移民内参 职业列表 6222 零售及批发买家

6222 零售及批发买家

发布时间:2015-07-01 复查时间:2023-10-08 3515

6222 零售及批发买家 Retail and wholesale buyers - Immiknow NOC - LEVEL B 


Retail and wholesale buyers buy merchandise for resale by retail or wholesale establishments and are usually responsible for the merchandising operations of retail or wholesale establishments. Retail and wholesale buyers who are supervisors and those who are assistants are included in this unit group. 

6222 零售及批发买家头衔范例 Example Titles - Immiknow NOC 

* 家电买家 appliance buyer 
* 助理采购员 assistant buyer 
* 买家 - 零售 buyer – retail 
* 买家 - 批发 buyer – wholesale 
* 采购部主任 chief buyer 
* 服装买家 clothing buyer 
* 食品买家 food buyer 
* 采购员 merchandiser 
* 农产品买家 produce buyer 
* 品酒师和买家,饮料 taster and buyer, beverages 

6222 零售及批发买家主要职责 Main duties - Immiknow NOC 

零售及批发买家执行部分或全部下列职责:Retail and wholesale buyers perform some or all of the following duties: 

* 通过零售或批发场所购买要转售商品 
Purchase merchandise for resale by retail or wholesale establishments 

* 检查机构的要求,并确定要购买商品的数量和类型 
Review requirements of establishment and determine quantity and type of merchandise to purchase 

* 研究市场报告,贸易期刊及销售宣传材料,并参观展销会,展厅,工厂和产品设计活动 
Study market reports, trade periodicals and sales promotion materials and visit trade shows, showrooms, factories and product design events 

* 选择最符合机构要求的商品 
Select the merchandise which best fits the establishment's requirements 

* 与供应商会面并谈判价格,折扣,信用条款及运输安排 
Interview suppliers and negotiate prices, discounts, credit terms and transportation arrangements 

* 监督商品向网点的分销情况,并保持充足的库存水平 
Oversee distribution of merchandise to outlets and maintain adequate stock levels 

* 建立和维护与供应商的联系 
Establish and maintain contact with suppliers 

* 可以监督其他零售买家的工作。 
May supervise the work of other retail buyers. 

* 零售及批发买家可能会专注于特定的商品线。 
Retail and wholesale buyers may specialize in a particular merchandise line. 

6222 零售及批发买家任职要求 Employment requirements - Immiknow NOC 

* 必需完成中学学业。 
Completion of secondary school is required. 

* 通常需要商业,市场营销或相关课程的大学学位或大专文凭。 
A university degree or college diploma in business, marketing or a related program is usually required. 

* 通常需要零售或批发机构的工作经验。 
Previous work experience in retail or wholesale establishments is usually required. 

* 主管及高级买家都要求有职业经验或在特定的商品线工作经验。 
Supervisors and senior buyers require experience in the occupation supervised or in a particular merchandise line. 

6222 零售及批发买家附加信息 Additional information - Immiknow NOC 

* 零售及批发的买家通过经验或产品相关的培训课程可能会更专业。 
Retail and wholesale buyers may specialize through experience or product-related training courses. 

* 经过额外的培训或经验积累,可能晋升到零售贸易,销售,市场营销或广告管理职位。 
Progression to management positions in retail trade, sales, marketing or advertising is possible with additional training or experience. 

6222 零售及批发买家其他分类 Classified elsewhere - Immiknow NOC 

* 采购代理和人员 Purchasing agents and officers [1225](1225) 

6222 零售及批发买家职称头衔 All titles - Immiknow NOC 

* 家电买家 appliance buyer 
* 助理采购员 assistant buyer 
* 买家 - 零售 buyer – retail 
* 买家 - 批发 buyer – wholesale 
* 牛买家 cattle buyer 
* 采购部主任 chief buyer 
* 主要买家 - 零售或批发 chief buyer – retail or wholesale 
* 服装买家 clothing buyer 
* 食品买家 food buyer 
* 水果买家 fruit buyer 
* 毛皮买家 fur buyer 
* 硬件买家 hardware buyer 
* 生猪买家 hog buyer 
* 家畜买家 livestock buyer 
* 日志买家 log buyer 
* 木材买家 lumber buyer 
* 肉买家 meat buyer 
* 采购员 merchandiser 
* 易腐食品买家 perishable food buyer 
* 药品买家 pharmaceuticals buyer 
* 产生买家 produce buyer 
* 零售买家 retail buyer 
* 零售采购员 retail merchandiser 
* 打捞买家 salvage buyer 
* 废买家 scrap buyer 
* 资深买家 - 零售或批发 senior buyer – retail or wholesale 
* 特色食品买家 specialty food buyer 
* 主管,购房者 supervisor, buyers 
* 品酒师和买家,饮料 taster and buyer, beverages 
* 木材买家 timber buyer 
* 烟草买家 tobacco buyer 
* 批发买家 wholesale buyer  

上一页 1114 其他财务人员
下一页 1121 人力资源专业人士









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