移民内参 职业列表 6541 安全警卫和相关安全服务的职业

6541 安全警卫和相关安全服务的职业

发布时间:2015-07-01 复查时间:2023-10-09 3568

6541 安全警卫和相关安全服务的职业 Security guards and related security service occupations - Immiknow NOC - LEVEL C 


This unit group includes workers who guard and implement security measures to protect property against theft, vandalism and fire, control access to establishments, maintain order and enforce regulations at public events and within establishments, conduct private investigations for clients or employers and provide other protective services not elsewhere classified. They are employed by public or private security agencies, residential complexes, educational, cultural, financial and health institutions, retail establishments, businesses and industry, investigation service companies, transportation facilities, and organizations throughout the private and public sectors, or they may be self-employed. 

6541 安全警卫和相关安全服务的职业头衔范例 Example Titles - Immiknow NOC 

* 机场保安员 airport security guard 
* 报警研究者 alarm investigator 
* 运钞车保卫 armoured car guard 
* 自动取款机(ATM)保卫 automatic teller machine (ATM) guard 
* 保镖(警察除外) bodyguard (except police) 
* 门警 commissionaire 
* 企业安全管理人员 corporate security officer 
* 门口服务员 - 安全 gate attendant – security 
* 房子侦探 house detective 
* 夜晚保安 night guard 
* 邮政检查人员 postal inspection officer 
* 登机前保安员 preboarding security guard 
* 私家侦探 private investigator 
* 私人保安人员 private security officer 
* 零售防损人员 retail loss prevention officer 
* 警卫 security guard 
* 店面侦探 store detective 
* 防盗主任 theft prevention officer 

6541 安全警卫和相关安全服务的职业主要职责 Main duties - Immiknow NOC 

以下是本单元组一些职业的主要职责总结:The following is a summary of main duties for some occupations in this unit group: 

* 保安人员控制进出机构,操作安全控制室设备,并巡逻指定的领域,以防范盗窃,破坏和火灾,强制执行规定,维持秩序,化解矛盾,监测机构活动,确保遵守安全和应急程序; 颁布通行,指引访问者到适宜地区,检查食客的年龄认证,并执行机场乘客和行李安全检查工作。 
Security guards control access to establishments, operate security control-room equipment and patrol assigned areas to guard against theft, vandalism and fire, enforce regulations to maintain order and resolve conflicts and to monitor establishment activities; ensure safety and emergency procedures are followed; issue passes and direct visitors to appropriate areas, check age identification of patrons, and perform security checks of passengers and luggage at airports. 

* 装甲车卫士驾驶和保卫装甲卡车,提取或运送先进和贵重物品到银行,自动取款机和零售场所。 
Armoured car guards drive and guard armoured trucks, pick-up and deliver cash and valuables to banks, automated teller machines and retail establishments. 

* 企业安全人员调查机构的雇员或顾客的非法行为,并推荐安全系统,如电子检测设备和接入设备。 
Corporate security officers investigate unlawful acts of employees or patrons of establishments and recommend security systems such as electronic detection devices and access devices. 

* 私家侦探调查以定位失踪人员,并获得在民事和刑事的诉讼事项,或作其他用途使用的信息,他们也可以为客户进行测谎测试(诚信调查)。 
Private investigators conduct investigations to locate missing persons and obtain information for use in civil and criminal litigation matters or for other purposes; they may also conduct polygraph tests (integrity surveys) for clients. 

* 零售防损人员预防和检测店铺盗窃和零售场所盗窃。 
Retail loss prevention officers prevent and detect shoplifting and theft in retail establishments. 

6541 安全警卫和相关安全服务的职业任职要求 Employment requirements - Immiknow NOC 

* 通常需要完成中学学业。 
Completion of secondary school is usually required. 

* 可能需要法律和安全或警察技术的大学文凭。 
A college diploma in law and security or police technology may be required. 

* 为机场安全卫士提供培训,为本单元组的安全职业提供几个特殊培训。 
Training is provided for airport security guards and establishment-specific training may be provided for security occupations in this unit group. 

* 携带枪支的保安人员需要许可证。 
Security guards carrying firearms require a licence. 

* 装甲汽车司机需要有效的占有和收购许可证(PAL)以及限制和非限制枪支火器收购证书(FAC)。 
Armoured car drivers require a Valid Possession and Acquisition License (PAL) and a Firearms Acquisition Certificate (FAC) for both restricted and non-restricted firearms. 

* 在魁北克省,私人侦探或保安人员需要取得由Sûreté魁北克颁发的许可证。 
In Quebec, a permit issued by the Sûreté du Québec is required to work as a private detective or security officer. 

* 企业的安全人员可能需要作为警察的经验。 
Corporate security officers may require experience as a police officer. 

* 私家侦探需要省级执照。 
Private investigators require provincial licensure. 

* 提供含酒精饮料的场所的保安人员通常需要负责餐饮服务认证。 
Responsible beverage service certification is usually required for security staff in establishments serving alcoholic beverages. 

