移民内参 职业列表 4021 学院和其他职业教师

4021 学院和其他职业教师

发布时间:2015-07-01 复查时间:2023-10-08 4896

4021 学院和其他职业教师 College and other vocational instructors- Immiknow NOC - LEVEL A


This unit group includes instructors who teach applied arts, academic, technical and vocational subjects to students at community colleges, CEGEPs, agricultural colleges, technical and vocational institutes, language schools and other college level schools. This unit group also includes trainers who are employed by private training establishments, companies, community agencies and governments to deliver internal training or development courses. College teachers who are heads of departments are included in this group.

## 4021 学院和其他职业教师头衔范例 Example Titles- Immiknow NOC

* CEGEP老师 CEGEP teacher
* 高校教师 college teacher
* 商业艺术讲师 commercial art instructor
* 社区学院的老师 community college teacher
* 企业培训师 company trainer
* 电脑培训讲师 computer training instructor
* 系主任 - 大学 department chairperson – college
* 部门主管 - CEGEP department head – CEGEP
* 消防教官 firefighting instructor
* 指导员 - 科技研究所 instructor – technology institute
* 语言学校讲师 language school instructor
* 大学讲师 - lecturer – college
* 老师 - 技术研究所 teacher – institute of technology
* 老师,法律助理项目 teacher, legal assistant program
* 培训人员 - 公司 training officer – company
* 职业学院老师 vocational institute teacher

## 4021 学院和其他职业教师主要职责 Main duties- Immiknow NOC

学院和其他职业教师执行部分或全部下列职责:College and other vocational instructors perform some or all of the following duties:

* 使用一个系统的计划包括讲座,演示,小组讨论,实验室工作,店铺会,研讨会,案例研究,野外作业和独立项目或一组项目来教授学生
Teach students using a systematic plan of lectures, demonstrations, discussion groups, laboratory work, shop sessions, seminars, case studies, field assignments and independent or group projects

* 开发课程,编写教材和课程纲要
Develop curriculum and prepare teaching materials and outlines for courses

* 准备,管理和评判测试和论文来评价学生的学习进度
Prepare, administer and mark tests and papers to evaluate students' progress

* 针对项目课程和职业决策为学生提供建议
Advise students on program curricula and career decisions

* 对有需求的学生,提供个性化的教程或补救教学
Provide individualized tutorial or remedial instruction to students who require it

* 监督独立或小组项目,现场实习,实验室工作或实际操作培训
Supervise independent or group projects, field placements, laboratory work or hands-on training

* 监督教学助理
Supervise teaching assistants

* 可能为政府,企业和其他组织提供咨询服务
May provide consultation services to government, business and other organizations

* 可向该委员会提供关注事项,如预算,修订课程,以及课程和文凭要求。
May serve on committees concerned with matters such as budgets, curriculum revision, and course and diploma requirements.

* 这些导师专注于特定的领域或研究领域,如视觉艺术,口腔卫生,焊接,工程技术,治安,计算机软件,管理和幼儿教育。
These instructors specialize in particular fields or areas of study such as visual arts, dental hygiene, welding, engineering technology, policing, computer software, management and early childhood education.

## 4021 学院和其他职业教师任职要求 Employment requirements- Immiknow NOC

* 必需是大学本科学历,大专文凭或证明具备教学领域的专业知识。
A bachelor's degree, a college diploma or demonstrated expertise in the field of instruction is required.

* 可能需要教学领域的硕士学位。
A master's degree in the field of instruction may be required.

* 可能需要成人教育的证书,文凭或学位。
A certificate, diploma or degree in adult education may be required.

* 对于行业的教官,必需完成学徒培训和产业或行业认证。可能需要附加教学课程或省级教学证书。
For instructors of trades, completion of apprenticeship training and industry or trade certification are required. Additional courses in teaching or a provincial teaching certificate may be required.

## 4021 学院和其他职业教师附加信息 Additional information- Immiknow NOC

* 在魁北克省,中学系统提供行业培训课程。
In Québec, trades training programs are offered in the secondary school system.

* 随着经验积累,可能晋升到大专教育的行政职务。
Progression to administrative positions in post-secondary education is possible with experience.

