移民内参 职业列表 4167 娱乐,体育和健身政策研究人员,顾问和项目官员

4167 娱乐,体育和健身政策研究人员,顾问和项目官员

发布时间:2015-07-01 复查时间:2023-10-08 3432

4167 娱乐,体育和健身政策研究人员,顾问和项目官员 Recreation, sports and fitness policy researchers, consultants and program officers - Immiknow NOC - LEVEL A 


This unit group includes those who oversee and administer recreation, sports and fitness programs and activities, provide consulting services, conduct research and develop programs and policies related to recreation, sports and physical fitness. They are employed by federal, provincial and municipal governments, recreation, sports, fitness and health care facilities, retirement homes, community centres, sports and fitness consulting firms and organizations, or they may be self-employed. 

4167 娱乐,体育和健身政策研究人员,顾问和项目官员头衔范例 Example Titles - Immiknow NOC 

* 健身顾问 fitness consultant 
* 健身策略分析师 fitness policy analyst 
* 娱乐顾问 recreation consultant 
* recreologist recreologist 
* 体育分析师 sports analyst 
* 体育和娱乐顾问 sports and recreation consultant 
* 体育顾问 sports consultant 
* 体育策略分析师 sports policy analyst 
* 体育节目主管 sports program supervisor 

## 4167 娱乐,体育和健身政策研究人员,顾问和项目官员主要职责 Main duties - Immiknow NOC 

以下是本单元组一些职业的主要职责总结:The following is a summary of main duties for some occupations in this unit group: 

* 娱乐,体育健身等政策分析家进行研究和制定政府政策,涉及到娱乐,体育,健身和运动的安全性和标准。 
Recreation, sports and fitness policy analysts conduct research and develop government policies related to recreation, sports, fitness and athletic safety and standards. 

* 体育节目顾问,向体育协会和其他组织提供专业建议和有关体育节目和活动的设计,开发和管理的咨询服务。 
Sports program consultants provide expert advice and consulting services to sports associations and other organizations in the design, development and administration of sports programs and activities. 

* 健身计划顾问向社会团体,企业,学校和其他组织提供专业建议和关于健身课程和活动的设计和开发的咨询服务。他们可以为企业,行业和健身界撰写建议和新闻稿。 
Fitness program consultants provide expert advice and consulting services to community groups, corporations, schools and other organizations in the design and development of fitness programs and activities. They may write proposals and press statements for corporations, industry and the fitness community. 

* 娱乐节目顾问,向社区,企业,事业单位和其他组织提供专家建议和有关娱乐节目和活动的设计和开发的咨询服务。 
Recreation program consultants provide expert advice and consulting services to communities, corporations, institutions and other organizations in the design and development of recreation programs and activities. 

* 娱乐,体育和健身计划主管发展,计划和协调运动,健身和娱乐节目,及特殊的体育赛事。 
Recreation, sports and fitness program supervisors develop, plan and co-ordinate sports, fitness and recreation programs, and special sporting events. 

## 4167 娱乐,体育和健身政策研究人员,顾问和项目官员任职要求 Employment requirements - Immiknow NOC 

* 娱乐管理,体育管理,体育教育,运动机能学或相关学科大学硕士学位,同时具有一定的相关领域工作经验。 
A university degree in recreation administration, sports administration, physical education, kinesiology or related discipline combined with some work experience in a related field 

* 必需是娱乐,体育或健身计划大专文凭,同时具有相关领域工作经验。 
a college diploma in a recreation, sports or fitness program combined with some experience in a related field is required. 

* 娱乐,体育和健身计划主管需要具有娱乐,体育和健身项目负责人或导师的经验。可能还要求具备专业化项目认证资格,如健身或救生。 
Recreation, sports and fitness program supervisors require experience as program leaders or instructors in recreation, sports and fitness. Certification in program specialization, such as fitness or lifesaving, may also be required. 

4167 娱乐,体育和健身政策研究人员,顾问和项目官员附加信息 Additional information - Immiknow NOC 

* 娱乐,体育和健身顾问之间的流动性可能在各自的专业领域内受到限制。 
Mobility among recreation, sports and fitness consultants may be restricted within individual area of expertise. 

* 随着经验积累,娱乐,体育和健身项目主管可发展到娱乐,体育和健身管理职位。 
Recreation, sports and fitness program supervisors may progress to recreation, sports and fitness management positions with experience. 

