移民内参 职业列表 3132 营养师和营养学家

3132 营养师和营养学家

发布时间:2015-07-01 复查时间:2023-10-08 3788

3132 营养师和营养学家 Dietitians and nutritionists - Immiknow NOC - LEVEL A 


Dietitians and nutritionists plan, implement and oversee nutrition and food service programs. They are employed in a variety of settings including hospitals, home health-care agencies and extended care facilities, community health centres, the food and beverage industry, the pharmaceutical industry, educational institutions, and government and sports organizations, or they may work as private consultants. 

## 3132 营养师和营养学家头衔范例 Example Titles - Immiknow NOC 

* 管理营养师 administrative dietitian 
* 临床营养师 clinical dietitian 
* 社区营养师 community nutritionist 
* 顾问营养师 consultant dietitian 
* 营养师 dietitian 
* 营养师营养师 dietitian-nutritionist 
* 营养专家 nutrition specialist 
* 营养师 nutritionist 
* 公共营养师健康 public health dietitian 
* 公众健康营养师 public health nutritionist 
* 注册营养师(RD) registered dietitian (RD) 
* 研究营养师 research dietitian 

## 3132 营养师和营养学家主要职责 Main duties - Immiknow NOC 

* 营养师和营养学家执行部分或全部下列职责:Dietitians and nutritionists perform some or all of the following duties: 

* 在医院,疗养院,学校,公司食堂或类似机构开发,管理和监督营养食品准备和服务方案 
Develop, administer and supervise nutrition and food preparation and service programs in hospitals, nursing homes, schools, company cafeterias or similar settings 

* 评估个人营养状况,并对卫生专业人员,个人,饮食实习生,社会团体,政府和媒体提供营养指导和咨询 
Evaluate nutritional status of individuals and provide nutrition guidance and consulting to health professionals, individuals, dietetic interns, community groups, government and the media 

* 帮助预防和/或治疗营养不足 
Aid in the prevention and/or treatment of inadequate nutrition 

* 针对不同的受众,规划,评估,并进行营养教育计划和开发教育材料 
Plan, evaluate and conduct nutrition education programs and develop educational materials for various audiences 

* 在个人基础上的实践,或作为一个跨学科团队的成员,以确定患者的营养需求和计划,实施和评估正常和治疗菜单,保持和增强全身健康 
Practice on an individual basis or as a member of an interdisciplinary team to determine nutritional needs of patients and to plan, implement and evaluate normal and therapeutic menus to maintain and enhance general health 

* 分析当前科学的营养研究,进行研究和评估计划成效,以改善食品的营养价值,口感,外观和配置 
Analyze current scientific nutritional studies, conduct research and evaluate program effectiveness to improve the nutritional value, taste, appearance and preparation of food 

* 行业内的食品和营养产品的开发,测试和评估,营销;或作为公司代表向卫生专业人员提供相关信息的产品 
Work within industry in the development, testing and evaluation, and marketing of food and nutrition products or as a company representative supplying product related information to health professionals 

* 与其他卫生专业人员,社会团体,政府和媒体协商,针对营养阐释,干预和政策方面提供咨询和建议 
Confer with other health professionals, community groups, government and the media to provide consultation and advice in areas of nutrition interpretation, intervention and policy 

* 监督饮食实习生的培训。 
Supervise training of dietetic interns. 

* 营养师和营养学家专注于管理营养学,临床营养学,社区营养学,公共健康营养研究营养学等领域。 
Dietitians and nutritionists may specialize in areas such as administrative dietetics, clinical dietetics, community dietetics, public health nutrition or research dietetics. 

## 3132 营养师和营养学家任职要求 Employment requirements - Immiknow NOC 

* 营养师要求营养学,营养或相关领域,如食品和营养学或生物化学的学士或硕士学位。 
Dietitians require a bachelor's or master's degree in dietetics, nutrition or a related field such as food and nutritional science or biochemistry 

* 一个时期的监督实践培训。 
A period of supervised practical training. 

* 所有省份要求营养师持有监管机构的注册证明。 
Registration with a regulatory body is required in all provinces for dietitians. 

* 营养师可能需要加拿大营养师全国协会的会员实践。 
Membership in the national association, Dietitians of Canada, may be required for dietitians to practise. 

