移民内参 职业列表 6522 事务长和乘务员

6522 事务长和乘务员

发布时间:2015-07-01 复查时间:2023-10-08 4250

6522 事务长和乘务员 Pursers and flight attendants - Immiknow NOC - LEVEL C 


Airline pursers and flight attendants ensure the safety and comfort of passengers and crew members during flights. Ship pursers attend to the safety and comfort of passengers aboard ships. Airline pursers and flight attendants are employed by airline companies. Ship pursers are employed by tour boat or cruise ship companies. 

6522 事务长和乘务员头衔范例 Example Titles - Immiknow NOC 

* 空姐 flight attendant 
* 飞行服务总监 flight service director 
* 客运服务主任 - 水路运输 passenger service director – water transportation 
* 乘务长,航空公司 purser, airline 
* 船舶乘务长 ship purser 

6522 事务长和乘务员主要职责 Main duties - Immiknow NOC 

以下是本单元组一些职业的主要职责总结:The following is a summary of main duties for some occupations in this unit group: 

* 空姐迎接乘客,解释和说明安全性的程序,检查机舱内的整体状况,确保所有必要物资都在飞机上,负责起飞,着陆和紧急情况时乘客的安全,为乘客提供食品和饮料等服务,并进行飞行广播。 
Flight attendants greet passengers, explain and demonstrate safety procedures, check the general condition of the aircraft cabin, ensure that all necessary supplies are on board, attend to safety of passengers during take-offs, landings and emergencies, serve food and beverages to passengers and make flight announcements. 

* 飞行乘务长,客户服务董事及客运服务董事统筹空姐的活动,在飞行过程中为乘客提供服务,并完成报告。 
Flight pursers, customer service directors and passenger service directors co-ordinate the activities of flight attendants, provide service to passengers during flight and complete reports. 

* 船舶乘务长监督船舶服务员,安排乘客活动并开展航运业务,如签订船员,保持工资记录,协助乘客准备报关,监管行李寄存。 
Ship pursers supervise ship attendants, arrange activities for passengers and conduct ship's business, such as signing on crew, maintaining payroll records, assisting passengers in preparing customs declarations and supervising baggage storage. 

6522 事务长和乘务员任职要求 Employment requirements - Immiknow NOC 

* 空姐和飞行乘务长要求完成中学及加拿大运输部批准的培训计划。 
Flight attendants and flight pursers require the completion of secondary school and a training program approved by Transport Canada. 

* 飞行乘务长/客户服务董事要求有乘务员经验。 
Flight pursers/customer service directors require experience as a flight attendant. 

* 船舶乘务长可能需要有船只服务员经验。 
Ship pursers may require experience as a ship attendant. 

* 乘务员和船只乘务长通常需要与公众的工作经验。 
Flight attendants and ship pursers usually require experience working with the public. 

6522 事务长和乘务员附加信息 Additional information - Immiknow NOC 

* 航空公司乘务长和船舶乘务长之间几乎不具备流动性。 
There is little mobility between airline pursers and ship pursers. 

* 掌握一种以上的语言对乘务长和乘务员来说是优势。 
It is an advantage for pursers and flight attendants to speak more than one language. 

6522 事务长和乘务员其他分类 Classified elsewhere - Immiknow NOC 

* 列车上的食品和饮料服务员(食品和饮料服务员) Food and beverage servers on trains (in [6513](6513) Food and beverage servers ) 
* 客运服务员 - 除了空中旅行(住宿,旅游设施建立服务支持职业) Passenger service attendants – except air travel (in [6721](6721) Support occupations in accommodation, travel and facilities set-up services ) 

6522 事务长和乘务员职称头衔 All titles - Immiknow NOC 

* 飞机乘务员 aircraft flight attendant 
* 航空公司的乘务长 airline purser 
* 服务员,小卖部 - 航空运输 attendant, commissary – air transport 
* 乘务员,飞行 attendant, flight 
* 首席管家,船舶 chief steward, ship 
* 小卖部服务员 - 航空运输 commissary attendant – air transport 
* CSD(客户服务主任) - 水路运输 CSD (customer service director) – water transportation 
* 客户服务总监 - 水路运输 customer service director – water transportation 
* 客户服务主任(CSD) - 水路运输 customer service director (CSD) – water transportation 
* 主任,飞行服务 director, flight service 
* 董事,客运服务 - 水路运输 director, passenger service – water transportation 
* 空姐 flight attendant 
* 航班乘务长 flight purser 
* 飞行服务总监 flight service director 
* 主管空姐 in-charge flight attendant 
* 飞行服务经理 in-flight service manager 
* 经理人,飞行服务 manager, in-flight service 
* 客运服务主任 - 水路运输 passenger service director – water transportation 
* 乘务长 - 航空运输 purser – air transportation 
* 乘务长 - 水上运输 purser – water transport 
* 乘务长,航空公司 purser, airline 
* 船舶乘务长 ship purser 
* 船舶补给官 ship supply officer 
* 供应人员,船舶 supply officer, ship 

上一页 4156 就业辅导员
下一页 9617 食品,饮料及相关产品的加工劳动者









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