移民内参 职业列表 6721住宿,旅游及建立服务设施的支持职业


发布时间:2015-07-01 复查时间:2023-10-08 3168

6721 住宿,旅游及建立服务设施的支持职业 Support occupations in accommodation, travel and facilities set-up services - Immiknow NOC - LEVEL D 


This unit group includes workers who carry hotel guests' luggage and escort guests to their rooms, carry travellers' luggage at airports, in railway stations and aboard ships, clean and maintain public areas and passengers' rooms aboard ships and trains, and set up rooms and associated furnishings, commercial displays, exhibits, equipment and booths in facilities and establishments. They are employed by hotels, conference centres, retail establishments, passenger transport companies and throughout the private and public sectors. 

6721 住宿,旅游及建立服务设施的支持职业 头衔范例 Example Titles - Immiknow NOC 

* 行李搬运工 baggage porter 
* 宴会搬运工 banquet porter 
* 侍者 bellhop 
* 看门人,酒店 doorkeeper, hotel 
* 设施搬运工 facilities porter 
* 酒店的客人服务的服务员 hotel guest services attendant 
* 行李服务员 luggage attendant 
* 客运服务员,邮轮线 passenger attendant, cruise line 
* 房间服务生 room flipper 
* 展柜安装工 showcase installer 
* 列车服务服务员 train service attendant 

6721 住宿,旅游及建立服务设施的支持职业 主要职责 Main duties - Immiknow NOC 

以下是本单元组一些职业的主要职责总结:The following is a summary of main duties for some occupations in this unit group: 

* 客人服务员为酒店的客人搬运行李,护送客人到他们的房间,检查房间,以确保房间有序,提供有关房间的功能,酒店的服务及景点信息,协助有特殊需要的客人,参加小组到达和离开,为客人接收和传输项目和信息,并处理客人的投诉和要求,并保持行李寄存区。 
Guest service attendants carry luggage for hotel guests, escort incoming guests to their rooms, check rooms to ensure they are in order, offer information regarding features of rooms, services of hotel and points of interest, assist guests with special needs, attend to group arrivals and departures, receive and deliver items and messages for guests, handle guest complaints and requests, and maintain luggage storage areas. 

* 行李搬运工在火车站和机场用手或手推车传输旅客的行李,并安排地面交通。 
Baggage porters convey travellers' luggage at railway stations and airports by hand or hand truck and arrange for ground transportation. 

* 船舶服务员提供食品和饮料服务,清洁船舱,铺床,洗碗并为船上的乘客搬运行李。 
Ship attendants serve food and beverages, clean cabins, make beds, wash dishes and carry luggage for passengers aboard ships. 

* 列车服务员服务安置并清理餐车中的餐桌,提供食品和饮料服务,清理卧铺车厢,保持洗手间用品,并确保客户满意和舒适。 
Train service attendants set and clear tables in dining cars, serve food and beverages, clean sleeping cars, maintain washroom supplies and ensure customer satisfaction and comfort. 

* 设施工人按照平面图或指示,设置,安装,重新配置,搬迁和拆除临时分区和房间的家具,组装,旋转和拆卸橱窗展示,橱柜和标志,协助安装视听设备,并帮助解决使用过程中出现的问题,亦可进行视听设备安装上的小型修理和日常维护。 
Facilities workers set-up, install, reconfigure, relocate and dismantle temporary partitions and furnishings of rooms, assemble, rotate and disassemble window displays, showcases and signage according to floor plans or instructions, assist with installation of audiovisual equipment and help in resolving problems during use and may perform minor repairs on installations and routine maintenance of audiovisual equipment. 

6721 住宿,旅游及建立服务设施的支持职业 任职要求 Employment requirements - Immiknow NOC 

* 可能必需完成中学教育。 
Some secondary school education may be required. 

6721 住宿,旅游及建立服务设施的支持职业 其他分类 Classified elsewhere - Immiknow NOC 

* 航空运输坡道服务员 Air transport ramp attendants [7534](7534) 
* 材料处理员 Material handlers [7452](7452) 
* 客房服务秘书 - 酒店(酒店前台文员) Room service clerk – hotel (in [6525](6525) Hotel front desk clerks ) 
* 支持职业在电影,广播,摄影和表演艺术 Support occupations in motion pictures, broadcasting, photography and the performing arts [5227](5227) 

6721 住宿,旅游及建立服务设施的支持职业 职称头衔 All titles - Immiknow NOC 

* 服务员,酒店的客人服务 attendant, hotel guest services 
* 服务员,卧铺车厢 attendant, sleeping car 
* 视听帮手 audiovisual helper 
* 行李处理工 baggage handler 
* 行李主人 baggage master 
* 行李搬运工 baggage porter 
* 宴会搬运工 banquet porter 
* 侍者 bellhop 
* 汽车供应商 - 铁路 car supplier – railway 
* 邮轮客运服务员 cruise line passenger attendant 
* 展示安装工 display installer 
* 门人 - 酒店 door person – hotel 
* 看门人,酒店 doorkeeper, hotel 
* 设施搬运工 facilities porter 
* 客人服务的服务员,酒店 guest services attendant, hotel 
* 酒店看门人 hotel doorkeeper 
* 酒店的客人服务的服务员 hotel guest services attendant 
* 大堂搬运工 lobby porter 
* 行李服务员 luggage attendant 
* 客运服务员,邮轮线 passenger attendant, cruise line 
* 客运值班员,船舶 passenger attendant, ship 
* 服务员 - 铁路客运服务 passenger service attendant – railway 
* 港口搬运工 port redcap 
* 行李员,行李 porter, baggage 
* 搬运工,设施 porter, facilities 
* 搬运工,卧铺车厢 porter, sleeping car 
* 搬运工 redcap 
* 搬运工,港口 redcap, port 
* 房间助手 room flipper 
* 房间搬运工 room porter 
* 船舶客运服务员 ship passenger attendant 
* 展柜安装工 showcase installer 
* 卧车搬运工 sleeping car porter 
* 列车服务服务员 train service attendant  

上一页 8615 石油和天然气钻探,服务和相关劳动者
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