程公司 chief operating officer – engineering firm 
* 执行董事,信用社 executive director, credit union 
* 执行副总裁,地产代理 executive vice-president, real estate agency 
* 总经理,房地产管理公司 general manager, real estate management company 
* 总裁兼首席执行官 - 金融,通信和其他商业服务 president and chief executive officer – financial, communications and other business services 
* 总裁,广告代理 president, advertising agency 
* 总裁,计算机服务公司 president, computing service company 
* 区域副总裁,信托公司 regional vice-president, trust company 
* 副总裁,人力资源 - 银行 vice-president, human resources – bank 
* 副总裁,市场营销 - 文职人员服务 vice-president, marketing – clerical staff services 
* 副总裁,营运 - 卫星通信服务 vice-president, operations – satellite communication services 

0013 高级管理人员 - 财务,通信和其他商业服务主要职责 Main duties - Immiknow NOC 

本组高级管理人员执行以下部分或全部职责:Senior managers in this unit group perform some or all of the following duties: 

* 确定公司的使命和战略方向,该使命和战略目标通过对人力,财力和物力资源的有效管理以政策和具体目标的形式来传达。 
Determine the company's mission and strategic direction as conveyed through policies and concrete objectives which are met through the effective management of human, financial and material resources 

* 授权和组织建立主要部门和相关的高级职员职位 
Authorize and organize the establishment of major departments and associated senior staff positions 

* 分配物资,人力和财力资源,以实现组织的政策和方案;建立财务和行政控制;制定和批准推广活动,以及批准整体人力资源规划 
Allocate material, human and financial resources to implement organizational policies and programs; establish financial and administrative controls; formulate and approve promotional campaigns; and approve overall human resources planning 

* 选择中层管理人员,董事或其他高级行政人员,将必要的权力下放给他们,并创造最佳的工作条件 
Select middle managers, directors or other executive staff; delegate the necessary authority to them and create optimum working conditions 

* 代表该组织或授权其他代表以该组织名义进行谈判或执行其他官方功能。 
Represent the organization, or delegate representatives to act on behalf of the organization, in negotiations or other official functions. 

Senior managers in this unit group may specialize in areas such as finance, marketing or human resources or in a particular service area. 

0013 高级管理人员 - 财务,通信和其他商业服务任职要求 Employment requirements - Immiknow NOC 

* 在工商管理,电子商务,计算机科学或其他相关学科提供的服务通常需要大学学位。 
A university degree in business administration, commerce, computer science or other discipline related to the service provided is usually required. 

* 作为一个在金融,通讯或其他商业服务的中层经理,通常需要几年的工作经验。 
Several years of experience as a middle manager in financial, communications or other business services are usually required. 

* 在一个特定的功能区域或服务的专业化要通过专业大学培训,或具有先前的经验。 
Specialization in a particular functional area or service is possible through specific university training in that area or through previous experience. 

* 高级财务经理通常需要一个专业的会计资格认证。 
Senior managers in finance usually require a professional accounting designation. 

0013 高级管理人员 - 财务,通信和其他商业服务附加信息 Additional information - Immiknow NOC 

* 高级管理职位的相关专业人士亦可。 
There is mobility among senior management occupations. 

0013 高级管理人员 - 财务,通信和其他商业服务其他分类 Classified elsewhere - Immiknow NOC 

* 相关的中层管理人员分为几组:Related middle managers are classified in the following minor groups: 
* 通信经理(除广播)Managers in communication (except broadcasting) [013](013) 
* 工程,建筑,科学和信息系统经理 Managers in engineering, architecture, science and information systems [021](021) 
* 金融和商业服务经理 Managers in financial and business services [012](012) 

