移民内参 职业列表 6623 其他销售相关职业

6623 其他销售相关职业

发布时间:2015-07-01 复查时间:2023-10-08 3240

6623 其他销售相关职业 Other sales related occupations - Immiknow NOC - LEVEL D 


This unit group includes workers who sell goods or services during home demonstrations or by telephone soliciting, retail exhibitions or street vending. They are employed by a wide range of retail and wholesale establishments, manufacturers, telemarketing companies and call centres, or they may be self-employed. 

6623 其他销售相关职业头衔范例 Example Titles - Immiknow NOC 

* 兜揽生意的人 - 零售 canvasser – retail 
* 论证者 - 零售 demonstrator – retail 
* 直接分销商 - 零售 direct distributor – retail 
* 送货到门的销售人员 door-to-door salesperson 
* 家庭演示员 - 零售 home demonstrator – retail 
* 地摊贩 street vendor 
* 推销员 telemarketer 
* 电话律师 telephone solicitor 

6623 其他销售相关职业主要职责 Main duties - Immiknow NOC 

以下是本单元组的一些职业的主要职责总结:The following is a summary of main duties for some occupations in this unit group: 

* 直接分销商,通过电话或面谈联系潜在客户,直接向个人客户或销售各方展示和销售产品,并向客户输送购买的商品。 
Direct distributors, contact potential customers by phone or through personal contacts, demonstrate and sell products directly to individual customers or at sales parties and deliver purchased goods to customers. 

* 送货上门销售人员向私人住宅居民推销并出售商品。 
Door-to-door salespersons solicit sales and sell merchandise to residents of private homes. 

* 摊贩在人行道上或在公共场合摆设并展示商品,向公众出售商品。 
Street vendors set up and display merchandise on sidewalks or at public events to sell to the public. 

* 电话律师和推销员通过电话联系商家或个人,推销商品或服务,或进行市场调查。 
Telephone solicitors and telemarketers contact businesses or private individuals, by telephone, to solicit sales for goods or services or conduct market surveys. 

* 论证者在展览会,展销会和私人住宅安排销售示范并展示,描述和售卖批发,零售及工业机构的货物或服务。 
Demonstrators arrange sales demonstration appointments, and show, describe and sell goods or services at wholesale, retail and industrial establishments, and at exhibitions, trade shows and private homes. 

6623 其他销售相关职业任职要求 Employment requirements - Immiknow NOC 

* 通常需要某中学教育。一些雇主可能要求高中毕业。 
Some secondary school education is usually required. High school graduation may be required by some employers. 

* 自营摊贩和送货到门销售人员可能需要具有市政商家许可证。 
Self-employed street vendors and door-to-door salespersons may require a municipal merchant's permit. 

6623 其他销售相关职业附加信息 Additional information - Immiknow NOC 

* 经过额外的培训或经验积累可能晋升到相关主管职位。 
Progression to related supervisory positions is possible with additional training or experience. 

6623 其他销售相关职业其他分类 Classified elsewhere - Immiknow NOC 

* 收银员 Cashiers [6611](6611) 
* 亭销售人员(零售售货员) Kiosk sales clerks (in [6421](6421) Retail salespersons ) 
* 零售和批发贸易经理 Retail and wholesale trade managers [0621](0621) 
* 零售销售主管 Retail sales supervisors [6211](6211) 

6623 其他销售相关职业职称头衔 All titles - Immiknow NOC 

* 美容产品顾问 - 送货到门销售 beauty products consultant – door-to-door sales 
* 美容产品的代表 - 新屋销售 beauty products representative – home sales 
* 兜揽生意的人 - 零售 canvasser – retail 
* 拉票代理 canvassing agent 
* 目录代理 - 零售 catalogue agent – retail 
* 目录销售代理 - 零售 catalogue sales agent – retail 
* 卷烟供应商 cigarette vendor 
* 清洁产品销售人员 - 送货到门销售 cleaning products salesperson – door-to-door sales 
* 对比购物员 comparison shopper 
* 化妆品展示员 - 零售 cosmetics demonstrator – retail 
* 化妆品营业员 - 新屋销售 cosmetics salesperson – home sales 
* 论证者 - 零售 demonstrator – retail 
* 直接分销商 - 零售 direct distributor – retail 
* 直销员 direct seller 
* 送货到门的销售人员 door-to-door salesperson 
* 食品示威 - 零售 food demonstrator – retail 
* 家庭演示员 - 零售 home demonstrator – retail 
* 家居销售人员 home salesperson 
* 杂志发行代理 - 零售 magazine distribution agent – retail 
* 杂志订阅律师 magazine subscription solicitor 
* 报贩 newspaper vendor 
* 报贩 - 街头销售 newspaper vendor – street sales 
* 私人购物者 personal shopper 
* 促销展销员 promotions demonstator 
* 摆地摊 street vendor 
* 认购代理 - 零售 subscription agent – retail 
* 认购律师 subscription solicitor 
* 推销员 telemarketer 
* 电话代理销售 telephone sales agent 
* 电话销售业务员 telephone sales clerk 
* 电话销售员 telephone salesperson 
* 电话律师 telephone solicitor 
* 供应商 vendor  

上一页 6711 食品柜台服务员,厨房助手和相关支持职业
下一页 7295 地板覆盖安装工









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