移民内参 职业列表 4111 法官

4111 法官

发布时间:2015-07-01 复查时间:2023-10-08 3238

4111 法官 Judges- Immiknow NOC - LEVEL A 


Judges adjudicate civil and criminal cases and administer justice in courts of law. Judges preside over federal and provincial courts. 

## 4111 法官头衔范例 Example Titles- Immiknow NOC 

* 英国高等法院法官 Court of Queen's Bench justice 
* 最高法院法官 Supreme Court justice 
* 终审法院首席法官 chief justice 
* 县法院法官 county court judge 
* 地区法院法官 district court judge 
* 家庭法院法官 family court judge 
* 联邦审判法官 federal trial court justice 
* 省法院上诉法官 provincial court of appeal justice 
* 小额索偿法庭法官 small claims court judge 
* 上级法院法官 superior court justice 

## 4111 法官主要职责 Main duties- Immiknow NOC 

法官执行部分或全部下列职责:Judges perform some or all of the following duties: 

* 主持法院,解释和执行议事规则,对有关证据的可接受性作出裁决 
Preside over courts of law, interpret and enforce rules of procedure and make rulings regarding the admissibility of evidence 

* 法律适用的情况下,指导陪审团 
Instruct the jury on laws that are applicable to the case 

* 权衡并考虑非陪审团审判的证据,裁定法律上有罪或无罪或被告人的赔偿责任程度 
Weigh and consider evidence in non-jury trials and decide legal guilt or innocence or degree of liability of the accused or defendant 

* 在刑事案件中被定罪的人判刑,并确定在民事案件中的损害赔偿或其他适当的补救方案 
Pass sentence on persons convicted in criminal cases and determine damages or other appropriate remedy in civil cases 

* 准予离婚并分配配偶之间的资产 
Grant divorces and divide assets between spouses 

* 确定争夺的父母和其他监护人之间的儿童监护权 
Determine custody of children between contesting parents and other guardians 

* 执行法庭命令以访问或支持 
Enforce court orders for access or support 

* 监督其他法官和法院人员。 
Supervise other judges and court officers. 

* 法官可能会专注于特定的法律领域,如民事,刑事或家庭法。 
Judges may specialize in particular areas of law such as civil, criminal or family law. 

## 4111 法官任职要求 Employment requirements- Immiknow NOC 

* 作为一名律师或具有律师协会连续会员身份的法学教授,通常需要丰富的经验。 
Extensive experience as a lawyer or as a professor of law with continuous membership in the bar association is usually required. 

* 必需具备省或地区的法律社会或律师协会的良好信誉的会员资格。 
Membership in good standing with a provincial or territorial law society or bar association is required. 

* 法官由联邦或省级内阁委任。 
Judges are appointed by federal or provincial cabinets. 

* 任命为法院更高级职位的法官,如首席大法官,通常具有在该法院任法官的经验。 
Those appointed to more senior positions in a court, such as chief justice, usually have experience as judges in that court. 

## 4111 法官其他分类 Classified elsewhere- Immiknow NOC 

* 行政法庭法官(政府管理者 - 卫生和社会政策的制定和计划管理) Administrative tribunal judges (in [0411](0411) Government managers - health and social policy development and program administration ) 
* 公民法庭法官(法院人员和治安法官) Citizenship court judges (in [1227](1227) Court officers and justices of the peace ) 
* 太平绅士(法院人员和治安法官) Justices of the Peace (in [1227](1227) Court officers and justices of the peace ) 

## 4111 法官职称头衔 All titles- Immiknow NOC 

* 行政法官 administrative judge 
* 上诉法庭法官 appellate court judge 
* 联营公司首席大法官 associate chief justice 
* 终审法院首席法官 chief justice 
* 县法院法官 county court judge 
* 县法官 county judge 
* 英国最高法院法官 Court of Queen's Bench justice 
* 副法官 deputy justice 
* 区和替代法院法官 district and surrogate court judge 
* 地区法院法官 district court judge 
* 家庭法院法官 family court judge 
* 联邦法院法官 federal court justice 
* 联邦最高法院大法官 - 审判庭 federal court justice – trial division 
* 联邦上诉法院法官 Federal Court of Appeal justice 
* 联邦审判法官 federal trial court justice 
* 法官 - 法 judge – law 
* 法官 justice 
* 少年法庭法官 juvenile court judge 
* 裁判法院法官 magistrate court judge 
* 遗嘱检验法庭法官 probate court judge 
* 省法院法官 provincial court judge 
* 省法院上诉法官 provincial court of appeal justice 
* 省最高法院法官 provincial supreme court justice 
* 陪审法官 puisne judge 
* 小额索偿法庭法官 small claims court judge 
* 上级法院公正 superior court justice 
* 最高法院司法 Supreme Court justice 
* 加拿大最高法院法官 Supreme Court of Canada justice 
* 税务法庭法官 Tax Court judge 
* 审判法庭法官 trial court judge 
* 少年法庭法官 youth court judge  

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