移民内参 职业列表 5227 电影,广播,摄影和表演艺术的支持职业

5227 电影,广播,摄影和表演艺术的支持职业

发布时间:2015-07-01 复查时间:2023-10-08 3737

5227 电影,广播,摄影和表演艺术的支持职业 Support occupations in motion pictures, broadcasting, photography and the performing arts - Immiknow NOC - LEVEL B 


This unit group includes workers who perform support duties related to broadcasting and to the production of motion pictures and the performing arts. They are employed by television and radio stations and networks, recording studios, motion picture and video production companies and by theatre and stage companies. This unit group also includes projectionists employed by movie theatres. 

5227 电影,广播,摄影和表演艺术的支持职业头衔范例 Example Titles - Immiknow NOC 

* 话筒管理员 boom grip 
* 相机起重机操作员 camera crane operator 
* 化妆师 - 电影,广播和表演艺术 dresser – motion pictures, broadcasting and performing arts 
* 灯光助理 lighting assistant 
* 制作助理 production assistant 
* 放映 projectionist 
* 提词员 prompter 
* 道具管理人 props person 
* 脚本助手 script assistant 
* 设置建设者 set builder 
* 特效助理 special effects assistant 
* 聚光灯运营商 spotlight operator 
* 舞台工作人员 stagehand 

5227 电影,广播,摄影和表演艺术的支持职业主要职责 Main duties - Immiknow NOC 

The following is a summary of main duties for some occupations in this unit group: 

* 相机起重机操作员设置,装配,调整,维护和更换卷轴和投影设备,检测和维修机械和电气问题;使用自动化设备更改和安装电子控制面板。 
Camera crane operators set up, assemble, adjust, maintain and replace reels and projector equipment; detect and repair mechanical and electrical problems; and change and install an electronic control panel using automated equipment. 

* 制片助理向导演和制片人提供支持,负责生产的各个方面,如准备日程安排,设置设备,各种拍摄地点的旅行安排事宜。 
Production assistants provide support to the director and producer, and are responsible for various aspects of production such as preparing schedules, setting up equipment, and making travel arrangements to various shooting locations. 

* 电影放映员检查副本状况,在电影院投影系统上建立和载入电影辘,调整焦距,声音水平和其他投影机和影院设置,并维护投影设备。 
Motion picture projectionists check the condition of the copy; set up and load film reels on movie theatre projection systems, adjust focus, sound levels and other projector and theatre settings; and maintain projection equipment. 

* 道具管理人和布景建设者组装,维修,放置,建设和监督的道具。 
Props persons and set builders assemble, repair, place, build and oversee props. 

* 脚本助手向演员分发脚本,对所有活动,位置和相机的角度,照片和约会场面保持详细的注释。 
Script assistants distribute scripts to actors; keep detailed notes of all actions, positions and camera angles; and photograph and date scenes. 

* 抓取工和装配工装配,安置,移动和拆卸套件,布景,场景和其他舞台设备。 
Grips and riggers rig, place, move and dismantle sets, backdrops, scenery and other stage equipment. 

* 服装员清理,维护,运输和存储服饰,并协助表演者更换服饰。 
Dressers clean, maintain, transport and store costumes, and assist performers to dress in costumes. 

5227 电影,广播,摄影和表演艺术的支持职业任职要求 Employment requirements - Immiknow NOC 

* 通常需要完成中学。 
Completion of secondary school is usually required. 

* 本单元组的大多数职业要求完成广播,戏剧艺术,或相关领域的学院课程 
Most occupations in this unit group require completion of college courses in broadcasting, theatre arts or a related field 

* 一段时间的在职培训。 
A period of on-the-job training. 

* 在新不伦瑞克省,放映认证是可用的,是自愿考取的。在魁北克省,放映员受机床电器,影院设备的运营商管理。 
Certification for projectionists is available, but voluntary, in New Brunswick. In Quebec, projectionists are regulated under operators of electrical machines, cinema equipment. 

* 放映员必须获得省内就业执照。 
Projectionists are required to be licensed by their province of employment. 

5227 电影,广播,摄影和表演艺术的支持职业附加信息 Additional information - Immiknow NOC 

* 该单元组的职业之间的职责有可能重叠,视生产或演播室的大小而定。 
There may be an overlap in duties among occupations in this unit group, depending on the size of the production or broadcasting studio. 

* 经过额外的培训或经验,可能晋升到电影,广播或表演艺术的相关技术职位。 
Progression to related technical occupations in motion pictures, broadcasting or the performing arts is possible with additional training or experience. 