## 4021 学院和其他职业教师其他分类 Classified elsewhere- Immiknow NOC

* 管理员 - 中学后教育和职业培训 Administrators - post-secondary education and vocational training [0421](0421)
* 教师非学术或职业课程(其他教官) Instructors teaching non-academic or non-vocational courses (in [4216](4216) Other instructors )
* 中学教师 Secondary school teachers [4031](4031)
* 大学教授和讲师 University professors and lecturers [4011](4011)

## 4021 学院和其他职业教师职称头衔 All titles- Immiknow NOC

* 学科老师 - 大学水平 academic subjects teacher – college level
* 会计教师 - 大专水平 accounting teacher – college level
* 管理老师 administration teacher
* 广告美术老师 advertising art teacher
* 农业高校教师 agricultural college teacher
* 农广校教师 agricultural school teacher
* 航空公司客户服务讲师 airline customer-service instructor
* 服装设计名师 apparel design teacher
* 家电维修教师 - 职业技术学院 appliance servicing teacher – vocational institute
* 应用艺术老师 - 大学水平 applied arts teacher – college level
* 建筑技术指导员 architectural technology instructor
* 汽车维修讲师 - 社区学院 automotive repair instructor – community college
* 圣经学院老师 Bible college teacher
* 圣经学校的老师 Bible school teacher
* 簿记老师 bookkeeping teacher
* 工商管理教师 business administration teacher
* 工商管理教师 - 大学水平 business administration teacher – college level
* 商业大学讲师 business college instructor
* 商学院的老师 business college teacher
* 商业法律教师 business law teacher
* 商业科目的老师 - 职业技术学院 business subjects teacher – vocational institute
* 普通教育和职业学院(CEGEP)教师 CEGEP (general and vocational college) teacher
* CEGEP老师 CEGEP teacher
* 化学技术教师 chemical technology teacher
* 化学老师 - 农广校 chemistry teacher – agricultural school
* 托儿服务老师 child-care service teacher
* 托儿服务老师 - 大学水平 child-care service teacher – college level
* 服装设计名师 clothing design teacher
* 大学讲师 college instructor
* 讲师团 college lecturer
* 学院应用艺术和技术指导员 college of applied arts and technology instructor
* 学院应用艺术与技术教师 college of applied arts and technology teacher
* 高校教师 college teacher
* 商业的艺术讲师 commercial art instructor
* 商业美术老师 commercial art teacher
* 商业科目的老师 - 职业技术学院 commercial subjects teacher – vocational institute
* 商用车辆驾驶教练 commercial vehicle driver instructor
* 通信老师 - 大学水平 communications teacher – college level
* 社区大学讲师 community college instructor
* 社区学院的老师 community college teacher
* 社区规划师 - 大学水平 community planning teacher – college level
* 以社区为基础的教练 community-based trainer
* 企业培训师 company trainer
* 计算机编程指导员 - 大学水平 computer programming instructor – college level
* 计算机科学老师 - 大学水平 computer science teacher – college level
* 计算机教练机 computer trainer
* 电脑培训讲师 computer training instructor
* 电脑培训代表 computer training representative
* 电脑辅助绘图(CAD)讲师 computer-assisted drafting (CAD) instructor
* 基于计算机的培训师 computer-based trainer
* 对应学校讲师 correspondence school instructor
* 函授学院导师 correspondence school tutor
* 对应教师 - 大专水平 correspondence teacher – college level
* 法庭报告教官 court reporting instructor
* 数据处理老师 - 大学水平 data-processing teacher – college level
* 宗派学院老师 denominational institute teacher
* 牙医助理课程老师 - 社区学院 dental assistant program teacher – community college
* 牙科卫生员程序老师 dental hygienist program teacher
* 系主任/男/女 - 大专 department chairman/woman – college
* 系主任/男/女 - 社区学院 department chairman/woman – community college
* 系主任 - 大学 department chairperson – college
* 系主任 - 社区学院 department chairperson – community college
* 部门主管 - CEGEP department head – CEGEP
* 部门主管 - 大学 department head – college
* 部门负责人 - 社区学院 department head – community college
* 部门主管 - 技术学院 department head – institute of technology
* 部门负责人 - 私人培训机构 department head – private training institute
* 部门主管 - 技术学院 department head – technical institute
