移民内参 职业列表 4412 家庭支助工,管家和相关职业

4412 家庭支助工,管家和相关职业

发布时间:2015-07-01 复查时间:2023-10-08 3596

4412 家庭支助工,管家和相关职业 Home support workers, housekeepers and related occupations - Immiknow NOC- LEVEL C 


Home support workers provide personal care and companionship for seniors, persons with disabilities and convalescent clients. Care is provided within the client's residence, in which the home support worker may also reside. They are employed by home care and support agencies, private households, or they may be self-employed. Housekeepers perform housekeeping and other home management duties in private households and other non-institutional, residential settings. 

## 4412 家庭支助工,管家和相关职业头衔范例 Example Titles - Immiknow NOC 

* 为残疾人士帮忙的服务员 - 家庭护理 attendant for persons with disabilities – home care 
* 家庭照顾者 family caregiver 
* 家庭支持工作者 home support worker 
* 管家 housekeeper 
* 生活照顾者 - 老年人 live-in caregiver – seniors 
* 个人助手 - 家庭支持 personal aide – home support 
* 个人护理员 - 家庭护理 personal care attendant – home care 
* 喘息工人 - 家庭支持 respite worker – home support 

## 4412 家庭支助工,管家和相关职业主要职责 Main duties - Immiknow NOC 

### 家庭支助工执行部分或全部下列职责:Home support workers perform some or all of the following duties: 

* 在丧失民事行为能力,疗养或家庭破裂期间,为个人和家庭提供照顾和陪伴 
Provide care and companionship for individuals and families during periods of incapacitation, convalescence or family disruption 

* 对客户执行床头和个人护理,如帮助下床,洗澡,个人卫生,穿衣和脱衣 
Administer bedside and personal care to clients such as aid in ambulation, bathing, personal hygiene, and dressing and undressing 

* 计划和准备饭菜和特殊饮食,喂饭或协助喂食客户 
Plan and prepare meals and special diets, and feed or assist in feeding clients 

* 可以进行常规的与健康有关的职责,如变更非无菌敷料,在家庭护理机构的主管或护士的指导下,协助药物的管理和采集标本 
May perform routine health-related duties such as changing non-sterile dressings, assisting in the administration of medications and collecting specimens under the general direction of home care agency supervisor or nurse 

* 可以执行日常家务的职责,如洗衣,洗碗,铺床。 
May perform routine housekeeping duties such as laundry, washing dishes and making beds. 

### 管家执行部分或全部下列职责:Housekeepers perform some or all of the following duties: 

* 在雇主大方向的指引下,执行家政服务和其他家庭管理职责 
Perform housekeeping and other home management duties under general direction of employer 

* 单独或与雇主共同计划和准备餐点,并可能提供膳食 
Plan and prepare meals independently or with employer, and may serve meals 

* 可以照顾孩子。 
May care for children. 

## 4412 家庭支助工,管家和相关职业任职要求 Employment requirements - Immiknow NOC 

* 通常需要中学教育。 
Some secondary school education is usually required. 

* 可能必需具备家庭管理经验。 
Home management experience may be required. 

* 可能必需完成家庭支助的学院或其他课程。 
College or other courses in home support may be required. 

* 可能需要急救认证。 
First aid certification may be required. 

* 可能需要完成照顾老人,照顾残疾人,康复保健的人,或在相关领域的培训课程。 
Completion of a training program in care of the elderly, care of persons with disabilities, convalescent care or in a related field may be required. 

## 4412 家庭支助工,管家和相关职业附加信息 Additional information - Immiknow NOC 

* 本组之间职业具有流动性。 
There is mobility among the occupations in this group. 

## 4412 家庭支助工,管家和相关职业其他分类 Classified elsewhere - Immiknow NOC 

* 家庭托儿者(Home child care providers [4411](4411) 

## 4412 家庭支助工,管家和相关职业职称头衔 All titles - Immiknow NOC 

* 视力障碍人的服务员 - 家庭护理 attendant for persons with a visual impairment – home care 
* 残疾人士的服务员 - 家庭护理 attendant for persons with disabilities – home care 
* 客户护理员 - 家庭护理 client care attendant – home care 
* 伴侣 companion 
* 国内管家 domestic housekeeper 
* 导乐陪伴分娩 doula 
* 家庭照顾者 family caregiver 
* 家庭工人 - 家庭护理 family worker – home care 
* 家庭健康护理工作者 home health care worker 
* 家庭支持工作者 home support worker 
* 家访 - 婴幼儿护理 home visitor – infant care 
* 家庭护理工作者 home-care worker 
* 家庭主妇 homemaker 
* 管家 housekeeper 
* 管家,住家 housekeeper, live-in 
* 住家保姆 - 残疾人 live-in caregiver – persons with disabilities 
* 生活照顾者 - 老年人 live-in caregiver – seniors 
* 个人助手 - 家庭支持 personal aide – home support 
* 个人助理 - 家庭护理 personal assistant – home care 
* 个人护理助手 - 家庭护理 personal care aide – home care 
* 个人护理员 - 家庭护理 personal care attendant – home care 
* 个人护理用品供应商 - 家庭护理 personal care provider – home care 
* 个人支持助手 - 家庭助手 personal support aide – home aide 
* 个人支持工人 - 家庭支持 personal support worker – home support 
* 喘息工人 - 家庭支持 respite worker – home support 
* 教学家庭主妇 teaching homemaker 
* 访问家庭主妇 visiting homemaker  

上一页 7441 住宅和商业安装工和服务商
下一页 4413 小学和中学教师助理









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