## 4167 娱乐,体育和健身政策研究人员,顾问和项目官员其他分类 Classified elsewhere - Immiknow NOC 

* 娱乐,体育和健身项目领导和教官 Program leaders and instructors in recreation, sport and fitness [5254](5254) 
* 娱乐,体育和健身计划和服务董事 Recreation, sports and fitness program and service directors [0513](0513) 

## 4167 娱乐,体育和健身政策研究人员,顾问和项目官员职称头衔 All titles - Immiknow NOC 

* 分析师健身 analyst, fitness 
* 分析师,健身政策 analyst, fitness policy 
* 分析师休闲 analyst, leisure 
* 分析师,休闲政策 analyst, leisure policy 
* 分析师娱乐 analyst, recreation 
* 分析师,娱乐政策 analyst, recreation policy 
* 分析师体育 analyst, sports 
* 分析师体育政策 analyst, sports policy 
* 水产品节目统筹 aquatic program co-ordinator 
* 艺术和手工艺节目统筹 arts and crafts programs co-ordinator 
* 社区娱乐和休闲顾问 community recreation and leisure consultant 
* 社区娱乐和休闲辅导员 community recreation and leisure counsellor 
* 社区康乐统筹 community recreation co-ordinator 
* 社区娱乐和休闲项目顾问 community recreational and leisure programs consultant 
* 社区娱乐和休闲项目辅导员 community recreational and leisure programs counsellor 
* 顾问,社区娱乐休闲 consultant, community recreation and leisure 
* 顾问,社区休闲和休闲活动 consultant, community recreational and leisure programs 
* 顾问,雇员健身 consultant, employee fitness 
* 顾问,老年娱乐和休闲活动 consultant, geriatric recreational and leisure activities 
* 顾问,休闲 consultant, leisure 
* 顾问,休闲活动 consultant, leisure activities 
* 顾问,娱乐 consultant, recreation 
* 顾问,休闲活动 consultant, recreational activities 
* 顾问,体育 consultant, sports 
* 顾问,运动和休闲 consultant, sports and leisure 
* 顾问,体育和娱乐业 consultant, sports and recreation 
* 顾问,青年娱乐和休闲活动 consultant, youth recreational and leisure activities 
* 统筹,水产品方案 co-ordinator, aquatic programs 
* 统筹,艺术和手工艺方案 co-ordinator, arts and crafts programs 
* 统筹,健身 co-ordinator, fitness 
* 统筹,老人活动 co-ordinator, geriatric activities 
* 统筹,老人的娱乐和休闲活动 co-ordinator, geriatric recreational and leisure activities 
* 统筹,休闲 co-ordinator, leisure 
* 统筹,休闲活动方案 co-ordinator, leisure activities programs 
* 统筹,休闲方案 co-ordinator, leisure programs 
* 统筹,休闲服务; co-ordinator, leisure services 
* 统筹,航海活动 co-ordinator, nautical activities 
* 统筹,航海计划 co-ordinator, nautical programs 
* 统筹,游泳池活动 co-ordinator, pool activities 
* 统筹,娱乐 co-ordinator, recreation 
* 统筹,娱乐服务 co-ordinator, recreation services 
* 统筹,联谊活动 co-ordinator, recreational activities 
* 统筹,休闲活动计划 co-ordinator, recreational activities programs 
* 统筹,娱乐节目 co-ordinator, recreational programs 
* 统筹,体育 co-ordinator, sports 
* 统筹,体育活动 co-ordinator, sports activities 
* 统筹,体育节目 co-ordinator, sports programs 
* 统筹体育项目 - 体育和娱乐 co-ordinator, sports programs – sports and recreation 
* 统筹,青少年俱乐部计划 co-ordinator, teen club programs 
* 统筹,青年娱乐和休闲活动 co-ordinator, youth recreational and leisure activities program 
* 辅导员,社区娱乐休闲 counsellor, community recreation and leisure 
* 辅导员,社区娱乐和休闲项目 counsellor, community recreational and leisure programs 
* 员工健身辅导员, counsellor, employee fitness 
* 辅导员,老人的娱乐和休闲活动 counsellor, geriatric recreational and leisure activities 
* 辅导员,休闲 counsellor, leisure 
* 辅导员,休闲活动 counsellor, leisure activities 
* 辅导员,娱乐 counsellor, recreation 
* 辅导员,休闲活动 counsellor, recreational activities 
* 辅导员,体育 counsellor, sports 
* 辅导员,体育和休闲 counsellor, sports and leisure 
* 辅导员,体育和娱乐业 counsellor, sports and recreation 
* 辅导员,青年娱乐和休闲活动 counsellor, youth recreational and leisure activities 
* 员工健身顾问 employee fitness consultant 
* 员工健身辅导员 employee fitness counsellor 
* 健身分析师 fitness analyst 
* 健身顾问 fitness consultant 
* 健身统筹 fitness co-ordinator 
* 健身策略分析师 fitness policy analyst 
* 健身计划顾问 fitness program consultant 
* 健身项目主管 fitness programs supervisor 
* 健身,娱乐或体育政策分析师 fitness, recreation or sports policy analyst 
