移民内参 职业列表 6521 旅游顾问

6521 旅游顾问

发布时间:2015-07-01 复查时间:2023-10-09 3449

6521 旅游顾问 Travel counsellors - Immiknow NOC - LEVEL C 


Travel counsellors advise clients on travel options and tour packages, make bookings and reservations, prepare tickets and receive payment. They are employed in travel agencies, transportation and tourism firms and hotel chains. 

6521 旅游顾问头衔范例 Example Titles - Immiknow NOC 

* 预订代理商 - 旅行社 reservation agent – travel agency 
* 旅行社 travel agent 
* 旅游顾问 travel consultant 

6521 旅游顾问主要职责 Main duties - Immiknow NOC 

旅游顾问执行部分或全部下列职责:Travel counsellors perform some or all of the following duties: 

* 向客户提供有关目的地,交通及住宿选择和差旅费等旅游信息,并推荐合适的产品 
Provide travel information to clients regarding destinations, transportation and accommodation options and travel costs, and recommend suitable products 

* 为个人或团体策划和组织度假旅游 
Plan and organize vacation travel for individuals or groups 

* 使用电脑预订和票务系统,进行交通和住宿预订 
Make transportation and accommodation reservations using computerized reservation and ticketing system 

* 向客户出售单程票门票和套装旅游 
Sell single fare tickets and package tours to clients 

* 推销特定目的地,旅游套餐和其他旅游服务 
Promote particular destinations, tour packages and other travel services 

* 调研新的旅游目的地,酒店等设施和景点 
Investigate new travel destinations, hotels and other facilities and attractions 

* 提供旅游景点,外汇,海关,语言和旅游安全等旅游提示。 
Provide travel tips regarding tourist attractions, foreign currency, customs, languages and travel safety. 

6521 旅游顾问任职要求 Employment requirements - Immiknow NOC 

* 通常需要完成中学。 
Completion of secondary school is usually required. 

* 通常需要旅游大学文凭或职业培训。 
A college diploma or vocational training in travel or tourism is usually required. 

* 可能必需有加拿大旅游学院顾问认证(CITC)。通过任何的工作经验,培训和教育相结合,并通过高级考试,获得60个学分后,才可以获取该认证。 
Certification with the Canadian Institute of Travel Counsellors (CITC) may be required. This certification is granted after completion of a 60 credit requirement obtained through any combination of work experience, training and education, and successful completion of the advanced exam. 

6521 旅游顾问附加信息 Additional information - Immiknow NOC 

* 随着经验积累,可能晋升到管理职位。 
Progression to managerial positions is possible with experience. 

6521 旅游顾问其他分类 Classified elsewhere - Immiknow NOC 

* 机票代理(机票和服务代理) Airline ticket agents (in [6523](6523) Airline ticket and service agents ) 
* 会议联络员(会议和活动策划) Convention co-ordinators (in [1226](1226) Conference and event planners ) 
* 旅行社经理(零售及批发贸易经理) Travel agency managers (in [0621](0621) Retail and wholesale trade managers ) 

6521 旅游顾问职称头衔 All titles - Immiknow NOC 

* 代理,预订 - 旅行社 agent, booking – travel agency 
* 代理,旅游 agent, travel 
* 代理,旅游信息 agent, travel information 
* 订舱代理 - 旅行社 booking agent – travel agency 
* 顾问,旅游 consultant, travel 
* 顾问,旅游 counsellor, travel 
* 顾问,旅游中心 counsellor, travel centre 
* 信息代理,旅游 information agent, travel 
* 预订代理商 - 旅行社 reservation agent – travel agency 
* 预订销售代理 - 旅行社 reservation sales agent – travel agency 
* 旅游信息顾问 tourist information counsellor 
* 旅行社 travel agent 
* 旅游中心顾问 travel centre counsellor 
* 旅游顾问 travel consultant 
* 旅游顾问 travel counsellor 
* 旅游信息代理 travel information agent 
* 旅游专家 travel specialist 
* 游客信息参事 visitor information counsellor  

上一页 8232 石油和天然气钻井工人,服务人员,测试人员及有关人员
下一页 2234 建筑评价员头衔范例









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