移民内参 职业列表 6562 美学家,电蚀医师及相关职业

6562 美学家,电蚀医师及相关职业

发布时间:2015-07-01 复查时间:2023-10-08 2428

6562 美学家,电蚀医师及相关职业 Estheticians, electrologists and related occupations - Immiknow NOC - LEVEL C 


Workers in this unit group provide facial and body treatments designed to enhance an individual's physical appearance. They are employed in beauty salons, electrolysis studios, scalp treatment and hair replacement clinics and other similar establishments and in cosmetic departments of retail establishments such as pharmacies and department stores, or they may be self-employed. 

6562 美学家,电蚀医师及相关职业头衔范例 Example Titles - Immiknow NOC 

* 美容服务运营商 beauty treatment operator 
* 美容家 cosmetician 
* 电蚀医师 electrologist 
* 电解技师 electrolysis technician 
* 美学家 esthetician 
* 头发更换技师 hair replacement technician 
* 美甲师 manicurist 
* 脚治疗医师 pedicurist 
* 头皮治疗专家 scalp treatment specialist 
* 纹身艺术家 tattoo artist 

6562 美学家,电蚀医师及相关职业主要职责 Main duties - Immiknow NOC 

以下是本单元组的一些职业的主要职责总结:The following is a summary of main duties for some occupations in this unit group: 

* 美容师使用专门的产品和技术做面部和身体其他治疗。 
Estheticians give facial and other body treatments using specialized products and techniques. 

* 美容师针对化妆使用及其他美容产品给客户提供建议,并给客户使用化妆品,可能专注于为模特化妆或其他个人的特殊场合的化妆。 
Cosmeticians advise customers on the use of make-up and other beauty products and apply make-up to customers; may specialize in applying makeup to models or other individuals for special occasions. 

* 电蚀医师使用专业电器脱毛设备,激光和其他设备永久去除客户的面部或身体多余的毛发。 
Electrologists remove unwanted hair permanently from client's face or body using needle only specialized electrical hair removal equipment, laser and other equipment. 

* 美甲和修脚师清洁,修型和抛光指甲和脚趾甲,并提供相关的治疗。 
Manicurists and pedicurists clean, shape and polish fingernails and toenails and provide related treatments. 

* 头皮护理专家使用药用洗液来改善头皮条件和脱发。 
Scalp treatment specialists apply medicated lotions to treat scalp conditions and hair loss. 

* 纹身艺术家使用电针和化学染料,在顾客的皮肤设计永久图案,也可以绘制临时设计图到顾客的皮肤。 
Tattoo artists apply permanent designs to customer's skin, using electric needles and chemical dyes; may also apply temporary designs to customer's skin. 

* 头发更换技术人员(非医疗)准备和应用定制的假发到顾客的头皮,把顾客头编织到假发配件,并提供头皮护理。 
Hair replacement technicians (non-medical) prepare and apply custom-made hair pieces to customer's scalp, weave customer's hair to hair pieces and provide scalp treatments. 

6562 美学家,电蚀医师及相关职业任职要求 Employment requirements - Immiknow NOC 

* 化妆师,美容师,电蚀医师,美甲师和修脚师需要完成高中,大学或美容学校课程。 
Completion of high school, college or beauty school programs for cosmeticians, estheticians, electrologists, manicurists and pedicurists is required

* 或者提供在职培训。 
On-the-job training is provided. 

* 电蚀医师通常需要电视医师教育或培训机构的认证。 
Electrologists usually require certification from an electrologist's educational or training institution. 

* 可能要求是省级或国家级的电解协会会员。 
Membership in a provincial or national electrolysis association may be required. 

* 完成注册皮肤治疗方案可能会被要求提供电学激光血管治疗。 
Completion of a registered dermal therapy program may be required to provide electrology laser and vascular treatments. 

* 美容师通常需要美学家的教育或培训机构的认证。 
Estheticians usually require certification from an esthetician's educational or training institution. 

