移民内参 职业列表 7202 承包商和监督员--电力和电信行业

7202 承包商和监督员--电力和电信行业

发布时间:2017-08-28 复查时间:2023-10-08 4999

7202 承包商和监督员--电力和电信行业 Contractors and supervisors, electrical trades and telecommunications occupations - Immiknow NOC - LEVEL B 


This unit group includes telecommunications and electrical trade contractors who own and operate their own businesses. This group also includes supervisors who supervise and co-ordinate the activities of workers classified in the following unit groups: Electricians (7241), Industrial Electricians (7242), Power System Electricians (7243), Electrical Power Line and Cable Workers (7244), Telecommunications Line and Cable Workers (7245), Telecommunications Installation and Repair Workers (7246) and Cable Television Service and Maintenance Technicians (7247). They are employed in a wide range of establishments; places of employment are indicated in the above unit group descriptions. 

7202 承包商和监督员--电力和电信行业头衔范例 Example Titles - Immiknow NOC 

* 电业承办商 electrical contractor 
* 领班/男/女,Cablevision公司的技术人员 foreman/woman, cablevision technicians 
* 领班/男/女,建筑电工 foreman/woman, construction electricians 
* 领班/男/女,工业电工 foreman/woman, industrial electricians 
* 领班/男/女,电源线和电缆工人 foreman/woman, power line and cable workers 
* 领班/男/女,电源系统,电工 foreman/woman, power system electricians 
* 领班/男/女,电信安装和维修工人 foreman/woman, telecommunications installation and repair workers 
* 监事,电缆的维护和修理 supervisor, cable maintenance and repair 
* 监事,工厂电工 supervisor, plant electricians 
* 监事,住宅电工 supervisor, residential electricians 

7202 承包商和监督员--电力和电信行业主要职责 Main duties - Immiknow NOC 

本单元组的承包商和监事执行部分或全部下列职责:Contractors and supervisors in this unit group perform some or all of the following duties: 

* 监督,协调和安排工人的活动,如:安装,修理和维护电线,灯具和控制设备,电力系统,电信系统和Cablevision系统 
Supervise, co-ordinate and schedule the activities of workers who install, repair and maintain electrical wiring, fixtures and control devices, power systems, telecommunication systems and cablevision systems 

* 制定方法,以满足工作计划,协调与其他部门或分包商的工作活动 
Establish methods to meet work schedules and co-ordinate work activities with other departments or subcontractors 

* 申报材料和用品 
Requisition materials and supplies 

* 解决工作中的问题和建议采取相应措施,以提高生产力 
Resolve work problems and recommend work measures to improve productivity 

* 培训或安排员工培训 
Train or arrange for training of workers 

* 推荐人员,如雇佣和职位升迁 
Recommend personnel actions such as hirings and promotions 

* 确保安全的工作条件标准 
Ensure standards for safe working conditions are observed 

* 准备工作进展报告 
Prepare work progress reports 

* 亦可管理自己的公司运作 
May manage the operations of their own companies 

* 也可监督,协调和调度相关的学徒,佣工和劳动者的活动。 
May also supervise, co-ordinate and schedule the activities of related apprentices, helpers and labourers. 

7202 承包商和监督员--电力和电信行业任职要求 Employment requirements - Immiknow NOC 

* 通常要求完成中学学习 
Completion of secondary school is usually required. 

* 一名合格的技工必须具备在相关行业的多年的经验。 
Several years of experience as a qualified tradesperson in a relevant trade are required. 

* 熟练工必须具有在相关行业的行业认证。 
Journeyman/woman trade certification in a relevant trade is required. 

7202 承包商和监督员--电力和电信行业附加信息 Additional information - Immiknow NOC 

* 特定行业领域内的工作之间有一定的流动性,但是,国贸流动性很少或没有。 
There is some mobility between jobs within a specific trade; however, there is little or no intertrade mobility. 

7202 承包商和监督员--电力和电信行业其他分类 Classified elsewhere - Immiknow NOC 

* 男/女工长 电气力学(承包商和主管,机械行业)Foreman/woman of electrical mechanics (in [7301](7301) Contractors and supervisors, mechanic trades ) 

