移民内参 职业列表 5242 室内设计师和室内装潢师

5242 室内设计师和室内装潢师

发布时间:2015-07-01 复查时间:2023-10-08 3864

5242 室内设计师和室内装潢师 Interior designers and interior decorators - Immiknow NOC - LEVEL B 


Interior designers and interior decorators conceptualize and produce aesthetic, functional and safe designs for interior spaces in residential, commercial, cultural, institutional and industrial buildings. They are employed by architectural and interior design firms, retail establishments, construction companies, hospitals, airlines, hotel and restaurant chains, and other establishments, or they may be self-employed. 

5242 室内设计师和室内装潢师头衔范例 Example Titles - Immiknow NOC 

* 飞机室内设计师 aircraft interior designer 
* 室内装饰 interior decorator 
* 室内设计技师 interior design technician 
* 室内设计师 interior designer 
* 厨房设计师 kitchen designer 
* 办公空间规划师 office space planner 
* 项目经理,室内设计 project manager, interior design 
* 零售空间的规划师 retail space planner 

5242 室内设计师和室内装潢师主要职责 Main duties - Immiknow NOC 

室内设计师和室内装潢师执行部分或全部下列职责:Interior designers and interior decorators perform some or all of the following duties: 

* 与客户协商来确定需求,喜好,安全要求和空间的目的 
Consult with clients to determine needs, preferences, safety requirements and purpose of space 

* 使用电脑辅助设计(CAD)软件和图形软件,制定详细的计划和3-D模型,显示墙壁,隔板,陈设,照明和其他附着物的安排 
Develop detailed plans and 3-D models showing arrangement of walls, dividers, displays, lighting and other fixtures using computer-assisted design (CAD) software and graphics software 

* 开发设计方案,平面图,立面图,截面和详细图纸,并建议选择颜色,饰面材料,地板和墙面,窗帘,室内和室外照明,家具等物品,同时考虑到人体工程学和职业卫生标准 
Develop plans, elevations, cross sections and detailed drawings, and advise on selection of colours, finishes and materials, floor and wall coverings, window treatments, interior and exterior lighting, furniture and other items, taking into account ergonomic and occupational health standards 

* 估计成本和所需材料,并可能就租赁,房地产及营销给出建议 
Estimate costs and materials required and may advise on leasing, real estate and marketing 

* 按照现行做法和规范,制定计划和最终的室内设计规格 
Prepare plans and specifications for the final interior designs in accordance with current practices and codes 

* 在多学科环境中工作 
Work in a multidisciplinary environment 

* 可指导现场工作人员和分包商。 
May direct site work crews and subcontractors. 

* 室内设计师是室内建筑,建材及建筑法规领域的专家。他们可以专注于住宅,商业,体制,文化和工业建筑的内饰设计,以及飞机,轮船或火车,展销会和展览得设计。室内装潢师可能会专注于住宅或商业室内空间装饰,家居分期,色彩咨询和家庭组织。 
Interior designers are experts in the area of interior architecture, construction materials and building codes. They may specialize in designing interiors for residential, commercial, institutional, cultural and industrial buildings and for aircraft, ships or trains, trade shows and exhibitions. Interior decorators may specialize in decorating residential or commercial interior spaces, home staging, colour consulting and home organizing. 

5242 室内设计师和室内装潢师任职要求 Employment requirements - Immiknow NOC 

### 室内设计师 Interior designers 

* 通常需要室内设计大学学位或大专文凭。 
A university degree or college diploma in interior design is usually required. 

* 累计六年的学习和工作经验之后,可能还需要通过国民议会的室内设计资质(NCIDQ)审查。 
The National Council for Interior Design Qualification (NCIDQ) examination may be required after six years of combined study and experience. 

* 在新斯科舍省,新不伦瑞克省,安大略省,马尼托巴省,萨斯喀彻温省,阿尔伯塔省和不列颠哥伦比亚省,需要具有省级学会或协会的认证才能使用指定“室内设计顾问”头衔(IDC)。 
Certification by a provincial institute or association is required to use the designation Interior Design Consultant (IDC) in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta and British Columbia. 

### 室内装潢师 Interior decorators 

* 通常需要室内装修大专以上证书或文凭。 
A college certificate or diploma in interior decoration is usually required. 

* 合格的装潢师可成为加拿大装饰协会的会员。 
Membership in the Canadian Decorators' Association is available to qualified decorators. 

5242 室内设计师和室内装潢师其他分类 Classified elsewhere - Immiknow NOC 

* 平面设计师和插画家 Graphic designers and illustrators [5241](5241) 
* 工业设计师 Industrial designers [2252](2252) 
* 照明设计师(剧场,时尚,展览和其他创意设计师) Lighting designers (in [5243](5243) Theatre, fashion, exhibit and other creative designers ) 
* 画家和装饰(室内装修除外) Painters and decorators (except interior decorators) [7294](7294) 
* 剧院,时尚,展览和其他创意设计师 Theatre, fashion, exhibit and other creative designers [5243](5243) 

5242 室内设计师和室内装潢师职称头衔 All titles - Immiknow NOC 

* 飞机室内设计师 aircraft interior designer 
* 建筑空间的规划师 building space planner 
* 商业飞机室内设计师 business aircraft interior designer 
* 认证室内设计师 certified interior designer 
* 色彩顾问 - 家居装饰 colour consultant – home decorating 
* 装饰顾问 decorating consultant 
* 设计师 - 室内设计 designer – interior design 
* 绿色设计顾问 - 室内设计 green design consultant – interior design 
* 家居装饰顾问 home decorating consultant 
* 家居装饰 home decorator 
* 家里组织者 home organizer 
* 家庭内行 home stager 
* 家庭分期顾问 home staging consultant 
* 室内装潢顾问 interior decorating consultant 
* 室内装饰 interior decorator 
* 室内设计顾问 interior design consultant 
* 室内设计项目经理 interior design project manager 
* 室内设计技师 interior design technician 
* 室内设计师 interior designer 
* 室内设计师助理 interior designer assistant 
* 室内空间设计师 interior space designer 
* 厨房设计师 kitchen designer 
* 行货室内设计师 licensed interior designer 
* 办公空间规划师 office space planner 
* 项目经理,室内设计 project manager, interior design 
* 注册室内设计师 registered interior designer 
* 零售空间的规划师 retail space planner 
* 空间管理顾问 space management consultant  

上一页 3216 医学超声波检验师,
下一页 3217 心脏病学技师及电生理诊断技师









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