移民内参 职业列表 7201 承包商和主管,机械加工,金属成型,塑造和装配行业及相关行业

7201 承包商和主管,机械加工,金属成型,塑造和装配行业及相关行业

发布时间:2015-07-01 复查时间:2023-10-08 3907

7201 承包商和主管,机械加工,金属成型,塑造和装配行业及相关行业 Contractors and supervisors, machining, metal forming, shaping and erecting trades and related occupations - Immiknow NOC - LEVEL B 


This unit group includes sheet metal, ironwork, welding and boilermaking trade contractors who own and operate their own businesses. This group also includes supervisors who supervise and co-ordinate the activities of workers classified in the following unit groups: Machinists and Machining and Tooling Inspectors [7231](7231), Tool and Die Makers [7232](7232), Sheet Metal Workers [7233](7233), Boilermakers [7234](7234), Structural Metal and Platework Fabricators and Fitters [7235](7235), Ironworkers [7236](7236), Welders and Related Machine Operators [7237](7237) and Machining Tool Operators [9417](9417). They are employed by structural, platework and related metal products fabrication, manufacturing and erecting companies and machine shops. 

7201 承包商和主管,机械加工,金属成型,塑造和装配行业及相关行业头衔范例 Example Titles - Immiknow NOC 

* 承包商,铁工 contractor, ironwork 
* 领班/男/女,汽车机加工车间 foreman/woman, automotive machine shop 
* 领班/男/女,铁匠 foreman/woman, blacksmiths 
* 领班/男/女,锅炉工 foreman/woman, boilermakers 
* 领班/男/女,铁工 foreman/woman, ironworkers 
* 领班/男/女,机械师 foreman/woman, machinists 
* 领班/男/女,维修加工车间 foreman/woman, maintenance machine shop 
* 领班/男/女,工具和模具制造商 foreman/woman, tool and die makers 
* 主管,锅炉工 supervisor, boilermakers 
* 主管,机加工车间 supervisor, machine shop 
* 主管,机械师 supervisor, machinists 
* 主管,金属模具及金属的打样 supervisor, metal mould and metal patternmakers 
* 主管,钣金工人 supervisor, sheet metal workers 
* 主管,结构金属钳工 supervisor, structural metal fitters 
* 主管,工具和模具检查员 supervisor, tool and die inspectors 
* 主管,焊工 supervisor, welders 

7201 承包商和主管,机械加工,金属成型,塑造和装配行业及相关行业主要职责 Main duties - Immiknow NOC 

本单元组的承包商和主管执行部分或全部下列职责:Contractors and supervisors in this unit group perform some or all of the following duties: 

* 监督,协调和安排负责如下工作的工人活动,其塑造,组成连接金属零件或产品到指定的尺寸,按照精确的尺寸将金属机械加工成部件,产品,工具和工模或模具,并安装轻重金属产品和结构。 
Supervise, co-ordinate and schedule the activities of workers who shape, form and join metal parts or products to specified dimensions, machine metal into parts, products, tools and dies or moulds with precise measurements and erect light and heavy metal products and structures 

* 建立方法,以满足工作计划,并协调与其他部门的工作活动 
Establish methods to meet work schedules and co-ordinate work activities with other departments 

* 申报材料和用品 
Requisition materials and supplies 

* 解决工作中的问题,建议工作措施,以提高生产力 
Resolve work problems and recommend work measures to improve productivity 

* 培训或安排工人进行培训 
Train or arrange for training of workers 

* 推荐人员行动,如雇用和升迁 
Recommend personnel actions such as hirings and promotions 

* 确保遵守安全工作条件标准 
Ensure standards for safe working conditions are observed 

* 准备生产和其他报告 
Prepare production and other reports 

* 装配机器及设备并编写计算机数控机床(CNC)程序 
Set up machines and equipment and write programs for computer numerically controlled (CNC) machine tools 

* 可以管理自己公司的运作 
May manage the operations of their own companies 

* 也可监督,统筹安排相关学徒,机器操作员,助理和劳动者的活动。 
May also supervise, co-ordinate and schedule the activities of related apprentices, machine operators, helpers and labourers. 

7201 承包商和主管,机械加工,金属成型,塑造和装配行业及相关行业任职要求 Employment requirements - Immiknow NOC 

* 通常需要完成中学学业。 
Completion of secondary school is usually required. 

* 必须具备多年的合格机械师或工具和模具制造商的经验。 
Several years of experience as a qualified machinist or tool and die maker are required. 

* 必需具备加工,工具和模具制造的熟练工/男/女行业认证或另外的相关金工行业认证。 
Journeyman/woman trade certification in machining, tool and die making or in another related metalworking trade is required. 