* 部门负责人 - 职业技术学院 department head – vocational institute
* 直销指导员 direct sales instructor
* 起草教练 drafting instructor
* 起草导师 - 大学水平 drafting instructor – college level
* 起草老师 drafting teacher
* 起草老师 - 大学水平 drafting teacher – college level
* 驾驶教练,商用车 driving instructor, commercial vehicles
* 幼儿教育导师 - 大学水平 early childhood education instructor – college level
* 幼儿教育老师 - 大学水平 early childhood education teacher – college level
* 经济学老师 - 大学水平 economics teacher – college level
* 电解教练 - 职业技术学院 electrolysis instructor – vocational institute
* 机电技术教师 - 大学水平 electromechanical technology teacher – college level
* 电子技术教师 - 大学水平 electronic technology teacher – college level
* 演说术的老师 - 非医疗 elocution teacher – non-medical
* 防腐老师 embalming teacher
* 英语作为第二语言的教师(ESL) - 大专以上水平 English as a second language teacher (ESL) – college level
* 英语老师 - 商学院 English teacher – business college
* 英语老师 - 大学水平 English teacher – college level
* ESL(英语作为第二语言)教师 - 大学水平 ESL (English as a second language) teacher – college level
* 时装设计名师 - CEGEP fashion design teacher – CEGEP
* 时尚老师 - 大学水平 fashion teacher – college level
* 美术老师 - 大学水平 fine arts teacher – college level
* 消防队员教官 firefighters instructor
* 消防教官 firefighting instructor
* 空姐教练 flight attendants instructor
* 法语作为第二语言的教师(除小学,中学或大学) French as a second language teacher (except elementary, high school or university)
* 滑翔教练 gliding instructor
* 图形艺术老师 graphic arts teacher
* 平面设计讲师 graphic design instructor
* 地面学校教官 ground school instructor
* 美容导师 - 职业技术学院 hairdressing instructor – vocational institute
* 美发师 - 社区学院 hairdressing teacher – community college
* 健康和安全指导员 health and safety instructor
* 卫生技术教师 health technology teacher
* 重型设备操作员教练 - 社区学院 heavy equipment operators instructor – community college
* 历史老师 - CEGEP history teacher – CEGEP
* 园艺和园林绿化导师 - 的园艺学校 horticulture and landscaping instructor – school of horticulture
* 酒店管理师 - 大专 hotel management teacher – college
* 工业仪表教师 industrial instrumentation teacher
* 工业安全指导员 industrial safety instructor
* 基于行业的导师 Industry-based instructor
* 基于行业教练机 industry-based trainer
* 麻省理工学院的老师 institute of technology teacher
* 教练 - 商学院 instructor – business college
* 教练 - 商学院 instructor – commercial college
* 导师 - 公司 instructor – company
* 教练 - 产业 instructor – industry
* 教练 - 语言学校 instructor – language school
* 教练 - 私人培训机构 instructor – private training institute
* 教练 - 技校 instructor – technical school
* 指导员 - 科技研究所 instructor – technology institute
* 教练 - 职业学校 instructor – vocational school
* 指导员,大学生 instructor, college
* 指导员,应用艺术与技术学院 instructor, college of applied arts and technology
* 指导员,社区学院 instructor, community college
* 指导员,函授学校 instructor, correspondence school
* 教师,消防员 instructor, firefighters
* 指导员,消防 instructor, firefighting
* 教练,空姐 instructor, flight attendants
* 地面学校教官, instructor, ground school
* 指导员,健康和安全 instructor, health and safety
* 指导员,重型设备操作员 - 社区学院 instructor, heavy equipment operators – community college
* 指导员,工业安全 instructor, industrial safety
* 指导员,警察 instructor, police
* 指导员,pursers instructor, pursers
* 指导员,技术学院 instructor, technological institute
* 室内设计名师 interior design teacher
* 新闻老师 - 大学水平 journalism teacher – college level
* 美化教练 landscaping instructor
* 语文教师 - 语言学校 language instructor – language school
* 语言实验室的老师 - 大学水平 language laboratory teacher – college level
* 语言学校讲师 language school instructor
* 执法老师 law enforcement teacher
* 法学教师 - 警察学院 law teacher – police college
* 领导,管理研讨会 leader, management seminar
* 大学讲师 - lecturer – college
* 学院讲师 lecturer, college