* 在曼尼托巴电蚀医师,美容师和美甲技师学徒可用。该省的这些职业的行业认证是必须取得的。 
Apprenticeship for electrologists, estheticians and nail technicians is available in Manitoba. Trade certification for these occupations is compulsory in that province. 

* 提供这些服务的业主/运营商的工人们需要具备营业执照。 
A business license is required for workers in this group who are owners/operators of businesses offering these services. 

* 提供这些个人服务的执业者们必须遵守感染控制程序。 
Practitioners offering these personal services are required to adhere to infection control procedures. 

6562 美学家,电蚀医师及相关职业附加信息 Additional information - Immiknow NOC 

* 没有额外的专门训练的话,本单元组的不同职业之间的流动性很少或根本没有。 
There is little or no mobility among the different occupations in this unit group without additional specialized training. 

6562 美学家,电蚀医师及相关职业其他分类 Classified elsewhere - Immiknow NOC 

* 发型师和理发师 Hairstylists and barbers [6341](6341) 
* 形象,社会和其他个人顾问 Image, social and other personal consultants [6561](6561) 
* 化妆师(其他技术和协调职业运动图片,广播和表演艺术) Make-up artists (in [5226](5226) Other technical and co-ordinating occupations in motion pictures, broadcasting and the performing arts ) 

6562 美学家,电蚀医师及相关职业职称头衔 All titles - Immiknow NOC 

* 艺术家,纹身 artist, tattoo 
* 美容师 beautician 
* 美容护理专家 beauty care specialist 
* 美容文化经营 beauty culture operator 
* 美容养殖者 beauty culturist 
* 美容服务运营商 beauty treatment operator 
* 身体穿孔 body piercer 
* 顾问,头发更换 consultant, hair replacement 
* 美容家 cosmetician 
* 美容家 cosmetologist 
* 脱毛者 depilator 
* 脱毛蜡 depilator, wax 
* 皮肤治疗师 dermal therapist 
* 电蚀医师 electrologist 
* 电解运营商 electrolysis operator 
* 电解技师 electrolysis technician 
* 美学家 esthetician 
* 面部护理运营商 facial treatment operator 
* 脱毛专家 hair removal specialist 
* 头发更换顾问 hair replacement consultant 
* 头发更换技师 hair replacement technician 
* 头发编织者 hair weaver 
* 指甲花纹身艺术家 henna tattoo artist 
* 美甲师 manicurist 
* 莫海蒂纹身艺术家 mehndi tattoo artist 
* 指甲护理技师 nail care technician 
* 指甲和睫毛涂抹 nails and lashes applicator 
* 操作员,美容文化 operator, beauty culture 
* 操作员,美容治疗 operator, beauty treatment 
* 运营商,电解 operator, electrolysis 
* 运营商,面部治疗 operator, facial treatment 
* 脚治疗医师 pedicurist 
* 注册皮肤治疗师 registered dermal therapist 
* 头皮治疗专家 scalp treatment specialist 
* 皮肤护理顾问 skin care consultant 
* 皮肤护理专家 skin care specialist 
* 皮肤护理技师 skin care technician 
* 专家,美容护理; specialist, beauty care 
* 脱毛专家, specialist, hair removal 
* 专家,头皮治疗 specialist, scalp treatment 
* 专家,脱毛蜡 specialist, wax depilation 
* 纹身艺术家 tattoo artist 
* 纹身 tattooer 
* 纹身 tattooist 
* 技术员,电解 technician, electrolysis 
* 技术员,头发更换 technician, hair replacement 
* 技术员,热和电解 technician, thermology and electrolysis 
* 热学和电解技术人员 thermology and electrolysis technician 
* 毛发学者 trichologist 
* 蜡脱毛专家 wax depilation specialist 
* 脱毛蜡 wax depilator  

上一页 8431 一般农场工人
下一页 6561 影像,社会和其他私人顾问









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