移民内参 职业列表 6322 厨师

6322 厨师

发布时间:2015-07-01 复查时间:2023-10-08 4851

6322 厨师 Cooks - Immiknow NOC - LEVEL B 


Cooks prepare and cook a wide variety of foods. They are employed in restaurants, hotels, hospitals and other health care institutions, central food commissaries, educational institutions and other establishments. Cooks are also employed aboard ships and at construction and logging campsites. Apprentice cooks are included in this unit group. 

6322 厨师头衔范例 Example Titles - Immiknow NOC 

* 厨师学徒 apprentice cook 
* 厨师 cook 
* 膳食厨师 dietary cook 
* 第一厨师 first cook 
* 烧烤厨师 grill cook 
* 医院厨师 hospital cook 
* 机构的厨师 institutional cook 
* 领班厨师/男/女 journeyman/woman cook 
* 持证厨师 licensed cook 
* 流水线厨师 line cook 
* 副厨师 second cook 
* 快餐厨师 short order cook 

6322 厨师主要职责 Main duties - Immiknow NOC 

厨师执行部分或全部下列职责:Cooks perform some or all of the following duties: 

* 准备和烹饪全餐或个人的菜肴和食物 
Prepare and cook complete meals or individual dishes and foods 

* 按照营养师或主厨指示,准备和烹调特殊病人膳食 
Prepare and cook special meals for patients as instructed by dietitian or chef 
Schedule and supervise kitchen helpers 

* 监督厨房操作 
Oversee kitchen operations 

* 保持食品,用品和设备的库存和记录 
Maintain inventory and records of food, supplies and equipment 

* 安排和监督厨房助手 
May set up and oversee buffets 

* 可清洁厨房和工作区 
May clean kitchen and work area 

* 可能计划菜单,确定食物份量的大小,估计粮食需求和成本,以及检测和订购耗材 
May plan menus, determine size of food portions, estimate food requirements and costs, and monitor and order supplies 

* 可能聘用和培训厨房工作人员。 
May hire and train kitchen staff. 

* 厨师专门准备和烹饪民族美食或特殊的菜肴。 
Cooks may specialize in preparing and cooking ethnic cuisine or special dishes. 

6322 厨师任职要求 Employment requirements - Immiknow NOC 

* 通常需要完成中学。 
Completion of secondary school is usually required. 

* 完成一项为期三年的厨师学徒计划 
Completion of a three-year apprenticeship program for cooks

* 或者完成烹饪大学或其他课程 
Completion of college or other program in cooking

* 或者必需具备多年商业烹饪经验。 
Several years of commercial cooking experience are required. 

* 在所有的省份和地区,行业认证是可用的,但是自愿的。 
Trade certification is available, but voluntary, in all provinces and territories. 

* 红印章背书对于成功完成跨省红色钢印考试后合格的厨师也是适用的。 
Red Seal endorsement is also available to qualified cooks upon successful completion of the interprovincial Red Seal examination. 

6322 厨师附加信息 Additional information - Immiknow NOC 

* 红印章背书允许跨省流动。 
The Red Seal endorsement allows for interprovincial mobility. 

* 本组各种类型的厨师之间具有流动性。 
There is mobility among the various types of cooks in this group. 

* 随着经验积累和参加培训,可能晋升到主管或更高级职位。 
Progression to supervisory or more senior positions, such as chef, is possible with experience and training. 

6322 厨师其他分类 Classified elsewhere - Immiknow NOC 

* 厨师长 Chefs [6321](6321) 
* 食品柜台服务员,厨房助理和相关支持职业 Food counter attendants, kitchen helpers and related support occupations [6711](6711) 

6322 厨师职称头衔 All titles - Immiknow NOC 

* 厨师学徒 apprentice cook 
* 助理厨师 assistant cook 
* 宴会厨师 banquet cook 
* 早餐厨师 breakfast cook 
* 肉鸡厨师 broiler cook 
* 食堂厨师 cafeteria cook 
* 营地厨师 camp cook 
* 餐饮服务商厨师 caterer cook 
* 施工营地厨师 construction camp cook 
* 厨师 cook 
* 厨师,学徒 cook, apprentice 
* 厨师,营 cook, camp 
* 国内厨师, cook, domestic 
* 厨师,民族食品 cook, ethnic foods 
* 厨师,首先 cook, first 
* 厨师,钓鱼和商船 cook, fishing and merchant vessel 
* 厨师,机构 cook, institution 
* 厨师,犹太食品 cook, kosher foods 
* 副厨师, cook, second 
* 厨师,小机构 cook, small establishment 
* 厨师,第三 cook, third 
* 饮食厨房做饭 diet kitchen cook 
* 膳食厨师 dietary cook 
* 国内厨师 domestic cook 
* 民族食品厨师 ethnic food cook 
* 第一厨师 first cook 
* 烧烤厨师 grill cook 
* 医院厨师 hospital cook 
* 机构的厨师 institutional cook 
* 熟练工厨师/男/女 journeyman/woman cook 
* 犹太食品厨师 kosher foods cook 
* 执照厨师 licensed cook 
* 流水线厨师 line cook 
* 伐木营地厨师 logging camp cook 
* 伙夫 mess cook 
* 糕点厨师 pastry cook 
* 比萨饼厨师 pizza cook 
* 铁路厨师 railway cook 
* 餐厅厨师 restaurant cook 
* 第二厨师 second cook 
* 船上厨师 ship's cook 
* 快餐厨师 short order cook 
* 特别膳食厨师 special diet cook 
* 特殊订单厨师,医院 special orders cook, hospital 
* 饮食治疗厨师 therapeutic diet cook 
* 第三厨师 third cook  

上一页 0714 设施操作和维护经理
下一页 3125 健康诊断和治疗的其他专业职业









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