6531 旅游和旅行导游 Tour and travel guides - Immiknow NOC - LEVEL C
Tour and travel guides escort individuals and groups on trips, on sightseeing tours of cities and on tours of historical sites and establishments such as famous buildings, manufacturing plants, cathedrals and theme parks. They also provide descriptions and background information on interesting features. Tour and travel guides are employed by tour operators, resorts and other establishments or may be self-employed.
6531 旅游和旅行导游头衔范例 Example Titles - Immiknow NOC
* 探险旅游现场传译员 adventure travel site interpreter
* 自行车旅行导游 bicycle tour guide
* 四轮马车司机 calèche driver
* 工厂参观向导 factory tour guide
* 工业现场传译员 industrial site interpreter
* 导游 tour guide
* 旅游向导 travel guide
6531 旅游和旅行导游主要职责 Main duties - Immiknow NOC
### 导游执行部分或全部下列职责:Tour guides perform some or all of the following duties:
* 运输或护送个人或团体进行城市,水路和工业及其他机构的旅游。
Transport or escort individuals or groups on tours of cities, waterways and industrial and other establishments
* 描述感兴趣的地方,回答问题并供应信息
Describe points of interest, answer questions and supply information
* 提供相关地点的历史和文化事实
Provide historical and cultural facts related to the site
* 可以收取入场费和出售纪念品。
May collect admission fees and sell souvenirs.
### 旅游向导执行部分或全部下列职责:Travel guides perform some or all of the following duties:
* 陪同度假和商务旅行的个人和团体
Escort individuals and groups on vacation and business trips
* 确保交通和住宿预订得以确认,并确保满足行程
Ensure that reservations for transportation and accommodations are confirmed and that prepared itineraries are met
* 参观和描述感兴趣的地方,并计划和开展联谊活动
Visit and describe points of interest and plan and carry out recreational activities
* 解决行程,服务和住宿问题。
Resolve problems with itineraries, service and accommodations.
6531 旅游和旅行导游任职要求 Employment requirements - Immiknow NOC
* 提供在职培训。
On-the-job training is provided.
* 本单元组的一些职位可能需要掌握两种官方语言或其他语言的知识。
Knowledge of both official languages or an additional language may be required for some positions in this group.
6531 旅游和旅行导游其他分类 Classified elsewhere - Immiknow NOC
* 博物馆的导游和对历史和文物的口译员(技术职业相关的博物馆和艺术画廊) Museum guides and historical and heritage interpreters (in [5212](5212) Technical occupations related to museums and art galleries )
* 户外运动和休闲向导 Outdoor sport and recreational guides [6532](6532)
* 旅游经营者(客户经理及个人服务业,NEC) Tour operators (in [0651](0651) Managers in customer and personal services, n.e.c. )
6531 旅游和旅行导游职称头衔 All titles - Immiknow NOC
* 探险旅游现场传译员 adventure travel site interpreter
* 自行车旅行导游 bicycle tour guide
* 乘船游览导游 boat tour guide
* 巴士导游 bus tour guide
* 四轮马车驾驶员 calèche driver
* 四轮马车运营商 calèche operator
* 旅游保驾护航 escort, tour
* 保驾护航,旅游 escort, travel
* 机构导游 establishment guide
* 工厂参观向导 factory tour guide
* 向导,建立 guide, establishment
* 向导,马车观光旅游 guide, horse-drawn vehicle sightseeing tours
* 观光导游 guide, sightseeing
* 旅游导游 guide, travel
* 马车观光导游 horse-drawn vehicle sightseeing tour guide
* 主持人/女主持人,滑雪胜地 host/hostess, ski resort
* 工业现场传译员 industrial site interpreter
* 翻译,冒险网站 interpreter, adventure site
* 翻译,工业用地 interpreter, industrial site
* 当地导游 local tour guide
* 矿山导游 mine guide
* 植物导游 plant tour guide
* 观光导游 sightseeing guide
* 观光导游,马拉的车 sightseeing tour guide, horse-drawn vehicles
* 现场传译员,探险旅游 site interpreter, adventure travel
* 主持人/女主持人-滑雪胜地 ski resort host/hostess
* 旅游主任 tour director
* 旅游保驾护航 tour escort
* 导游 tour guide
* 导游 tourist guide
* 出行保驾护航 travel escort
* 旅游导游 travel guide
* 步行导游 walking tour guide