5227 电影,广播,摄影和表演艺术的支持职业其他分类 Classified elsewhere - Immiknow NOC 

* 音频和视频录制技术人员 Audio and video recording technicians [5225](5225) 
* 广播技术员 Broadcast technicians [5224](5224) 
* 电影和视频的摄像头运营商 Film and video camera operators [5222](5222) 
* 其他技术和统筹职业电影,广播和表演艺术 Other technical and co-ordinating occupations in motion pictures, broadcasting and the performing arts [5226](5226) 

5227 电影,广播,摄影和表演艺术的支持职业职称头衔 All titles - Immiknow NOC 

* 艺术起重工 artistic rigger 
* 视听(AV)助理 - 电影和广播 audiovisual (AV) assistant – motion pictures and broadcasting 
* AV(视听)助理 AV (audiovisual) assistant 
* 灯光助理 best boy 
* 抓取工 boom grip 
* 麦克风运营商 boom microphone operator 
* 吊杆操作员 boom operator 
* 相机起重机操作员 camera crane operator 
* 马戏团起重工 circus rigger 
* 分镜头剧本人 - 电影和广播 continuity person – motion pictures and broadcasting 
* 小车运营商 - 电影和广播 dolly operator – motion pictures and broadcasting 
* 推小车的人 - 电影和广播 dolly pusher – motion pictures and broadcasting 
* 服饰员 - 电影,广播和表演艺术 dresser – motion pictures, broadcasting and performing arts 
* 复制电影考官 - 电影和广播 duplicate-film examiner – motion pictures and broadcasting 
* 娱乐舞台起重工 entertainment stage rigger 
* 考官,重复的电影 - 电影和广播 examiner, duplicate film – motion pictures and broadcasting 
* 考官,动态影像 examiner, motion pictures 
* 电影放映 film projectionist 
* 电影质检员 film quality inspector 
* 烟花处理工 fireworks handler 
* 管理大道具的人/男/女 flyman/woman 
* 调焦员 focus puller 
* 抓取工 grip 
* 处理程序,烟花爆竹 handler, fireworks 
* 高起重工,剧院 high rigger, theatre 
* 督察,电影质量 inspector, film quality 
* 灯光助理 lighting assistant 
* 运动画面考官 motion picture examiner 
* 动态影像放映 motion picture projectionist 
* 电影院放映 movie theatre projectionist 
* 运营商,吊杆麦克风 operator, boom microphone 
* 制作助理 production assistant 
* 生产助理 - 电影和广播 production assistant – motion pictures and broadcasting 
* 放映 projectionist 
* 放映,电影 projectionist, motion pictures 
* 提词员 prompter 
* 道具员 property person 
* 道具处理员 props handler 
* 道具管理人 props person 
* 录音助理 - 录音棚 recording assistant – recording studio 
* 装配工 - 电影,广播和表演艺术 rigger – motion pictures, broadcasting and performing arts 
* 场景转换员 scene shifter 
* 风景艺术家 - 电影,广播和表演艺术 scenic artist – motion pictures, broadcasting and performing arts 
* 风景构造师 scenic constructor 
* 风景构造师 - 电影,广播和表演艺术 scenic constructor – motion pictures, broadcasting and performing arts 
* 风景画家 - 电影,广播和表演艺术 scenic painter – motion pictures, broadcasting and performing arts 
* 脚本助手 script assistant 
* 脚本人 - 电影和广播 script person – motion pictures and broadcasting 
* 探照灯操作员 searchlight operator 
* 副服装助理 second costumes assistant 
* 布景建设者 set builder 
* 布影装饰师 set dresser 
* 特效助理 special effects assistant 
* 聚光灯运营商 spotlight operator 
* 舞台灯光助理 stage best boy 
* 舞台制作工人 stage production worker 
* 舞台业者 stage property person 
* 舞台工作人员 stagehand 
* 分期助理 staging assistant 
* 技术助理 - 视听 technical assistant – audiovisual 
* 电视电影运营商 telecine operator 
* 讲词提示板运营商 teleprompt operator 
* 影院高起重工 theatre high rigger 
* 服装助理 wardrobe assistant 
* 服装服务员 wardrobe attendant 
* 假发助手 - 电影,广播和表演艺术 wig assistant – motion pictures, broadcasting and performing arts  

上一页 3223 牙科技师,技术员及实验室助理,
下一页 3231 配镜师,









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