移民内参 职业列表 6232 地产代理及销售人员

6232 地产代理及销售人员

发布时间:2015-07-01 复查时间:2023-10-08 3190

6232 地产代理及销售人员 Real estate agents and salespersons - Immiknow NOC - LEVEL B 


Real estate agents and salespersons act as agents for the sale or purchase of houses, apartments, commercial buildings, land and other real estate and are employed in the real estate industry. 

6232 地产代理及销售人员头衔范例 Example Titles - Immiknow NOC 

* 商业房地产经纪人 commercial real estate agent 
* 房地产经纪人 real estate agent 
* 房地产经纪人 real estate broker 
* 房地产销售代表 real estate sales representative 
* 住宅房地产经纪人 residential real estate agent 
* 主管,房地产经纪人 supervisor, real estate agents 

6232 地产代理及销售人员主要职责 Main duties - Immiknow NOC 

地产代理及营业员执行部分或全部下列职责:Real estate agents and salespersons perform some or all of the following duties: 

* 从潜在的供应商征求物业销售房源 
Solicit property sales listings from prospective vendors 

* 协助卖主出售房地产,建立要价,广告宣传房地产,列出房地产,同时实行房源挂牌服务,并为准买家打开房间提供看房服务。 
Assist vendors in selling property by establishing asking price, advertising the property, listing the property with listing services and conducting open houses for prospective buyers 

* 协助准买家选择,参观,检查和优惠购买房地产 
Assist prospective buyers in selecting, visiting, inspecting and making offers of purchase on real estate properties 

* 就市场条件,价格,按揭,法律规定及相关事宜为客户提供建议 
Advise clients on market conditions, prices, mortgages, legal requirements and related matters 

* 起草买方和卖方销售协议 
Draw up sales agreements for approval of purchaser and seller 

* 可以代表客户租用或租赁房地产。 
May rent or lease properties on behalf of clients. 

* 地产代理及销售人员可能会专注于住宅,商业,工业/机构或农村的房地产销售。 
Real estate agents and salespersons may specialize in residential, commercial, industrial/institutional or rural real estate sales. 

6232 地产代理及销售人员任职要求 Employment requirements - Immiknow NOC 

* 必需完成中学学业。 
Completion of secondary school is required. 

* 必需完成房地产培训课程。 
Completion of a real estate training course is required. 

* 在省境内就业必需具备省或地区的执照。 
Provincial or territorial licensure in the province or territory of employment is required. 

6232 地产代理及销售人员附加信息 Additional information - Immiknow NOC 

* 地产代理及销售人员通常在佣金制基础上工作。 
Real estate agents and salespersons normally work on a commission basis. 

* 房地产经纪人按照省内就业的规定,获得经纪人的执照,可以独立运作。房地产经理必须具有经纪人执照。 
Real estate agents may operate independently by obtaining a broker's licence in accordance with the regulations of the province of employment. A broker's licence is required to become a manager in real estate. 

6232 地产代理及销售人员其他分类 Classified elsewhere - Immiknow NOC 

* 评审员,房地产估价师和估价师 Assessors, valuators and appraisers [1314](1314) 
* 保险,房地产和金融的经纪经理 Insurance, real estate and financial brokerage managers [0121](0121) 
* 抵押贷款经纪人(其他财务人员) Mortgage brokers (in [1114](1114) Other financial officers ) 
* 出租代理(的物业管理员) Rental agents (in [1224](1224) Property administrators ) 
* 路权代理(采购代理商和人员) Right-of-way agents (in [1225](1225) Purchasing agents and officers ) 

6232 地产代理及销售人员职称头衔 All titles - Immiknow NOC 

* 代理,房地产 agent, real estate 
* 联营公司经纪 - 房地产 associate broker – real estate 
* 商业房地产经纪人 commercial real estate agent 
* 商业地产销售员 commercial real estate salesperson 
* 新房营业员 new home salesperson 
* 房地产中介代表 real estate agency representative 
* 房地产经纪人 real estate agent 
* 房地产经纪人 real estate broker 
* 房地产商 real estate dealer 
* 房地产销售顾问 real estate sales consultant 
* 房地产销售代表 real estate sales representative 
* 房地产销售主管 real estate sales supervisor 
* 房地产销售人员 real estate salesperson 
* 住宅房地产经纪人 residential real estate agent 
* 住宅房地产销售人员 residential real estate salesperson 
* 销售代表,房地产 sales representative, real estate 
* 销售人员,新的家园 salesperson, new homes 
* 营业员,房地产 salesperson, real estate 
* 主管,房地产经纪人 supervisor, real estate agents  

上一页 0912 公用事业经理
下一页 1111 财务审计师和会计师









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