6541 安全警卫和相关安全服务的职业其他分类 Classified elsewhere - Immiknow NOC 

* 惩教服务人员 Correctional service officers [4422](4422) 
* 担保机构经理(其他商务服务经理) Managers of security agencies (in [0125](0125) Other business services managers ) 
* 警员(除委托) Police officers (except commissioned) [4311](4311) 
* 主管安全卫士及相关行业(其他服务主管) Supervisors of security guards and related occupations (in [6316](6316) Other services supervisors ) 

6541 安全警卫和相关安全服务的职业职称头衔 All titles - Immiknow NOC 

* 空运快递保安 air courier guard 
* 机场保安员 airport security guard 
* 研究者报警 alarm investigator 
* 报警信号研究者 alarm signal investigator 
* 报警信号专家 alarm signal specialist 
* 运钞车司机 armoured car driver 
* 运钞车保卫 armoured car guard 
* ATM(自动取款机)保卫 ATM (automatic teller machine) guard 
* 助理,门 - 安全 attendant, gate – security 
* 自动取款机(ATM)保卫 automatic teller machine (ATM) guard 
* 保镖(警察除外) bodyguard (except police) 
* 保镖 bouncer 
* 保镖 - 安全 bouncer – security 
* 商业机构调查员 - 安全 business establishment investigator – security 
* 客舱行李检查员 cabin baggage inspector 
* 随身携带的行李检查员 carry-on baggage inspector 
* 门警 commissionaire 
* 门警 - 安全 commissionaire – security 
* 车队保卫 convoy guard 
* 企业安全管理人员 corporate security officer 
* 协管员 crossing guard 
* 侦探,私人 detective, private 
* 门警 /男/女,零售商店 floorman/woman, retail store 
* 巡视员,零售商店 floorwalker, retail store 
* 门口的服务员 - 安全 gate attendant – security 
* 门卫/男/女 gateman/woman 
* 保卫,运钞车 guard, armoured car 
* 门卫,保安 guard, security 
* 手提行李检查员 hand baggage inspector 
* 手提行李检查员 hand luggage inspector 
* 房子侦探 house detective 
* 调查人员 - 邮政服务 investigations officer – postal service 
* 研究者,企业成立 investigator, business establishment 
* 研究者,私人 investigator, private 
* 测谎考人员 lie detector examiner 
* 防损员 - 零售 loss prevention officer – retail 
* 防损人员的主管 loss prevention officers supervisor 
* 神秘顾客 mystery shopper 
* 夜班警长 night guard 
* 守夜人/男/女 night watchman/woman 
* 企业的安全人员, officer, corporate security 
* 人员,调查 - 邮政服务 officer, investigations – postal service 
* 人员,防损 - 零售 officer, loss prevention – retail 
* 人员,邮件检查 officer, postal inspection 
* 人员,安全分析 - 邮政服务 officer, security analysis – postal service 
* 巡警 - 安全 patrol officer – security 
* 巡警/男/女 - 安全 patrolman/woman – security 
* 工厂门卫 plant gatekeeper 
* 植物保卫 plant guard 
* 测谎员 polygraph examiner 
* 测谎仪操作员 polygraph operator 
* 测谎专家 polygraphist 
* 邮政检查人员 postal inspection officer 
* 邮政业务总监 postal service inspector 
* 登机前保安员 preboarding security guard 
* 私家侦探 private detective 
* 私家侦探 private investigator 
* 私家侦探主管 private investigators supervisor 
* 私人警察代理和调查主管 private police agents and investigators supervisor 
* 私人警察/男/女和调查主管 private policemen/women and investigators supervisor 
* 私人保安人员 private security officer 
* 住宅报警系统专家 residential alarm system specialist 
* 零售研究员 retail investigator 
* 零售损失研究者的 retail loss investigator 
* 零售防损人员 retail loss prevention officer 
* 零售的店floorman /男/女 retail store floorman/woman 
* 零售商店巡视员 retail store floorwalker 
* 学校路口后卫 school crossing guard 
* 防盗报警系统顾问 security alarm system consultant 
* 安全分析人员 - 邮政服务 security analysis officer – postal service 
* 安全和调查人员 security and investigations officer 
* 安全顾问(计算机系统除外) security consultant (except computer systems) 
* 警卫 security guard 
* 保安员 - 炸药 security guard – explosives 
* 安全研究员 security investigator 
* 安全管理人员 security officer 
* 安全管理人员,私营 security officer, private 
* 安全专家(计算机系统除外) security specialist (except computer systems) 
* 购物研究者 - 安全 shopping investigator – security 
* 店面侦探 store detective 
* 主管,防损人员 supervisor, loss prevention officers 
* 主管,私家侦探 supervisor, private investigators 
* 主管,私人警察代理和调查 supervisor, private police agents and investigators 
* 主管,私人警察/妇女和调查 supervisor, private policemen/women and investigators 
* 防盗主任 theft prevention officer 
* 跳马托管 vault custodian  

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