* 营养学家通常需要营养师的类似教育和培训。 
Nutritionists usually require similar education and training as dietitians. 

* 在新斯科舍省(注册营养师营养学家),新不伦瑞克省,魁北克省和阿尔伯塔省的营养师都需要监管机构注册,。 
Registration with a regulatory body is required for nutritionists in Nova Scotia, (as a registered dietitian-nutritionist) in New Brunswick, Quebec and Alberta. 

* 具有与营养师相同的教育和实践培训的营养学家亦可成为加拿大营养师全国协会,和/或省级监管机构的成员。 
Membership with the national association, Dietitians of Canada, and/or a provincial regulatory body is available for nutritionists who have the same education and practical training as dietitians. 

## 3132 营养师和营养学家附加信息 Additional information - Immiknow NOC 

* 通过额外的经验,营养师和营养学家可能会晋升到管理岗位。 
Dietitians and nutritionists may progress to management positions through additional experience. 

## 3132 营养师和营养学家其他分类 Classified elsewhere - Immiknow NOC 

* 饮食技术员(其他医疗技师和技术员(除了牙齿健康)) Dietary technicians (in [3219](3219) Other medical technologists and technicians (except dental health) ) 
* 董事(经理在医疗保健营养学) Directors of dietetics (in [0311](0311) Managers in health care ) 
* 餐饮服务监督员 Food service supervisors [6311](6311) 
* 首席经济学家(社会政策研究人员,顾问和项目官员) Home economists (in [4164](4164) Social policy researchers, consultants and program officers ) 

## 3132 营养师和营养学家职称头衔 All titles - Immiknow NOC 

* 管理营养师 administrative dietitian 
* 管理营养师 administrative nutritionist 
* 临床营养师 clinical dietitian 
* 临床营养师 clinical nutritionist 
* 社区营养师 community dietitian 
* 社区营养师 community nutritionist 
* 顾问营养师 consultant dietitian 
* 顾问营养师 consultant nutritionist 
* 饮食顾问 dietetic consultant 
* 营养师 dietician 
* 营养师 dietitian 
* 营养师,行政 dietitian, administrative 
* 营养师,社区 dietitian, community 
* 营养师,顾问 dietitian, consultant 
* 专业营养师, dietitian, professional 
* 营养师,公众健康 dietitian, public health 
* 注册营养师 dietitian, registered 
* 营养师,研究 dietitian, research 
* 营养师,治疗 dietitian, therapeutic 
* 营养师/营养师,注册 dietitian/nutritionist, registered 
* 营养师营养师 dietitian-nutritionist 
* 营养学和营养学研究员 nutrition and dietetics researcher 
* 营养顾问 nutrition consultant 
* 营养学研究人员 nutrition researcher 
* 营养专家 nutrition specialist 
* 营养师 nutritionist 
* 营养师,行政 nutritionist, administrative 
* 营养师,社区 nutritionist, community 
* 营养师,顾问 nutritionist, consultant 
* 营养师,公众健康 nutritionist, public health 
* 营养师,注册 nutritionist, registered 
* 营养师,治疗 nutritionist, therapeutic 
* P.Dt. (专业营养师) P.Dt. (professional dietitian) 
* 私人执业营养师 private practice dietitian 
* 专业营养师(P.Dt.) professional dietitian (P.Dt.) 
* 专业营养师,注册 professional dietitian, registered 
* 专业的营养师 professional nutritionist 
* 公共营养师健康 public health dietitian 
* 公众健康营养师 public health nutritionist 
* RD(登记营养师) RD (registered dietitian) 
* RDN(注册营养师营养师) RDN (registered dietitian-nutritionist) 
* 注册营养师(RD) registered dietitian (RD) 
* 注册营养师,营养师(RDN) registered dietitian-nutritionist (RDN) 
* 注册营养师 registered nutritionist 
* 注册专业营养师 registered professional dietitian 
* 注册专业营养师 registered professional nutritionist 
* 研究营养师 research dietitian 
* 营养学家的研究 research nutritionist 
* 治疗营养师 therapeutic dietitian 
* 治疗营养师 therapeutic nutritionist  

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