移民内参 职业列表 4413 小学和中学教师助理

4413 小学和中学教师助理

发布时间:2015-07-01 复查时间:2023-10-08 3517

4413 小学和中学教师助理 Elementary and secondary school teacher assistants - Immiknow NOC- LEVEL C 


Elementary and secondary school teacher assistants support students, and assist teachers and counsellors with teaching and non-instructional tasks. They assist in areas of personal care, teaching and behaviour management under the supervision of teachers or other child care professionals. They are employed in public and private elementary, secondary and special needs schools and treatment centres. 

## 4413 小学和中学教师助理头衔范例 Example Titles - Immiknow NOC 

* 教育助理 educational assistant 
* 教育资源助理 educational resources assistant 
* 小学老师的助手 elementary school teacher's aide 
* 功课助理 homework assistant 
* 补救教育助手 remedial education aide 
* 学校小吃店主管 school lunchroom supervisor 
* 中学教师的助手 secondary school teacher's assistant 
* 特殊教育助理 special education assistant 

## 4413 小学和中学教师助理主要职责 Main duties - Immiknow NOC 

小学和中学教师助理执行部分或全部下列职责:Elementary and secondary school teacher assistants perform some or all of the following duties: 

* 协助学生融入到课堂和学校的设置 
Assist students with integration into the classroom and school setting 

* 在任课老师的监督下,帮助学生个人或小团体完成作业,加强学习和背诵概念 
Help students individually or in small groups with assignments and reinforce learning and retention concepts under the supervision of classroom teacher 

* 使用技术,如手语,盲文和补救方案来协助有特殊需要的学生 
Assist students with special needs using techniques such as sign language, braille and remedial programs 

* 监测和并向任课老师报告学生的学习进度 
Monitor and report student progress to classroom teacher 

* 在学校的体育馆,实验室,图书馆,资源中心和野外旅行的活动中陪伴和监督学生 
Accompany and supervise students during activities in school gymnasiums, laboratories, libraries, resource centres and on field trips 

* 可协助教师操作投影机,录音机和其他视听或电子设备 
May assist teacher in the operation of projectors, tape recorders and other audio-visual or electronic equipment 

* 可在学校图书馆或办公室帮忙,可协助执行学校校长交办的其他职责 
May assist in school library or office and perform other duties assigned by school principal 

* 在课间休息,中午或白天,可以监管学生。 
May monitor students during recess, at noon hour or during the day. 

## 4413 小学和中学教师助理任职要求 Employment requirements - Immiknow NOC 

* 必需完成中学教育。 
Completion of secondary school is required. 

* 教师助理通常需要完成10个月的教学援助大学课程,教育援助或其他社会科学课程。 
Teacher assistants usually require completion of a 10-month college program in teaching assistance, educational assistance or other social science program. 

* 帮助有特殊需要的学生的教师助理,通常需要专门的培训和经验。 
Teacher assistants who help students with special needs usually require specialized training and experience. 

## 4413 小学和中学教师助理附加信息 Additional information - Immiknow NOC 

* 随着经验基积累,与幼儿护理相关的其他职业和青少年的支持教育之间的流动性是有可能。 
Mobility to other occupations related to child care and adolescent supportive instruction is possible with experience. 

## 4413 小学和中学教师助理其他分类 Classified elsewhere - Immiknow NOC 

* 幼儿教育工作者及助理 Early childhood educators and assistants [4214](4214) 
* 小学和幼儿园教师 Elementary school and kindergarten teachers [4032](4032) 
* 残疾人士的导师 Instructors of persons with disabilities [4215](4215) 
* 大专教育的教学和研究助理 Post-secondary teaching and research assistants [4012](4012) 

## 4413 小学和中学教师助理职称头衔 All titles - Immiknow NOC 

* 助手,补救教育 aide, remedial education 
* 助手,老师 aide, teacher's 
* 教育助理 assistant, educational 
* 助理,中学教师 assistant, secondary school teacher's 
* 助理,特殊教育 assistant, special education 
* 助手,老师的 assistant, teacher's 
* 服务员,照顾孩子 - 小学 attendant, child care – elementary school 
* 儿童护理员 - 小学 child care attendant – elementary school 
* 教室助理 - 小学和中学 classroom assistant – primary and secondary school 
* 教育助理 educational assistant 
* 教育资源助理 educational resources assistant 
* 小学老师的助手 elementary school teacher's aide 
* 小学老师的助手 elementary school teacher's assistant 
* 帮手,老师 helper, teacher's 
* 功课助理 homework assistant 
* 教学助理 - 小学和中学的 instructional assistant – primary and secondary school 
* 小吃店主管 - 学校 lunchroom supervisor – school 
* 午间主管 - 小学和中学 lunchtime supervisor – primary and secondary school 
* 帕拉教育家 paraeducator 
* 助教教育家 paraprofessional educator 
* 项目助理,教育 program assistant, education 
* 补救教育助手 remedial education aide 
* 学校小吃店主管的 school lunchroom supervisor 
* 中学老师的助手 secondary school teacher's aide 
* 中学教师的助手 secondary school teacher's assistant 
* 特殊教育助理 special education assistant 
* 特殊需要教育助理 special needs educational assistant 
* 特别节目的助手 - 教育 special programs aide – education 
* 学生班长 student monitor 
* 学生支持助理 student support assistant 
* 老师的助手 teacher's aide 
* 老师的助手 teacher's assistant 
* 老师的帮手 teacher's helper 
* 教学助理工作人员,小学和中学 teaching staff assistant, primary and secondary school  

上一页 4412 家庭支助工,管家和相关职业
下一页 4421 警长和法警









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