移民内参 职业列表 5131 制片人,导演,编舞和相关职业

5131 制片人,导演,编舞和相关职业

发布时间:2015-07-01 复查时间:2023-10-08 3848

5131 制片人,导演,编舞和相关职业 Producers, directors, choreographers and related occupations - Immiknow NOC- LEVEL A 


This unit group includes producers, directors, choreographers and others who oversee and control the technical and artistic aspects of film, television, radio, dance and theatre productions. They are employed by film production companies, radio and television stations, broadcast departments, advertising companies, sound recording studios, record production companies and dance companies. They may also be self-employed. 

5131 制片人,导演,编舞和相关职业头衔范例 Example Titles - Immiknow NOC 

* 艺术总监 - 运动画面 artistic director – motion picture 
* 编舞 choreographer 
* 网络编舞 cyber-choreographer 
* 董事 - 运动画面 director – motion picture 
* 摄影导演 director of photography 
* 电影剪辑 film editor 
* 电影制片人 filmmaker 
* 多媒体音响生产商 multimedia audio producer 
* 制片人 - 表演艺术 producer – performing arts 
* 制片导演 producer-director 
* 电台节目监制 radio producer 
* 唱片制作人 record producer 
* 舞台导演 - 表演艺术 stage director – performing arts 
* 技术总监 - 广播 technical director – broadcasting 
* 电视制片人 television producer 

5131 制片人,导演,编舞和相关职业主要职责 Main duties - Immiknow NOC 

以下是本单元组一些职业的主要职责总结:The following is a summary of the main duties for some occupations in this unit group: 

* 电影,广播和电视节目制作人计划,组织和控制演示,电影,电视节目和广播节目的制作的各个阶段和调度;导演及其他生产人员参与到活动当中,并监督所有技术人员,确定治疗方案,范围和生产调度,保留制作档案和洽谈特许权使用费。 
Film, radio and television producers plan, organize and control the various stages and scheduling involved in the production of presentations, motion pictures, television shows and radio programs; engage directors and other production personnel and supervise all technical personnel, and determine the treatment, scope and scheduling of production; maintain production archives and negotiate royalties. 

* 导演解释脚本和指导舞台布景和道具等;选择和指导演员,配角和技术人员;针对表演的阐释恶化传输给予演员和工作人员指导建议,知道排练,拍戏,广播和表演;并与演员,专家就全程制作及后期制作进行协商,以达到期望的展示。 
Directors interpret scripts and direct the mise-en-scène; select and direct the actors, extras and technical crew; advise the cast and crew on the interpretation and delivery of the performance; direct rehearsals, filmings, broadcasts and performances; and confer with crew and specialists throughout production and post-production to achieve desired presentation. 

* 编舞为电影,戏剧和电视表演创造舞蹈,传达故事,想法和情绪,指导舞者排练,以达到预期阐释。 
Choreographers create dances for film, theatre and television performances that convey stories, ideas and moods, and direct rehearsals for dancers to achieve desired interpretation. 

* 艺术总监计划,组织和指挥动作画面,舞台制作和电视节目的艺术方面,通过监督布景,服装,家具和道具的设计,来创建描绘时期和场景。 
Art directors plan, organize and direct the artistic aspects of motion pictures, stage productions and television shows by overseeing the design of sets, costumes, furnishings and props to create portrayals of period and setting. 

* 电影编辑编辑电影胶片,并按序列安排电影片段以实现连续性和期望的戏剧,喜剧和专题影响。 
Film editors edit motion picture film and arrange film segments into sequences to achieve continuity and desired dramatic, comedic and thematic effects. 

* 唱片制作人计划和统筹音乐录音的制作,在排练和录音时指导音乐家和歌唱家,管理负责复制,配音和录音母带的技术人员。 
Record producers plan and co-ordinate the production of musical recordings, direct musicians and singers during rehearsals and recordings and manage technicians involved in duplicating, dubbing and mastering of recordings. 

* 摄影导演协调和指导动态影像的拍摄,监督摄像师和其他人员,并确定灯光,镜头,摄像机角度,背景和其他元素,以达到理想的视觉效果。 
Directors of photography co-ordinate and direct the photography of motion pictures, supervise camera operators and other crews and determine lighting, lenses, camera angles, backgrounds and other elements to achieve desired visual effect. 

5131 制片人,导演,编舞和相关职业任职要求 Employment requirements - Immiknow NOC 

### 制片人,导演和电影编辑 Producers, directors and film editors 

* 演艺,广播,新闻学,工商管理,戏剧制作或电影研究的大学学位或大专文凭 
A university degree or college diploma in the performing arts, broadcasting, journalism, business administration, theatre production or film studies 

* 通常需要具有在电影,广播或剧场的技术或制作的经验。 
Experience in a technical or production occupation in motion pictures, broadcasting or theatre are usually required. 

