移民内参 职业列表 7242 工业电工

7242 工业电工

发布时间:2015-07-01 复查时间:2023-10-08 4508

7242 工业电工 Industrial electricians - Immiknow NOC - LEVEL B 


Industrial electricians install, maintain, test, troubleshoot and repair industrial electrical equipment and associated electrical and electronic controls. They are employed by electrical contractors and maintenance departments of factories, plants, mines, shipyards and other industrial establishments. 

7242 工业电工头衔范例 Example Titles - Immiknow NOC 

* 电工,造船厂 electrician, shipyard 
* 工业电工 industrial electrician 
* 工业电工学徒 industrial electrician apprentice 
* 海洋电工 marine electrician 
* 磨房电工 mill electrician 
* 矿山电工 mine electrician 
* 工厂电工 plant electrician 
* 工厂维修工电工 plant maintenance electrician 

7242 工业电工主要职责 Main duties - Immiknow NOC 

工业电工执行部分或全部下列职责:Industrial electricians perform some or all of the following duties: 

* 阅读和解释图纸,图纸,原理图和电气代码规格,以确定工业电气设备安装的布局 
Read and interpret drawings, blueprints, schematics and electrical code specifications to determine layout of industrial electrical equipment installations 

* 安装,检查,更换或修理电线,插座,开关箱,管道,馈线,光纤和同轴电缆组件,照明灯具和其他电器元件 
Install, examine, replace or repair electrical wiring, receptacles, switch boxes, conduits, feeders, fibre-optic and coaxial cable assemblies, lighting fixtures and other electrical components 

* 测试电气和电子设备和组件的连续性,电流,电压和电阻 
Test electrical and electronic equipment and components for continuity, current, voltage and resistance 

* 维护,修理,安装和测试开关,变压器,配电仪表,调节器和电抗器 
Maintain, repair, install and test switchgear, transformers, switchboard meters, regulators and reactors 

* 维护,修理,测试和安装电动机,发电机,交流发电机,工业蓄电池和液压和气动电气控制系统 
Maintain, repair, test and install electrical motors, generators, alternators, industrial storage batteries and hydraulic and pneumatic electrical control systems 

* 排除故障,维护和修理工业,电气和电子控制系统以及相关设备 
Troubleshoot, maintain and repair industrial, electrical and electronic control systems and other related devices 

* 进行预防性维护计划,并保留维修工记录 
Conduct preventive maintenance programs and keep maintenance records 

* 亦可安装,维护和校准工业仪器仪表及相关设备。 
May install, maintain and calibrate industrial instrumentation and related devices. 

7242 工业电工任职要求 Employment requirements - Immiknow NOC 

* 通常需要完成中学学业。 
Completion of secondary school is usually required. 

* 完成四或五年的工业电工学徒计划 
Completion of a four- or five-year industrial electrician apprenticeship program 

* 或者通常需要五年以上的行业内工作经验,以及工业电气设备的一些高中,大学或工业课程的学习,才有资格取得行业认证。 
A combination of over five years of work experience in the trade and some high school, college or industry courses in industrial electrical equipment is usually required to be eligible for trade certification. 

* 在爱德华王子岛省,魁北克省和马尼托巴省,工业电工行业认证是强制性的,但在新不伦瑞克省,纽芬兰省和拉布拉多省,新斯科舍省,安大略省,不列颠哥伦比亚省和育空地区是自愿的,。 
Trade certification for industrial electricians is compulsory in Prince Edward Island, Quebec and Manitoba and available, but voluntary, in Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Ontario, British Columbia and the Yukon. 

* 当雇主不是工业电气设备的业主时,工业电工可能需要其他建筑电工认证。 
Additional construction electrician certification may be required for industrial electricians when the employers are not owners of the industrial electrical equipment. 

* 红印章背书对于通过跨省的红色钢印的考试的合格的工业电工也是适用的。 
Red Seal endorsement is also available to qualified industrial electricians upon successful completion of the interprovincial Red Seal examination. 

7242 工业电工附加信息 Additional information - Immiknow NOC 

* 红印章背书允许跨省流动。 
The Red Seal endorsement allows for interprovincial mobility. 

* 随着经验积累,有可能晋升为主管。 
Progression to supervisory positions is possible with experience. 

7242 工业电工其他分类 Classified elsewhere - Immiknow NOC 

* 建筑电工(电工,除工业和电力系统)Construction electricians (in [7241](7241) Electricians (except industrial and power system) ) 
* 电力系统电工 Power system electricians [7243](7243) 
* 工业电工主管(承包商和主管,电力行业和电信行业)Supervisors of industrial electricians (in [7202](7202) Contractors and supervisors, electrical trades and telecommunications occupations ) 

7242 工业电工职称头衔 All titles - Immiknow NOC 

* 工业电工学徒 apprentice industrial electrician 
* 海洋电工学徒 apprentice marine electrician 
* 柴油电工 - 铁路 diesel electrician – railway 
* 电信号维修工工 - 铁路 electric signal repairer – railway 
* 电器维修工,起重机维修工 electrical repairer, crane maintenance 
* 电器维修工,工业 electrical repairer, industrial 
* 电器维修工,机械加工车间 electrical repairer, machine shop 
* 电工 - 铁路运输 electrician – rail transport 
* 电工,工业 electrician, industrial 
* 电工,维修工厂 electrician, plant maintenance 
* 电工,造船厂 electrician, shipyard 
* 工业电工 industrial electrician 
* 工业电工学徒 industrial electrician apprentice 
* 工业电工铅手 industrial electrician lead hand 
* 熟练男/女工业电工 journeyman/woman industrial electrician 
* 维修工电工 - 工业 maintenance electrician – industrial 
* 海洋电工 marine electrician 
* 船用设备电工 marine equipment electrician 
* 船用电线工人/男/女 marine wireman/woman 
* 磨坊电工 mill electrician 
* 矿山电工 mine electrician 
* 工厂电工 plant electrician 
* 工厂维修工电工 plant maintenance electrician 
* 铁路信号安装 railway signal installer 
* 铁路信号维护 railway signal maintainer 
* 钻机电工 rig electrician 
* 船舶电工 ship's electrician 
* 船舶电工 - 造船及维修工 ship's electrician – shipbuilding and repair 
* 船舶电工 - 水上运输 ship's electrician – water transport 
* 造船厂电工 shipyard electrician 
* 铁路信号维修工 signal maintainer, railway  

上一页 0111 财务经理 Financial managers
下一页 7371 起重机操作员









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