5136 画家,雕塑家和其他视觉艺术家 Painters, sculptors and other visual artists - Immiknow NOC- LEVEL A
Painters, sculptors and other visual artists create original paintings, drawings, sculptures, engravings and other artistic works. They are usually self-employed. This group also includes art instructors and teachers, who are usually employed by art schools.
5136 画家,雕塑家和其他视觉艺术家头衔范例 Example Titles - Immiknow NOC
* 美术老师(小学,中学和大专教育除外) art teacher (except primary, secondary and post-secondary education)
* 艺术家 artist
* 艺术画家 artistic painter
* 肖像画家 portrait painter
* 雕塑家 sculptor
* 丝网印刷艺术家 silkscreen artist
* 水彩画 watercolourist
5136 画家,雕塑家和其他视觉艺术家主要职责 Main duties - Immiknow NOC
画家,雕塑家和其他视觉艺术家执行部分或全部下列职责:Painters, sculptors and other visual artists perform some or all of the following duties:
* 画家使用油,蜡笔,水彩,炭笔,墨水和其他媒介创作素描,油画和其他艺术品。
Painters create drawings, paintings and other artwork using oils, pastels, watercolours, charcoal, ink and other media.
* 雕塑家使用粘土,冰,纸,石材,木材或金属材料等,通过整形,雕刻等来创造雕塑,雕像和其他三维作品。
Sculptors create sculptures, statues and other three-dimensional artwork by shaping, carving and working with materials such as clay, ice, paper, stone, wood or metal.
* 艺术导师和教师教导学生素描,绘画,雕刻和其他艺术表现形式的技术和方法。
Art instructors and teachers teach students the techniques and methods of drawing, painting, sculpting and other forms of artistic expression.
5136 画家,雕塑家和其他视觉艺术家任职要求 Employment requirements - Immiknow NOC
* 必需具备工作中体现出来的创意能力和天赋,以及材料,工具和设备的安全使用知识。
Creative ability and talent, as demonstrated by a portfolio of work, and knowledge of the safe use of materials, tools and equipment are required.
* 大学,学院和私立艺术学校提供的艺术课程。
Art programs are offered at universities, colleges and private art schools.
* 可能需要美术技术大学文凭。
A college diploma in fine arts techniques may be required.
* 艺术导师及教师可能会被要求具有与艺术有关领域的大学本科或大专文凭。
Art instructors and teachers may be required to have a university degree or college diploma in a field related to art.
5136 画家,雕塑家和其他视觉艺术家其他分类 Classified elsewhere - Immiknow NOC
* 工匠和工匠 Artisans and craftspersons [5244](5244)
* 艺术教师(大学,大专,中学和小学教育)Art teachers (in [4011](4011), [4021](4021), [4031](4031), [4032](4032) – university, post-secondary, secondary and elementary education)
* 平面设计师和插画家 Graphic designers and illustrators [5241](5241)
5136 画家,雕塑家和其他视觉艺术家职称头衔 All titles - Immiknow NOC
* 动物艺术画家 animal art painter
* 动物艺术雕塑家 animal art sculptor
* 艺术导师 art instructor
* 艺术教师(小学,中学,大专教育除外) art instructor (except primary, secondary, post-secondary education)
* 美术老师(小学,中学和大专教育除外) art teacher (except primary, secondary and post-secondary education)
* 艺术家 artist
* 艺术家,造型艺术 artist, plastic arts
* 艺术家,视觉艺术 artist, visual arts
* 艺术画家 artistic painter
* 艺术版画家 artistic printmaker
* 木炭艺术家 charcoal artist
* 粘土建模 clay modeller
* 装饰画家 - 视觉艺术 decorations painter – visual arts
* 刻蚀机 - 视觉艺术 etcher – visual arts
* 冰雕刻家 ice sculptor
* 墨草绘 ink sketcher
* 因纽特人的艺术雕塑家 Inuit art sculptor
* 风景画家,壁画 landscape artist, murals
* 风景画家 landscape painter
* 平版艺术家 lithographic artist
* 海上艺术画家 maritime art painter
* 壁画风景画家 mural landscape artist
* 壁画画家 mural painter
* 油画家 oil painter
* 画家 - 视觉艺术 painter – visual arts
* 造型艺术艺术家 plastic arts artist
* 肖像画家 portrait painter
* 版画家 - 视觉艺术 printmaker – visual arts
* 版画老师 printmaking teacher
* 风景画家 scenery painter
* 风景画家 - 视觉艺术 scenic painter – visual arts
* 雕塑家 sculptor
* 雕塑家,金属 sculptor, metal
* 雕塑家,纪念碑 sculptor, monuments
* 雕塑家,木材 sculptor, wood
* 雕塑家建模 sculptor-modeller
* 雕塑老师(小学,中学,大专教育除外) sculpture teacher (except primary, secondary, post-secondary education)
* 雕塑教师(小学,中学,大专教育除外) sculpturing teacher (except primary, secondary, post-secondary education)
* 剪纸艺术家 silhouette artist
* 丝网艺术家 silkscreen artist
* 老师,绘画 teacher, painting
* 教师,版画 teacher, printmaking
* 老师,雕刻(小学,中学,大专教育除外) teacher, sculpturing (except primary, secondary, post-secondary education)
* 录像艺术家 video artist
* 视觉艺术教师(小学,中学,大专教育除外) visual arts teacher (except primary, secondary, post-secondary education)
* 水彩画 watercolourist
* 木刻艺术家 wood block artist
* 木雕刻家 wood sculptor