0013 高级管理人员 - 财务,通信和其他商业服务职称头衔 all titles- Immiknow NOC 

* 广告代理总裁 advertising agency president 
* 助理执行董事 - 财务,通信和其他商业服务 assistant executive director – financial, communications and other business services 
* 银行信贷副总裁 bank credit vice-president 
* 银行行长 bank president 
* CEO(行政总裁) - 金融,通信和其他商业服务 CEO (chief executive officer) – financial, communications and other business services 
* CEO(行政总裁) - 电话公司 CEO (chief executive officer) – telephone company 
* CFO(首席财务总监) - 广告代理 CFO (chief financial officer) – advertising agency 
* CFO(首席财务总监) - 金融,通信和其他商业服务 CFO (chief financial officer) – financial, communications and other business services 
* 男/女董事长 - 金融,通信和其他商业服务 chairman/woman – financial, communications and other business services 
* 主席 - 金融,通信和其他商业服务 chairperson – financial, communications and other business services 
* 首席执行官(CEO) - 金融,通信和其他商业服务 chief executive officer (CEO) – financial, communications and other business services 
* 首席执行官(CEO) - 电话公司 chief executive officer (CEO) – telephone company 
* 首席财务总监(CFO) - 广告代理 chief financial officer (CFO) – advertising agency 
* 首席财务总监(CFO) - 金融,通信和其他商业服务 chief financial officer (CFO) – financial, communications and other business services 
* 首席运营官 - 工程公司 chief operating officer – engineering firm 
* 首席运营官 - 金融,通信和其他商业服务 chief operating officer – financial, communications and other business services 
* 计算服务公司的总裁 computing services company president 
* 管理者 - 金融,通信和其他商业服务 controller – financial, communications and other business services 
* 企业银行业务副总裁 corporate banking vice-president 
* 公司财务总监 - 金融,通信和其他商业服务 corporate controller – financial, communications and other business services 
* 公司财务总监,按揭经纪公司 corporate controller, mortgage brokerage firm 
* 信用社执行董事 credit union executive director 
* 信用合作社总经理 credit union general manager 
* 副行政总裁 - 金融,通信和其他商业服务 deputy chief executive officer – financial, communications and other business services 
* 副行政总裁,寿险公司 deputy chief executive officer, life insurance company 
* 国内银行业务副总裁 domestic banking operations vice-president 
* 就业机构总经理 employment agency general manager 
* 工程公司总裁 engineering firm president 
* 工程研究总经理 engineering research general manager 
* 工程副总裁 - 金融,通信和其他商业服务 engineering vice-president – financial, communications and other business services 
* 执行董事 - 财务,通信和其他商业服务 executive director – financial, communications and other business services 
* 执行董事,信用社 executive director, credit union 
* 执行副总裁 - 金融,通信和其他商业服务 executive vice-president – financial, communications and other business services 
* 执行副总裁,地产代理 executive vice-president, real estate agency 
* 财务及行政副总裁 - 金融,通信和其他商业服务 finance and administration vice-president – financial, communications and other business services 
* 财务副总裁 - 金融,通信和其他商业服务 finance vice-president – financial, communications and other business services 
* 财务副总裁 - 控股公司 finance vice-president – holding company 
* 总经理 - 金融,通信和其他商业服务 general manager – financial, communications and other business services 
* 总经理,房地产管理公司 general manager, real estate management company 
* 人力资源及组织发展副总裁 - 金融,通信和其他商业服务 human resources and organizational development vice-president – financial, communications and other business services 
* 人力资源副总裁 - 银行 human resources vice-president – bank 
* 人力资源副总裁 - 金融,通信和其他商业服务 human resources vice-president – financial, communications and other business services 
* 信息系统副总裁 - 金融,通信和其他商业服务 information systems vice-president – financial, communications and other business services 
* 保险公司总经理 insurance company general manager 
* 国际银行业务副总裁 international banking operations vice-president 
* 营销副总裁 - 文职人员服务 marketing vice-president – clerical staff services 
* 营销副总裁 - 金融,通信和其他商业服务 marketing vice-president – financial, communications and other business services 
* 运营副总裁 - 金融,通信和其他商业服务 operations vice-president – financial, communications and other business services 
* 营运副总裁 - 卫星通信服务 operations vice-president – satellite communication services 
* 个人银行业务副总裁 personal banking vice-president 
* 人事副总裁 - 银行 personnel vice-president – bank 
* 人事副总裁 - 金融,通信和其他商业服务 personnel vice-president – financial, communications and other business services 
* 规划副总裁 - 金融,通信和其他商业服务 planning vice-president – financial, communications and other business services 
* 总裁 - 金融,通信和其他商业服务 president – financial, communications and other business services 
* 总裁兼首席执行官 - 金融,通信和其他商业服务 president and chief executive officer – financial, communications and other business services 
* 总裁,广告代理 president, advertising agency 
* 总裁,计算机服务公司 president, computing service company 
* 保护服务执行董事 protective services executive director 
* 房地产管理公司执行董事 real estate management company executive director 
* 区域副总裁 - 金融,通信和其他商业服务 regional vice-president – financial, communications and other business services 
* 区域副总裁,信托公司 regional vice-president, trust company 
* 高级副总裁兼首席经济学家 senior vice-president and chief economist 
* 支持服务副总裁 - 金融,通信和其他商业服务 support services vice-president – financial, communications and other business services 
* 电信总经理 telecommunications general manager 
* 国库副总裁,银行业金融机构 treasury vice-president, banking institution 
* 信托公司总经理 trust company general manager 
* 信托公司区域副总裁 trust company regional vice-president 
* 副总裁 - 金融,通信和其他商业服务 vice-president – financial, communications and other business services 
* 副总裁,财务 - 控股公司 vice-president, finance – holding company 
* 副总裁,人力资源 - 银行 vice-president, human resources – bank 
* 副总裁,市场营销 - 文职人员服务 vice-president, marketing – clerical staff services 
* 副总裁,营运 - 卫星通信服务 vice-president, operations – satellite communication services 
* 副总裁,银行工作人员 vice-president, personnel – bank

上一页 4211 律师助理及相关职业
下一页 4212 社会和社区服务工作者









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