* 老年活动统筹 geriatric activities co-ordinator 
* 老年娱乐和休闲活动顾问 geriatric recreational and leisure activities consultant 
* 老年娱乐和休闲活动统筹 geriatric recreational and leisure activities co-ordinator 
* 老年娱乐和休闲活动辅导员 geriatric recreational and leisure activities counsellor 
* 休闲活动顾问 leisure activities consultant 
* 休闲活动辅导员 leisure activities counsellor 
* 休闲活动统筹 leisure activities program co-ordinator 
* 休闲分析师 leisure analyst 
* 休闲顾问 leisure consultant 
* 休闲统筹 leisure co-ordinator 
* 休闲辅导员 leisure counsellor 
* 休闲策略分析师 leisure policy analyst 
* 休闲节目统筹 leisure program co-ordinator 
* 休闲服务统筹 leisure services co-ordinator 
* 航海活动统筹 nautical activities co-ordinator 
* 航海节目统筹 nautical programs co-ordinator 
* 人员,运动项目 officer, sports projects 
* 政策分析师,娱乐,体育或健身 policy analyst, recreation, sports or fitness 
* 池活动统筹 pool activities co-ordinator 
* 节目统筹,工艺品 program co-ordinator, arts and crafts 
* 节目统筹,休闲活动 program co-ordinator, leisure activities 
* 节目统筹,娱乐 program co-ordinator, recreation 
* 节目统筹,联谊活动 program co-ordinator, recreational activities 
* 节目统筹,青少年俱乐部 program co-ordinator, teen clubs 
* 计划主管 - 运动和休闲 program supervisor – sports and leisure 
* 项目主管,健身 program supervisor, fitness 
* 计划主管,娱乐和休闲 program supervisor, recreation and leisure 
* 项目主管,体育 program supervisor, sports 
* 项目主管,体育,娱乐和休闲 program supervisor, sports, recreation and leisure 
* 娱乐分析师 recreation analyst 
* 娱乐和休闲活动主管 recreation and leisure programs supervisor 
* 娱乐和休闲主管 recreation and leisure supervisor 
* 娱乐顾问 recreation consultant 
* 康乐统筹 recreation co-ordinator 
* 娱乐辅导员 recreation counsellor 
* 休闲策略分析师 recreation policy analyst 
* 娱乐程序员 recreation programmer 
* 娱乐服务统筹 recreation services co-ordinator 
* 康乐主管 recreation supervisor 
* 娱乐,体育或健身策略分析师 recreation, sports or fitness policy analyst 
* 休闲活动顾问 recreational activities consultant 
* 休闲活动统筹 recreational activities co-ordinator 
* 休闲活动辅导员 recreational activities counsellor 
* 休闲活动统筹 recreational activities program co-ordinator 
* 娱乐节目统筹 recreational programs co-ordinator 
* 行乐 - 老年病学 recreationist – geriatrics 
* recreologist recreologist 
* 体育活动统筹 sports activities co-ordinator 
* 体育分析师 sports analyst 
* 体育和休闲顾问 sports and leisure consultant 
* 体育和休闲辅导员 sports and leisure counsellor 
* 体育和娱乐顾问 sports and recreation consultant 
* 体育和娱乐辅导员 sports and recreation counsellor 
* 体育顾问 sports consultant 
* 体育统筹 sports co-ordinator 
* 体育辅导员 sports counsellor 
* 体育策略分析师 sports policy analyst 
* 体育节目的合作人 - 体育和娱乐 sports program co-ordinator – sports and recreation 
* 体育节目主管 sports program supervisor 
* 体育节目统筹 sports programs co-ordinator 
* 体育项目官员 sports projects officer 
* 体育主管 sports supervisor 
* 体育,健身或休闲策略分析师 sports, fitness or recreation policy analyst 
* 体育,娱乐和休闲主管 sports, recreation and leisure supervisor 
* 体育,娱乐和休闲项目主管 sports, recreational and leisure programs supervisor 
* 主管,健身课程 supervisor, fitness programs 
* 主管,方案 - 运动和休闲 supervisor, programs – sports and leisure 
* 主管,娱乐和休闲 supervisor, recreation and leisure 
* 主管,娱乐和休闲活动 supervisor, recreational and leisure programs 
* 体育主管 supervisor, sports 
* 主管,体育节目 supervisor, sports programs 
* 主管,体育,娱乐和休闲 supervisor, sports, recreation and leisure 
* 主管,体育,娱乐和休闲活动 supervisor, sports, recreational and leisure programs 
* 青少年俱乐部节目统筹 teen club programs co-ordinator 
* 青年娱乐和休闲活动顾问 youth recreational and leisure activities consultant 
* 青春娱乐和休闲活动辅导员 youth recreational and leisure activities counsellor 
* 青年娱乐和休闲活动计划统筹 youth recreational and leisure activities program co-ordinator  

上一页 4166 教育政策研究人员,顾问和项目官员
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