移民内参 职业列表 3113 牙医

3113 牙医

发布时间:2015-07-01 复查时间:2023-10-08 2925

3113 牙医 Dentists - Immiknow NOC - LEVEL A


Dentists diagnose, treat, prevent and control disorders of the teeth and mouth. They work in private practice or may be employed in hospitals, clinics, public health facilities or universities.

## 3113 牙医头衔范例 Example Titles - Immiknow NOC

* 牙科医生 dentist
* 牙髓病学家 endodontist
* 口腔颌面外科 oral and maxillofacial surgeon
* 口腔病理学家 oral pathologist
* 口腔放射科医生 oral radiologist
* 牙齿矫正 orthodontist
* 儿科牙医 pediatric dentist
* 牙周病 periodontist
* 镶牙 prosthodontist
* 公共卫生牙医 public health dentist

## 3113 牙医主要职责 Main duties - Immiknow NOC

牙医执行部分或全部下列职责:Dentists perform some or all of the following duties:

* 检查患者的牙齿,牙龈及周围组织,从而来诊断疾病,损伤和腐烂情况,并计划适当的治疗方案
Examine patients' teeth, gums and surrounding tissue to diagnose disease, injury and decay and plan appropriate treatment

* 还原,提取和替换患病牙齿和蛀牙
Restore, extract and replace diseased and decayed teeth

* 执行口腔手术,牙周手术和其他治疗方法
Perform oral surgery, periodontal surgery and other treatments

* 清洁牙齿并指导患者有关口腔卫生知识
Clean teeth and instruct patients on oral hygiene

* 设计假牙架,调试假牙,并提供纠正牙齿和颚骨的异常定位的家电设备,或书写镶牙师和牙科技师要使用的制作说明书或处方
Design bridgework, fit dentures and provide appliances to correct abnormal positioning of the teeth and jaws, or write fabrication instructions or prescriptions for use by denturists and dental technicians

* 监督牙齿卫生员,牙科助理及其他工作人员。
Supervise dental hygienists, dental assistants and other staff.

* 牙医可能专注于口腔颌面外科,口腔正畸,儿童牙科,牙周病,牙髓病学,口腔修复,口腔病理学,口腔放射学或公共卫生牙科等领域。
entists may specialize in such areas as oral and maxillofacial surgery, orthodontics, pediatric dentistry, periodontics, endodontics, prosthodontics, oral pathology, oral radiology or public health dentistry.

## 3113 牙医任职要求 Employment requirements - Immiknow NOC

* 要求完成一至四年预牙科大学学习,或者在魁北克省,要求完成大学科学课程
One to four years of pre-dentistry university studies or, in Quebec, completion of a college program in sciences

* 并且要求取得公认的牙科课程的大学学位。
A university degree from a recognized dental program are required.

* 必需持有省或地区监管机构的许可证书。
Licensing by a provincial or territorial regulatory body is required.

* 通过先进的培训,全科实习牙医可以进入专门的实践。
Dentists in general practice can move into a specialized practice through advanced training.

* 必需具备专业执照。
Licensing for specializations is required.

## 3113 牙医附加信息 Additional information - Immiknow NOC

* 取得加拿大全国牙科考试委员会资格认证的牙医或认可的牙科项目的毕业生,如果符合省和地区的发牌当局要求,就有权在加拿大任何省份执业牙科。
Certification by the National Dental Examining Board of Canada entitles dentists or graduates of approved dental programs to practise dentistry in any province in Canada provided requirements set out by the provincial and territorial licensing authorities are met.

## 3113 牙医其他分类 Classified elsewhere - Immiknow NOC

* 牙科助理 Dental assistants [3411](3411)
* 牙齿卫生员,牙科治疗 Dental hygienists and dental therapists [3222](3222)
* 牙科技师,技术员及实验室助理 Dental technologists, technicians and laboratory assistants [3223](3223)
* 牙托技师 Denturists [3221](3221)

## 3113 牙医职称头衔 All titles - Immiknow NOC

* 牙科医生 dental surgeon
* 牙科医生 dentist
* 牙医,公共卫生 dentist, public health
* 医生牙科手术 doctor of dental surgery
* 牙髓病学家 endodontist
* 全科实习牙医 general practice dentist
* 植入医师 - 牙科 implantologist – dentistry
* 口腔和牙科医生 oral and dental surgeon
* 口腔颌面外科 oral and maxillofacial surgeon
* 口腔医学专家 oral medicine specialist
* 口腔病理学家 oral pathologist
* 口腔病理学和口腔颌面外科专家 oral pathology and maxillofacial surgery specialist
* 口腔放射科医生 oral radiologist
* 口腔外科医生 oral surgeon
* 牙齿矫正 orthodontist
* 儿科牙医 pediatric dentist
* 儿童牙医 pedodontist
* 牙周病 periodontist
* 镶牙医师 prosthodontist
* 公共卫生牙医 public health dentist
* 口腔医学专家 specialist, oral medicine
* 口腔科 stomatologist
* 外科医生,牙科 surgeon, dental
* 口腔外科医生 surgeon, oral
* 外科,口腔颌面 surgeon, oral and maxillofacial


上一页 3112 全科医生和家庭医生
下一页 3114 兽医 Veterinarians









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