7201 承包商和主管,机械加工,金属成型,塑造和装配行业及相关行业其他分类 Classified elsewhere - Immiknow NOC 

* CAD-CAM和CMM的程序员(工业工程与制造技师和技术员) CAD-CAM and CMM programmers (in [2233](2233) Industrial engineering and manufacturing technologists and technicians ) 
* 主管,机动车组装 Supervisors, motor vehicle assembling [9221](9221) 
* 主管,其他机械和金属制品制造业 Supervisors, other mechanical and metal products manufacturing [9226](9226) 

7201 承包商和主管,机械加工,金属成型,塑造和装配行业及相关行业职称头衔 All titles - Immiknow NOC 

* 汽车机加工车间领班/男/女 automotive machine shop foreman/woman 
* 铁匠铺领班/男/女 blacksmith shop foreman/woman 
* 锅炉车间领班/男/女 boilermaking shop foreman/woman 
* 承包商,建筑铁工 contractor, construction ironwork 
* 承包商,建筑铁器 contractor, construction ironworking 
* 承包,铁工 contractor, ironwork 
* 承包商,金属加工成型,成型和安装 contractor, metalwork forming, shaping and installing 
* 承包商,钣金 contractor, sheet metal 
* 金属板屋面承包商, contractor, sheet metal roofing 
* 承包商,钢结构形成,塑造,树立 contractor, steel structure forming, shaping and erecting 
* 承包商,钢结构架设 contractor, structural steel erecting 
* 承包商,焊接 contractor, welding 
* 领班/男/女,汽车机加工车间 foreman/woman, automotive machine shop 
* 领班/男/女,铁匠铺 foreman/woman, blacksmith shop 
* 领班/男/女,铁匠 foreman/woman, blacksmiths 
* 领班/男/女,锅炉工 foreman/woman, boilermakers 
* 领班/男/女,锅炉制造,电镀工,结构性金属工人 foreman/woman, boilermakers, platers, and structural metal workers 
* 锅炉车间领班/男/女 foreman/woman, boilermaking shop 
* 领班/男/女,铜匠 foreman/woman, coppersmiths 
* 领班/男/女,铁工 foreman/woman, ironworkers 
* 领班/男/女,机械加工车间 foreman/woman, machine shop 
* 领班/男/女,机加工车间检查员 foreman/woman, machine shop inspectors 
* 领班/男/女,机床经营 foreman/woman, machine tool operators 
* 领班/男/女,加工 foreman/woman, machining 
* 领班/男/女,加工和模具督察 foreman/woman, machining and tooling inspectors 
* 领班/男/女,加工督察 foreman/woman, machining inspectors 
* 领班/男/女,加工工具经营 foreman/woman, machining tool operators 
* 领班/男/女,加工工具 foreman/woman, machining tools 
* 领班/男/女,机械师 foreman/woman, machinists 
* 领班/男/女,机械师和机床设置运营商 foreman/woman, machinists and machine tool set-up operators 
* 领班/男/女,维修加工车间 foreman/woman, maintenance machine shop 
* 领班/男/女,金属加工厂, foreman/woman, metal fabricators 
* 领班/男/女,金属钳工 foreman/woman, metal fitters 
* 领班/男/女,金属模具及金属的打样 foreman/woman, metal mould and metal patternmakers 
* 领班/男/女,金属塑造者 foreman/woman, metal shapers 
* 领班/男/女,金属加工检验 foreman/woman, metal-machining inspection 
* 领班/男/女,模具车间 - 机械加工 foreman/woman, mould shop – machining 
* 领班/男/女,制版车间 foreman/woman, plate shop 
* 工头/男/女,钣金制造 foreman/woman, platework fabricators 
* 领班/男/女,钣金工人 foreman/woman, sheet metal workers 
* 领班/男/女,钢铁钳工 - 金属加工 foreman/woman, steel fitters – metal fabrication 
* 领班/男/女,钢框架建设者 foreman/woman, steel frame erectors 
* 领班/男/女,钢装配工 foreman/woman, steel riggers 
* 领班/男/女,钢结构安装工 foreman/woman, steel structure erectors 
* 领班/男/女,钢桁梁建设者 foreman/woman, steel truss erectors 
* 领班/男/女,金属结构安装工 foreman/woman, structural metal erectors 
* 领班/男/女,金属结构制造 foreman/woman, structural metal fabricators 
* 领班/男/女,结构钢工人 foreman/woman, structural steel workers 
* 领班/男/女,工具和模具督察 foreman/woman, tool and die inspectors 
* 领班/男/女,工具和模具制造商 foreman/woman, tool and die makers 
* 领班/男/女,工装督察 foreman/woman, tooling inspectors 
* 领班/男/女,电焊工 foreman/woman, welders 
* 领班/男/女,锌屋顶工 foreman/woman, zinc roofers 
* 焊工工长,电焊钢管厂 headwelder, electric welding pipe mill 
* 铁工承建商 ironwork contractor 
* 铁工领班/男/女 ironworkers foreman/woman 
* 机加工车间领班/男/女 machine shop foreman/woman 