* 法律助理项目老师 legal assistant program teacher
* 法律秘书的程序老师 - 社区学院 legal secretarial program teacher – community college
* 管理研讨会的领导者 management seminar leader
* 营销师 - 大学水平 marketing teacher – college level
* 数学老师 - 大学水平 mathematics teacher – college level
* 机械技术教师 - 大学水平 mechanical technology teacher – college level
* 病历管理计划教师 medical records management program teacher
* 医疗技术的老师 medical technology teacher
* 矿产技术应用艺术与技术学院的老师 - mineral technology teacher – college of applied arts and technology
* 矿山救援教官 mining rescue instructor
* 现代语言教师 - 大学水平 modern languages teacher – college level
* 现代语言教师 - 语言学校 modern languages tutor – language school
* 音乐老师 - 音乐学院 music teacher – conservatory of music
* 护理教育家 - 除了大学 nursing educator – except college
* 护理指导师 - 大学 nursing instructor – college
* 公安院校教师 police college teacher
* 派出所教导员 police instructor
* 印刷技术的老师 - CEGEP printing technology teacher – CEGEP
* 专业的培训讲师 professional training instructor
* 公开演说教练 public-speaking instructor
* 公共英语教师 public-speaking teacher
* pursers教官 pursers instructor
* 康乐领导老师 recreational leadership teacher
* 辅导老师 - 大学水平 remedial teacher – college level
* 零售管理教师 retail management teacher
* 第二语言导师 - 语言学校 second-language instructor – language school
* 秘书服务老师 secretarial services teacher
* 速录师 - 商学院 shorthand teacher – business college
* 社会服务的老师 - 大学水平 social services teacher – college level
* 员工培训人员 - 产业 staff training officer – industry
* 老师 - 商学院 teacher – business college
* 老师 - 商业大学 teacher – commercial college
* 老师 - 技术研究所 teacher – institute of technology
* 老师 - 神学院 teacher – seminary
* 老师,农业大学 teacher, agricultural college
* 老师,农广校 teacher, agricultural school
老师,圣经学院 teacher, Bible college
* 老师,圣经学校 teacher, Bible school
* 老师(普通教育和职业学院,CEGEP) teacher, CEGEP (general and vocational college)
* 教师,大专 teacher, college
* 老师,应用艺术与技术学院 teacher, college of applied arts and technology
* 老师,社区学院 teacher, community college
* 老师,英语作为第二语言(ESL) - 大学水平 teacher, English as a second language (ESL) – college level
* 老师,英语作为第二语言(除了小学,中学或大学) teacher, English as a second language (except elementary, high school or university)
* 老师,法语作为第二语言(除了小学,中学或大学) teacher, French as a second language (except elementary, high school or university)
* 老师,法律助理项目 teacher, legal assistant program
* 老师,警察学院 teacher, police college
* 老师,公开演讲 teacher, public speaking
* 老师,技术学院 teacher, technological institute
* 教师,职业技术学院 teacher, vocational institute
* 技术科目教练 - 职业技术学院 technical subjects instructor – vocational institute
* 技术学院讲师 technological institute instructor
* 技术学院老师 technological institute teacher
* 科技科目教练 - 职业技术学院 technological subjects instructor – vocational institute
* 技术教师 - 大专水平 technology teacher – college level
* 工具和模具制作老师 - 社区学院 tool and die making teacher – community college
* 旅游教练机 tourism trainer
* 贸易指导员 - 社区学院 trade instructor – community college
* 见习讲师 trainee instructor
* 教练,公司 trainer, company
* 教练,电脑 trainer, computer
* 培训顾问 - 行业 training consultant – industry
* 培训讲师 - 大学水平 training instructor – college level
* 培训人员 - 公司 training officer – company
* 培训代表,计算机 training representative, computer
* 卡车司机教练 - 社区学院 truck driver trainer – community college
* 导师,函授学校 tutor, correspondence school
* 导师,现代语言 - 语言学校 tutor, modern languages – language school
* 打字老师 - 商学院 typing teacher – commercial college
* 职业学院的老师 vocational institute teacher
* 职业教练 vocational trainer
* 焊接教师 - 技术学院 welding teacher – technical institute  

上一页 5133 音乐家和歌手
下一页 5132 指挥家,作曲家和编曲









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