7202 承包商和监督员--电力和电信行业职称头衔 All titles - Immiknow NOC 

* 电缆安装和维修领班/男/女 - 电信 cable installation and repair foreman/woman – telecommunications 
* 电缆安装承包商 cable installation contractor 
* 电缆安装工长/男/女 cable installation foreman/woman 
* 电缆安装主管 cable installation supervisor 
* 电缆安装及维修领班/男/女 - 电信 cable installers and repairers foreman/woman – telecommunications 
* 电缆维护和维修主管 cable maintenance and repair supervisor 
* 电缆捻接器领班/男/女 - 电信 cable splicers foreman/woman – telecommunications 
* 光缆熔接领班/男/女 - 电信 cable splicing foreman/woman – telecommunications 
* 有线电视系统的安装和维修领班/男/女 cable television system installers and repairers foreman/woman 
* 电缆工人一线监督员 cable workers front line supervisor 
* 有线电视技术员领班/男/女 cablevision technicians foreman/woman 
* 首席电工 chief electrician 
* 通信工长/男/女 communications foreman/woman 
* 建筑电工和维修领班/男/女 construction electricians and repairers foreman/woman 
* 建筑电工工长/男/女 construction electricians foreman/woman 
* 建筑电工主管 construction electricians supervisor 
* 承包商,电气安装 contractor, electrical installation 
* 电气系统承包商, contractor, electrical systems 
* 承包商,电气线路安装 contractor, electrical wiring installation 
* 承包商,电信 contractor, telecommunications 
* 承包商电工 contractor-electrician 
* 电表安装工长/男/女 electric meter installers foreman/woman 
* 电表安装主管 electric meter installers supervisor 
* 电器安装领班/男/女 electrical appliances installation foreman/woman 
* 建筑电气承办商 electrical construction contractor 
* 电气施工工长/男/女 electrical construction foreman/woman 
* 电业承办商 electrical contractor 
* 电气承包商,建筑 electrical contractor, construction 
* 电气设备的安装和维修领班/男/女 electrical equipment installation and repair foreman/woman 
* 电气工长/男/女 electrical foreman/woman 
* 电力督察人员和测试人员主管 electrical power inspector and tester supervisor 
* 电气主管 - 钻机 electrical supervisor – drilling rig 
* 电气系统承包商 electrical systems contractor 
* 电气布线督察监督员 electrical wiring inspector supervisor 
* 电气布线安装承包商 electrical wiring installation contractor 
* 电工工长/男/女 electrician foreman/woman 
* 电工承包商 electrician-contractor 
* 电工主管 electricians supervisor 
* 应急队伍领班/男/女 - 电信 emergency team foreman/woman – telecommunications 
* 领班/男/女,电缆安装 foreman/woman, cable installations 
* 领班/男/女,电缆连接工具 - 电信 foreman/woman, cable splicers – telecommunications 
* 领班/男/女,有线电视系统安装及维修 foreman/woman, cable television system installers and repairers 
* 领班/男/女,Cablevision公司的技术人员 foreman/woman, cablevision technicians 
* 领班/男/女,建筑电工 foreman/woman, construction electricians 
* 领班/男/女,建筑电工和维修工人 foreman/woman, construction electricians and repair workers 
* 领班/男/女,电器安装 foreman/woman, electrical appliances installations 
* 领班/男/女,建筑电器 foreman/woman, electrical construction 
* 领班/男/女,电气设备的安装和维修 foreman/woman, electrical equipment installation and repair 
* 领班/男/女,电工 foreman/woman, electricians 
* 领班/男/女,工业电工 foreman/woman, industrial electricians 
* 领班/男/女,安装人员和维修 - 电信 foreman/woman, installers and repairers – telecommunications 
* 领班/男/女,线,电缆安装 foreman/woman, line and cable installation 
* 领班/男/女,线,电缆安装 foreman/woman, line and cable installers 
* 领班/男/女,线,电缆维修 - 电源线 foreman/woman, line and cable repairers – power lines 
* 领班/男/女,维修电工 foreman/woman, maintenance electricians 
* 领班/男/女,海洋电工 foreman/woman, marine electricians 
* 领班/男/女,电表安装及维修 foreman/woman, meter installers and repairers 
* 领班/男/女,电源线和电缆工人 foreman/woman, power line and cable workers 
* 领班/男/女,电源线维修 foreman/woman, power line repairers 
* 领班/男/女,电源线技术员 foreman/woman, power line technician 
* 领班/男/女,电源系统,电工 foreman/woman, power system electricians 
* 领班/男/女,信号系统安装 foreman/woman, signaling system installation 
* 领班/男/女,通信电缆安装 foreman/woman, telecommunication cable installation 
* 领班/男/女,电信安装及维修 foreman/woman, telecommunication installers and repairers 
* 领班/男/女,电信线路的安装,维修和测试 foreman/woman, telecommunication line installation, repair and testing 
* 领班/男/女,电信线路安装 foreman/woman, telecommunication line installers 
* 领班/男/女,电信线路安装,维修和测试人员 foreman/woman, telecommunication line installers, repairers and testers 
* 领班/男/女,电信线路维护 foreman/woman, telecommunication line maintenance 
* 领班/男/女,电信线路维修 foreman/woman, telecommunication line repairers 
* 领班/男/女,电信服务 foreman/woman, telecommunication service 
* 领班/男/女,电信安装和维修工人 foreman/woman, telecommunications installation and repair workers 
* 领班/男/女,电话安装 foreman/woman, telephone installation 
* 领班/男/女,地下电力管道 foreman/woman, underground electrical conduits 
