移民内参 职业列表 6731 轻型清洁工

6731 轻型清洁工

发布时间:2015-07-01 复查时间:2023-10-08 3339

6731 轻型清洁工 Light duty cleaners - Immiknow NOC - LEVEL D 


Light duty cleaners clean the lobbies, hallways, offices and rooms of hotels, motels, resorts, hospitals, schools, office and other buildings, and private residences. They are employed by hotels, motels, resorts, recreational facilities, hospitals and other institutions, building management companies, cleaning service companies and private individuals. 

6731 轻型清洁工头衔范例 Example Titles - Immiknow NOC 

* 清洁工 cleaner 
* 医院清洁工 hospital cleaner 
* 酒店清洁工 hotel cleaner 
* 内部清洁工 house cleaner 
* 家政助理 housekeeping aide 
* 家政服务员 housekeeping room attendant 
* 轻型清洁工 light duty cleaner 
* 办公室清洁工 office cleaner 
* 清扫工 sweeper 

6731 轻型清洁工主要职责 Main duties - Immiknow NOC 

轻型清洁工执行部分或全部下列职责:Light duty cleaners perform some or all of the following duties: 

* 打扫,拖擦,洗涤,打蜡和抛光地板 
Sweep, mop, wash, wax and polish floors 

* 除去家具灰尘,用吸尘器清理地毯和小地毯,窗帘和软垫家具 
Dust furniture and vacuum carpeting and area rugs, draperies and upholstered furniture 

* 铺床,换床单和分发干净的毛巾和洗浴用品 
Make beds, change sheets and distribute clean towels and toiletries 

* 提供额外供应,以满足客人的要求 
Attend to guests' requests for extra supplies 

* 为衣橱和供应区进货 
Stock linen closet and supplies area 

* 清洁,消毒和擦亮厨房和浴室装置和器具 
Clean, disinfect and polish kitchen and bathroom fixtures and appliances 

* 清洁及消毒更衣室,淋浴设备和电梯等公共场所。 
Clean and disinfect public areas such as changing rooms, showers and elevators 

* 消毒手术室和其他院区 
Disinfect operating rooms and other hospital areas 

* 捡拾碎片和倾空垃圾箱 
Pick up debris and empty trash containers 

* 清洗窗户,墙壁和天花板。 
Wash windows, walls and ceilings. 

* 报告和存储丢失或发现的物品。 
Report and store lost and found items 

* 可以提供基础设施信息 
May provide basic information on facilities 

* 可处理投诉。 
May handle complaints. 

6731 轻型清洁工任职要求 Employment requirements - Immiknow NOC 

* 有没有具体的教育要求的职业在这个单元组。 
There are no specific education requirements for occupations in this unit group. 

* 一些雇主可能要求客房服务员认证或类似认证。 
Certification for housekeeping room attendants or similar certification may be required by some employers. 

6731 轻型清洁工附加信息 Additional information - Immiknow NOC 

* 经过额外的培训或经验积累可能晋升到清洗主管职位。 
Progression to supervisory cleaning positions is possible with additional training or experience. 

6731 轻型清洁工其他分类 Classified elsewhere - Immiknow NOC 

* 清洁主管 Cleaning supervisors [6315](6315) 
* 校工,照顾者和管理者 Janitors, caretakers and building superintendents [6733](6733) 
* 专业清洁工 Specialized cleaners [6732](6732) 

6731 轻型清洁工职称头衔 All titles - Immiknow NOC 

* 机场清洁 airport cleaner 
* 建设清洁 building cleaner 
* 女服务员 chambermaid 
* charworker charworker 
* 清洁工 cleaner 
* 清洁,医院 cleaner, hospital 
* 清洁,轻型 cleaner, light duty 
* 清洁工,小屋 cleaner, lodge 
* 清洁,休息厅 cleaner, rest rooms 
* 清洁,客房 cleaner, rooms 
* 清洁工 cleaning lady 
* 清洁男工/女工 cleaning man/woman 
* 清理船员工人 clean-up crew worker 
* 家庭女佣 - 清洁服务 domestic maid – cleaning services 
* 地板清洁工 floor cleaner 
* 扫地工 floor sweeper 
* 做客吸尘器 guest home cleaner 
* 大厅清洁工 hall cleaner 
* 家用清洁工 home cleaner 
* 家庭主妇帮手,回家休息 homemaker helper, rest home 
* 医院清洁 hospital cleaner 
* 酒店清洁工 hotel cleaner 
* 内部清洁工 house cleaner 
* 家政助理 housekeeping aide 
* 家政服务员 housekeeping attendant 
* 家政服务员 housekeeping room attendant 
* 女佣 - 清洁服务 housemaid – cleaning services 
* 实习医生/女人 houseman/woman 
* 轻型清洁工 light duty cleaner 
* 小屋清洁工 lodge cleaner 
* 住宿建立清洁(私人家庭除外) lodging-establishment cleaner (except private households) 
* 女仆 - 清洁服务 maid – cleaning services 
* 汽车旅馆清洁 motel cleaner 
* 养老院清洁 nursing home cleaner 
* 办公楼清洁 office building cleaner 
* 办公室清洁 office cleaner 
* 居住吸尘器 residence cleaner 
* 住宅寄宿家庭清洁工 residential boarding-home cleaner 
* 疗养院清洁 rest home cleaner 
* 休息室服务员 rest room attendant 
* 休息室内清洁 rest room cleaner 
* 客房服务员 room attendant 
* 房间清洁工 room cleaner 
* 学生宿舍清洁 student residence cleaner 
* 清扫工 sweeper 
* 旅游营地清洁 tourist camp cleaner 
* 洗墙工 wall washer 
* 厕所清洁工 washroom cleaner  

上一页 7311 建筑维修工和工业机械师
下一页 9531 船装配工和督察









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