移民内参 职业列表 3222 牙齿卫生员,牙科治疗师

3222 牙齿卫生员,牙科治疗师

发布时间:2015-07-01 复查时间:2023-10-08 3399

3222 牙齿卫生员,牙科治疗师 Dental hygienists and dental therapists- Immiknow NOC - LEVEL B


Dental hygienists provide dental hygiene treatment and information related to the prevention of diseases and disorders of the teeth and mouth. They are employed in dentists' offices, hospitals, clinics, educational institutions, government agencies and private industry. Dental therapists carry out limited dental services related to the prevention and treatment of diseases and disorders of the teeth and mouth. They are employed by the federal government and the provincial governments to provide services in rural and remote communities.

## 3222 牙齿卫生员,牙科治疗师头衔范例 Example Titles- Immiknow NOC

* 牙齿卫生员 dental hygienist
* 牙科护士 dental nurse
* 牙科治疗 dental therapist

## 3222 牙齿卫生员,牙科治疗师主要职责 Main duties- Immiknow NOC

### 牙齿卫生员执行部分或全部下列职责:Dental hygienists perform some or all of the following duties:

* 进行初步的牙科评估和针对病人护理咨询牙医
Conduct an initial dental assessment and consult with dentists on patient care

* 采集牙印痕
Take dental impressions

* 指导患者有关口腔卫生程序
Instruct patients regarding oral hygiene procedures

* 清洁和刺激牙龈,预防牙龈疾病
Clean and stimulate the gums to prevent gum disease

* 去除牙齿污渍和沉积物,防止牙齿和根面腐蚀
Remove stains and deposits from teeth to prevent tooth and root decay

* 应用氟化物治疗
Apply fluoride treatment

* 拍摄X射线光片
Take and develop X-rays

* 可能在牙医的指导下执行恢复和矫正程序
May perform restorative and orthodontic procedures under the direction of a dentist

* 可以监督牙科助理的医疗保健功能。
May supervise dental assistants in their health care functions.

### 牙科治疗师执行部分或全部下列职责:Dental therapists perform some or all of the following duties:

* 进行牙科评估并针对病人护理咨询牙医
Conduct dental assessments and consult with dentist on patient care

* 采集牙印痕
Take dental impressions

* 拍摄x光片
Take and develop X-rays

* 去除牙齿污渍和残存物,防止牙齿和根面腐蚀
Remove stains and deposits from teeth to prevent tooth and root decay

* 应用氟化物治疗
Apply fluoride treatment

* 指导患者口腔卫生程序
Instruct patients regarding oral hygiene procedures

* 监督牙科助理的医疗保健功能
Supervise dental assistants in their health care functions

* 可钻,填补蛀牙,提取牙齿,并更换部分牙冠。
May drill and fill cavities, extract teeth and replace portions of tooth crown.

## 3222 牙齿卫生员,牙科治疗师任职要求 Employment requirements- Immiknow NOC

* 牙齿卫生员需要完成一至三年不等的大学课程,或其他经批准的在全省范围内或居住地区的理事会认可的口腔卫生项目。
Dental hygienists are required to complete a college program ranging from one to three years, or other approved program in dental hygiene recognized by the governing board within the province or territory of residence.

* 牙科治疗师须完成两到三年的大专文凭或从批准的牙科机构获取同等学历认证。
Dental therapists are required to complete a two- to three- year college diploma or equivalent credentials from an approved dental institution.

* 或者完成萨斯喀彻温省阿尔伯特王子加拿大第一民族大学的牙科治疗文凭课程
Complete the dental therapy diploma program offered by the First Nations University of Canada in Prince Albert, Saskatchewan.

* 牙齿卫生员要求取得由相应的省或地区监管机构颁发的执照。
Licensing by the appropriate provincial or territorial regulatory body is required for dental hygienists.

* 在纽芬兰和拉布拉多,萨斯喀彻温省,育空地区,西北地区和努纳武特地区,牙科治疗师必须取得执照。
Licensure is required for dental therapists in Newfoundland and Labrador, Saskatchewan, the Yukon, the Northwest Territories and Nunavut.

## 3222 牙齿卫生员,牙科治疗师其他分类 Classified elsewhere- Immiknow NOC

* 牙科助理 Dental assistants [3411](3411)
* 牙科技师,技术员及实验室助理 Dental technologists, technicians and laboratory assistants [3223](3223)
* 牙医 Dentists [3113](3113)
* 假牙技师 Denturists [3221](3221)

## 3222 牙齿卫生员,牙科治疗师职称头衔 All titles- Immiknow NOC

* 社区牙科卫生员 community dental hygienist
* 口腔卫生技术人员 dental hygiene technician
* 牙齿卫生员 dental hygienist
* 牙齿卫生员技师 dental hygienist technician
* 牙科护士 dental nurse
* 牙科治疗 dental therapist
* 扩大责任牙齿卫生员 expanded duty dental hygienist
* 扩大责任牙科护士 expanded duty dental nurse
* 取得执照的牙科治疗师 licensed dental therapist
* 正畸卫生员 orthodontic hygienist
* 牙周卫生员 periodontal hygienist
* 注册牙齿卫生员 registered dental hygienist
* 注册牙科治疗 registered dental therapist  

上一页 5231 播音员和其他广播员
下一页 3223 牙科技师,技术员及实验室助理,









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