* 机加工车间检查员领班/男/女 machine shop inspectors foreman/woman 
* 机加工车间主管 machine shop supervisor 
* 机床磨削领班/男/女 machine tool grinding foreman/woman 
* 机床操作员领班/男/女 machine tool operators foreman/woman 
* 加工和模具检查员领班/男/女 machining and tooling inspectors foreman/woman 
* 加工领班/男/女 machining foreman/woman 
* 加工检查员领班/男/女 machining inspectors foreman/woman 
* 加工主管 machining supervisor 
* 加工刀具领班/男/女 machining tool foreman/woman 
* 加工工具经营领班/男/女 machining tool operators foreman/woman 
* 机械师和机床设置运营商领班/男/女 machinists and machine tool set-up operators foreman/woman 
* 机械师领班/男/女 machinists foreman/woman 
* 机械师主管 machinists supervisor 
* 维修机加工车间领班/男/女 maintenance machine shop foreman/woman 
* 金属钳工领班/男/女 metal fitters foreman/woman 
* 金属模具和金属的打样领班/男/女 metal mould and metal patternmakers foreman/woman 
* 金属模具和金属的打样主管 metal mould and metal patternmakers supervisor 
* 金属成形机领班/男/女 metal shapers foreman/woman 
* 金属造船领班/男/女 metal shipwright foreman/woman 
* 金属加工检验领班/男/女 metal-machining inspection foreman/woman 
* 金属加工成型,成型和安装承包商 metalwork forming, shaping and installing contractor 
* 模具车间领班/男/女 - 机械加工 mould shop foreman/woman – machining 
* 模车间领班/男/女 - 金属机械加工 pattern shop foreman/woman – metal machining 
* 制版车间领班/男/女 plate shop foreman/woman 
* 钣金制造领班/男/女 platework fabricators foreman/woman 
* 精密仪器加工车间领班/男/女 precision instrument machine shop foreman/woman 
* 生产加工车间领班/男/女 production machine shop foreman/woman 
* 质量控制领班/男/女 - 金属机械加工 quality control foreman/woman – metal machining 
* 钣金承包商 sheet metal contractor 
* 金属板屋面承包商 sheet metal roofing contractor 
* 钣金工人领班/男/女 sheet metal workers foreman/woman 
* 钣金职工主管 sheet metal workers supervisor 
* 船造领班/男/女 ship riggers foreman/woman 
* 船体安装领班/男/女 shipfitters foreman/woman 
* 船厂机加工车间领班/男/女 shipyard machine shop foreman/woman 
* 车间领班/男/女锅炉 shop foreman/woman, boilermaking 
* 钢架安装工工头/男/女 steel frame erectors foreman/woman 
* 钢结构安装工工头/男/女 steel structure erectors foreman/woman 
* 钢结构成型,塑造,安装承建商 steel structure forming, shaping and erecting contractor 
* 钢桁架建设者领班/男/女 steel truss erectors foreman/woman 
* 结构钢承建商 structural steel contractor 
* 结构钢架设承包商 structural steel erecting contractor 
* 主管,锅炉工 supervisor, boilermakers 
* 主管,铁厂 supervisor, ironworks 
* 主管,机加工车间 supervisor, machine shop 
* 主管,机械加工 supervisor, machining 
* 主管,机械师 supervisor, machinists 
* 主管,金属模具及金属的打样 supervisor, metal mould and metal patternmakers 
* 主管,钣金制造 supervisor, platework fabricators 
* 主管,金属板屋顶工 supervisor, sheet metal roofers 
* 主管,钣金工人 supervisor, sheet metal workers 
* 主管,结构金属钳工 supervisor, structural metal fitters 
* 主管,工具和模具督察 supervisor, tool and die inspectors 
* 主管,工具和模具制造商 supervisor, tool and die makers 
* 主管,工装督察; supervisor, tooling inspectors 
* 主管,焊工 supervisor, welders 
* 工具和模具督察领班/男/女 tool and die inspectors foreman/woman 
* 工具和模具督察监督员 tool and die inspectors supervisor 
* 工具和模具制造商领班/男/女 tool and die makers foreman/woman 
* 工具和模具制造商主管 tool and die makers supervisor 
* 工具和模具制造主管 tool and die making supervisor 
* 工装领班/男/女 tooling foreman/woman 
* 工装督察领班/男/女 tooling inspectors foreman/woman 
* 工装督察监督员 tooling inspectors supervisor 
* 模具主管 tooling supervisor 
* 模具车间领班/男/女 toolroom foreman/woman 
* 焊工领班/男/女 welder foreman/woman 
* 焊接承建商 welding contractor 
* 焊接监督员 welding supervisor 
* 锌屋顶工领班/男/女 zinc roofers foreman/woman  

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