移民内参 职业列表 6533 赌场职业

6533 赌场职业

发布时间:2015-07-01 复查时间:2023-10-08 4194

6533 赌场职业 Casino occupations - Immiknow NOC - LEVEL C 


Casino workers operate gaming tables, maintain slot machines, accept keno wagers, pay out winning bets and jackpots and collect losing bets. They are employed by casinos. 

6533 赌场职业头衔范例 Example Titles - Immiknow NOC 

* 赌场总管 croupier 
* 基诺亚军,赌场 keno runner, casino 
* 基诺作家 keno writer 

6533 赌场职业主要职责 Main duties - Immiknow NOC 

赌场工作人员执行部分或全部下列职责:Casino workers perform some or all of the following duties: 

* 经营赌桌游戏,如轮盘,21点,百家乐,基诺和扑克 
Operate gaming tables and games such as roulette, blackjack, keno, baccarat and poker 

* 向顾客解释游戏规则,确保遵守规则 
Explain rules of games to patrons and ensure that rules are followed 

* 接受基诺投注及发行电脑选票 
Accept keno wagers and issue computerized tickets for selection 

* 确定获奖者或宣布中奖号码 
Determine winners or announce winning numbers 

* 计算和支付中奖投注和累积赌注,收集丢失赌注并维护相关报道 
Calculate and pay out winning bets and jackpots, collect losing bets and maintain related reports 

* 填补角子机的硬币,并协助使用机器遇到困难的顾客 
Fill slot machines with coins and assist patrons experiencing difficulties with machines 

* 对老虎机进行细微的调整。 
Perform minor adjustments to slot machines. 

6533 赌场职业任职要求 Employment requirements - Immiknow NOC 

* 通常需要完成中学学业。 
Completion of secondary school is usually required. 

* 为赌台经销商提供在职培训。 
On-the-job training is provided for gaming table dealers. 

* 所有赌场工人都要求接受安全检查。 
Security clearance is required for all casino workers. 

* 所有赌场员工通常需要赌场博彩执照。 
Casino gaming licences are usually required for all casino employees. 

6533 赌场职业附加信息 Additional information - Immiknow NOC 

* 随着与博彩有关的所有活动经验积累,可能晋升到主管职位。 
Progression to supervisory positions is possible with experience in all activities related to gaming. 

6533 赌场职业其他分类 Classified elsewhere - Immiknow NOC 

* 游乐设施,体育设施和宾果游戏厅工作人员(操作员和服务员,娱乐,休闲和运动) Amusement ride, sports facility and bingo hall workers (in [6722](6722) Operators and attendants in amusement, recreation and sport ) 
* 赌场工作人员的主管(住宿,旅游,旅游及相关服务的主管) Supervisors of casino workers (in [6313](6313) Accommodation, travel, tourism and related services supervisors ) 

6533 赌场职业职称头衔 All titles - Immiknow NOC 

* 百家乐赌台管理员 baccarat croupier 
* 21点荷官 blackjack croupier 
* 赌场经销商 casino dealer 
* 赌场亚军 casino runner 
* 赌场角子机服务员 casino slot machine attendant 
* 计数服务员 - 赌场 counting attendant – casino 
* 赌场上的总管人 croupier 
* 赌场荷官 - croupier – casino 
* 荷官,百家乐 croupier, baccarat 
* 荷官,21点 croupier, blackjack 
* 荷官,牌九 croupier, pai gow 
* 荷官,牌九多米诺骨牌 croupier, pai gow domino 
* 荷官,牌九扑克 croupier, pai gow poker 
* 荷官,扑克 croupier, poker 
* 荷官,轮盘赌 croupier, roulette 
* 荷官,骰宝 croupier, sic bo 
* 荷官,超盘9 croupier, super pan 9 
* 荷官,二十一 croupier, twenty-one 
* 经销商,赌场 dealer, casino 
* 赌桌运营商 gambling table operator 
* 赌台经销商 gaming table dealer 
* 赌桌的赌场运营商 - gaming table operator – casino 
* 基诺经销商 keno dealer 
* 基诺亚军,赌场 keno runner, casino 
* 基诺作家 keno writer 
* 运营商,赌博桌 operator, gambling table 
* 牌九荷官 pai gow croupier 
* 多米诺骨牌牌九荷官 pai gow domino croupier 
* 牌九扑克荷官 pai gow poker croupier 
* 扑克荷官 poker croupier 
* 轮盘荷官 roulette croupier 
* 亚军,赌场 runner, casino 
* 骰宝赌台管理员 sic bo croupier 
* 角子机服务员,赌场 slot machine attendant, casino 
* 超盘9荷官 super pan 9 croupier  

上一页 6541 安全警卫和相关安全服务的职业
下一页 8411 地下矿山服务和支持工人









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