### 编舞 Choreographers 

* 舞蹈大学学位或大专文凭,或在舞蹈学校的一段时期的学习 
A university degree or college diploma in dance, or a period of study at a school of dance 

* 通常需要在舞蹈团的大量的培训。 
Extensive training with a dance company are usually required. 

### 唱片制作 Record producers 

* 音乐或录音艺术大学学位或大专文凭 
A university degree or college diploma in music or the recording arts 

* 通常需要具有录音艺术领域的技术或制作职业的经验。 
Experience in a technical or production occupation in the recording arts are usually required. 

### 摄影导演 Directors of photography 

* 电影研究或电影大学学位或大专文凭 
A university degree or college diploma in film studies or cinematography 

* 通常需要具有在视频或电影制作中操作相机或另一项技术职业经验。 
Experience in camera operation or another technical occupation in video or motion picture production are usually required. 

* 此单元组的所有职业都要求具备创意能力。 
Demonstrated creative ability is required for all occupations in this unit group. 

5131 制片人,导演,编舞和相关职业附加信息 Additional information - Immiknow NOC 

* 可能需要是相关行业协会或工会会员。 
Membership in a related guild or union may be required. 

5131 制片人,导演,编舞和相关职业其他分类 Classified elsewhere - Immiknow NOC 

* 经理 - 出版,电影,广播和表演艺术 Managers - publishing, motion pictures, broadcasting and performing arts [0512](0512) 
* 摄影师,图形艺术技术人员和技术,并协调职业运动图片,广播和表演艺术 Photographers, graphic arts technicians and technical and co-ordinating occupations in motion pictures, broadcasting and the performing arts [522](522) 

5131 制片人,导演,编舞和相关职业职称头衔 All titles - Immiknow NOC 

* 艺术总监 - 电影,广播和表演艺术 art director – motion pictures, broadcasting and performing arts 
* 艺术总监 - 运动画面 artistic director – motion picture 
* 艺术总监,表演艺术 artistic director, performing arts 
* 导演助理 assistant director 
* 导演助理 - 电影,广播和表演艺术 assistant director – motion pictures, broadcasting and performing arts 
* 视听(AV)生产商 audiovisual (AV) producer 
* 广播处长 broadcasting director 
* 电视制作人 broadcasting producer 
* 广播体育总监 broadcasting sports director 
* 选角导演 casting director 
* 编舞 choreographer 
* 放映技师 cinematographer 
* 网络编舞 cyber-choreographer 
* 董事 - 运动画面 director – motion picture 
* 董事 - 电影,广播和表演艺术 director – motion pictures, broadcasting and performing arts 
* 摄影导演 director of photography 
* 导演,广播 director, broadcasting 
* 董事,运动图像 director, motion picture 
* 董事,电台 director, radio 
* 导演,舞台 - 表演艺术 director, stage – performing arts 
* 导演,电视 director, television 
* 董事,视频 director, videos 
* 编辑器,电影 editor, films 
* 电影导演 film director 
* 电影剪辑 film editor 
* 电影制片人 film producer 
* 电影制片人 filmmaker 
* 楼面导演 - 表演艺术 floor director – performing arts 
* 运动画面导演 motion picture director 
* 动态影像制片人 motion picture producer 
* 电影制作导演 motion picture production director 
* 电影导演 movie director 
* 电影制片人 movie producer 
* 多媒体音响生产商 multimedia audio producer 
* 演艺艺术总监 performing arts artistic director 
* 生产者 - 表演艺术 producer – performing arts 
* 制片人,广播 producer, broadcasting 
* 制片人,运动画面; producer, motion picture 
* 制片人,舞台 producer, stage 
* 制片导演 producer-director 
* 制作设计师 - 电影,广播和表演艺术 production designer – motion pictures, broadcasting and performing arts 
* 生产总监 - 运动画面 production director – motion picture 
* 节目编导 - 广播 program director – broadcasting 
* 无线电主管 radio director 
* 电台节目监制 radio producer 
* 唱片制作人 record producer 
* 录音总监 recording director 
* 舞台导演 - 表演艺术 stage director – performing arts 
* 舞台制作 stage producer 
* 技术总监 - 广播 technical director – broadcasting 
* 技术总监 - 电影,广播和表演艺术 technical director – motion pictures, broadcasting and performing arts 
* 技术制作 technical producer 
* 技术生产者 - 电影,广播和表演艺术 technical producer – motion pictures, broadcasting and performing arts 
* 电视编导 television director 
* 电视导演制片 television director-producer 
* 电视制片人 television producer 
* 视频导演 video director 
* 视频插画 - 多媒体作品 video illustrator – multimedia work 
* 录像制作者 video maker 
* 视频制作 video producer 

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