* 一线主管 - 电源线维修 front line supervisor – power line maintenance 
* 一线主管,电缆工人 front line supervisor, cable workers 
* 总部维修主管 head-office repair supervisor 
* 工业电气设备领班/男/女 industrial electrical systems foreman/woman 
* 工业电工工长/男/女 industrial electricians foreman/woman 
* 工业电工主管 industrial electricians supervisor 
* 安装工长/男/女 - 电信 installation foreman/woman – telecommunications 
* 安装和维修领班/男/女 - 电信 installers and repairers foreman/woman – telecommunications 
* 线和电缆承包商 line and cable contractor 
* 线和电缆的安装与维修主管 line and cable installation and maintenance supervisor 
* 线和电缆安装领班/男/女 line and cable installation foreman/woman 
* 线和电缆安装工长/男/女 line and cable installers foreman/woman 
* 线和电缆职工监事 line and cable workers supervisor 
* 线领班/男/女 - 电源线 line foreman/woman – power lines 
* 线领班/男/女 - 电信的 line foreman/woman – telecommunications 
* 维修电工工长/男/女 maintenance electricians foreman/woman 
* 维修电工主管 maintenance electricians supervisor 
* 维修主管,电信线路 maintenance supervisor, telecommunication lines 
* 海洋电工工长/男/女 marine electricians foreman/woman 
* 电表安装和维修领班/男/女 meter installers and repairers foreman/woman 
* 微波系统领班/男/女 microwave system foreman/woman 
* 电源线和电缆工人领班/男/女 power line and cable workers foreman/woman 
* 电源线维修工人一线监督员 power line maintenance workers front line supervisor 
* 电源线维修领班/男/女 power line repair foreman/woman 
* 电力线维修领班/男/女 power line repairers foreman/woman 
* 电源线服务领班/男/女 power line service foreman/woman 
* 电源线技术员领班/男/女 power line technician foreman/woman 
* 电力架线工/电缆的安装主管 power linemen/women and cable installers supervisor 
* 电力系统电工主管 power system electricians supervisor 
* 电源系统,电工主管 power systems electricians supervisor 
* 维修领班/男/女,电源线 repair foreman/woman, power lines 
* 维修领班/男/女,电信线路 repair foreman/woman, telecommunication lines 
* 服务领班/男/女,电源线 service foreman/woman, power lines 
* 服务主管,电信线路 service supervisor, telecommunication lines 
* 信号系统安装领班/男/女 signaling system installation foreman/woman 
* 监事,电缆安装 supervisor, cable installation 
* 监事,电缆的维护和修理 supervisor, cable maintenance and repair 
* 监事,有线电视技术人员 supervisor, cablevision technicians 
* 监事,建筑电工 supervisor, construction electricians 
* 监事,电气安装 supervisor, electrical installation 
* 监事,电力负荷测试仪 supervisor, electrical load testers 
* 监事,电力督察人员和测试人员 supervisor, electrical power inspectors and testers 
* 监事,电气布线督察 supervisor, electrical wiring inspectors 
* 主管,电工 supervisor, electricians 
* 监事,工厂电工 supervisor, factory electricians 
* 监事,工业电工 supervisor, industrial electricians 
* 主管,线和电缆的安装和维护 supervisor, line and cable installation and maintenance 
* 监事,线和电缆的工人 supervisor, line and cable workers 
* 监事,维修电工 supervisor, maintenance electricians 
* 监事,工厂电工 supervisor, plant electricians 
* 监事,电力架线工/电缆安装 supervisor, power linemen/women and cable installers 
* 监事,电源系统,电工 supervisor, power system electricians 
* 监事,电力系统电工 supervisor, power systems electricians 
* 监事,住宅电工 supervisor, residential electricians 
* 监事,电信 supervisor, telecommunications 
* 监事,电话安装 supervisor, telephone installation 
* 电信电缆安装工长/男/女 telecommunication cable installation foreman/woman 
* 电信线路的安装,维修及测试领班/男/女 telecommunication line installation, repair and testing foreman/woman 
* 电信线路的安装,维修和测试主管 telecommunication line installation, repair and testing supervisor 
* 电信线路安装工长/男/女 telecommunication line installers foreman/woman 
* 电信线路的安装,维修和测试人员领班/男/女 telecommunication line installers, repairers and testers foreman/woman 
* 电信线路维修领班/男/女 telecommunication line maintenance foreman/woman 
* 电信线路维修主管 telecommunication line maintenance supervisor 
* 电信线路维修领班/男/女 telecommunication line repairers foreman/woman 
* 电信在线服务主管 telecommunication line service supervisor 
* 电信服务领班/男/女 telecommunication service foreman/woman 
* 电信系统的安装和维修领班/男/女 telecommunication system installers and repairers foreman/woman 
* 电信承包商 telecommunications contractor 
* 电信主管 telecommunications supervisor 
* 电话设备安装工长/男/女 telephone equipment installers foreman/woman 
* 电话安装工长/男/女 telephone installation foreman/woman 
* 电话安装主管 telephone installation supervisor 
* 麻烦领班/男/女 - 电信 trouble foreman/woman – telecommunications 
* 疑难解答领班/男/女 - 电信 troubleshooter foreman/woman – telecommunications 
* 地下电力管道领班/男/女 underground electrical conduit foreman/woman  

上一页 7331 石油和固体燃料加热技工
下一页 2122 林业专业人员









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