移民内参 职业列表 7247 有线电视服务和维修技师

7247 有线电视服务和维修技师

发布时间:2015-07-01 复查时间:2023-10-08 4906

7247 有线电视服务和维修技师 Cable television service and maintenance technicians - Immiknow NOC - LEVEL B 


Cable television service technicians install, maintain and repair cable and satellite television and Internet signal and associated equipment in homes and commercial buildings. Cable television maintenance technicians maintain and repair cable television transmission and distribution systems and associated hardware. They are employed by cable and satellite television companies. 

7247 有线电视服务和维修技师头衔范例 Example Titles - Immiknow NOC 

* CATV技师 CATV technician 
* 有线电视安装 cable television installer 
* 有线电视服务商 cablevision servicer 
* 直接广播卫星(DBS)技术人员 - 有线电视 direct broadcast satellite (DBS) technician – cable television 
* 安装技术员,有线电视 installation technician, cable television 
* 维修技师,有线电视 maintenance technician, cable television 

7247 有线电视服务和维修技师主要职责 Main duties - Immiknow NOC 

### 有线电视服务技术人员执行部分或全部下列职责:Cable television service technicians perform some or all of the following duties: 

* 与用户和公司人员沟通,以确定工作任务 
Communicate with subscribers and company personnel to determine work assignments 

* 连接,断开连接,并重新定位电缆插座,安装分离器,转换器,解码器,卫星电视和付费电视设备,并在用户的处所安装其他有线硬件和系统 
Connect, disconnect and relocate cable outlets, install splitters, converters, decoders, satellite and pay TV equipment, and install other cable hardware and systems at subscriber's premises 

* 安装电缆调制解调器和软件,使用户处所能够上网 
Install cable modems and software to enable Internet access at subscriber's premises 

* 检查,测试和维修用户住所的有线电视和卫星电视信号和相关设备。 
Inspect, test and repair cable and satellite television signals and associated equipment at subscriber's premises. 

### 有线电视维修技师执行部分或全部下列职责:Cable television maintenance technicians perform some or all of the following duties: 

* 维护和修复主要的地上和地下同轴和光纤有线电视传输线,中继和相关分销和互连系统,包括电源和放大器 
Maintain and repair main aerial and underground coaxial and fibre optic cable television transmission lines, trunking and related distribution and interconnecting systems including power supplies and amplifiers 

* 检查,监测,测试和调整电缆的输电和配电系统 
Inspect, monitor, test and adjust cable transmission and distribution systems 

* 修理或更换故障电缆,电源供应器,放大器和其他相关的传输和配电设备 
Repair or replace faulty cables, power supplies, amplifiers and other associated transmission and distribution equipment 

* 借助杆,梯子或其他支撑结构,爬升到高空工作 
Climb and work aloft on poles, ladders or other support structures 

* 与其他工人沟通,统筹准备和完成工作任务。 
Communicate with other workers to co-ordinate the preparation and completion of work assignments. 

7247 有线电视服务和维修技师任职要求 Employment requirements - Immiknow NOC 

* 必需完成中学学业。 
Completion of secondary school is required. 

* 完成电子大专以上课程 
Completion of a college program in electronics 

* 或者大专,函授或相关的电子和电气系统行业的课程以及在职培训相结合 
A combination of college, correspondence or industry courses related to electronics and electrical systems and on-the-job training 

* 或者需要完成四年制有线电视技术员学徒训练课程。 
Completion of a four-year cable television technician apprenticeship program is required. 

* 在不列颠哥伦比亚省和育空地区,有线电视技术员行业认证是可用的,但是自愿的。 
Trade certification for cable television technicians is available, but voluntary, in British Columbia and the Yukon. 

7247 有线电视服务和维修技师附加信息 Additional information - Immiknow NOC 

* 随着经验积累,可能晋升到主管职位。 
Progression to supervisory positions is possible with experience. 

7247 有线电视服务和维修技师其他分类 Classified elsewhere - Immiknow NOC 

* 主管有线电视服务和维修技术人员(承包商和监督员,电力行业和电信行业) Supervisors of cable television service and maintenance technicians (in [7202](7202) Contractors and supervisors, electrical trades and telecommunications occupations ) 
* 工人安装架空或地下电缆电视线(电信线路和电缆工人) Workers who install aerial or underground cable television lines (in [7245](7245) Telecommunications line and cable workers ) 

7247 有线电视服务和维修技师职称头衔 All titles - Immiknow NOC 

* 学徒CATV(共用天线电视)技术员 apprentice CATV (community antenna television) technician 
* 学徒社区天线电视(CATV)技术员 apprentice community antenna television (CATV) technician 
* 电缆电视服务商, cable servicer, television 
* 有线电视安装技师 cable television installation technician 
* 有线电视安装工 cable television installer 
* 有线电视维修技师 cable television maintenance technician 
* 有线电视服务的安装技术人员 cable television service installation technician 
* 有线电视技术员 cable television technician 
* 有线电视(电视)转换器和解码器设备的造车 cable TV (television) converter and decoder equipment repairer 
* 有线电视服务商 cablevision servicer 
* 社区天线电视(CATV)安装技术员 - 电信 CATV (community antenna television) installation technician – telecommunications 
* 社区天线电视(CATV)维修技师 CATV (community antenna television) maintenance technician 
* CATV(共用天线电视)安装服务技师 - 电信 CATV (community antenna television) service installation technician – telecommunications 
* 社区天线电视(CATV)技术员 - 有线电视 CATV (community antenna television) technician – cable television 
* 社区天线电视(CATV)技术员 - 电信 CATV (community antenna television) technician – telecommunications 
* CATV技师 CATV technician 
* 社区天线电视(CATV)安装技术员 - 电信 community antenna television (CATV) installation technician – telecommunications 
* 社区天线电视(CATV)维修技师 community antenna television (CATV) maintenance technician 
* 社区天线电视(CATV)服务的安装技术人员 - 电信 community antenna television (CATV) service installation technician – telecommunications 
* 社区天线电视(CATV)技术员 - 有线电视 community antenna television (CATV) technician – cable television 
* 社区天线电视(CATV)技术员 - 电信 community antenna television (CATV) technician – telecommunications 
* 直接广播卫星(DBS)技术人员 - 有线电视 DBS (direct broadcast satellite) technician – cable television 
* 直接广播卫星(DBS)技术人员 - 有线电视 direct broadcast satellite (DBS) technician – cable television 
* 电子学徒 - 社区天线电视 electronics apprentice – community antenna television 
* 头端技术员 - 有线电视 head end technician – cable television 
* 安装维修技师 - 有线电视 installation service technician – cable television 
* 安装技术员,有线电视 installation technician, cable television 
* 维修技师,有线电视 maintenance technician, cable television 
* 修理工,有线电视转换器和解码器的设备(电视) repairer, cable TV (television) converter and decoder equipment 
* 卫星电视技术人员 satellite television technician 
* 技术人员,有线电视 technician, cable television 
* 电视接收(TVRO)技术员 television receive only (TVRO) technician 
* TVRO(电视接收)技术员 TVRO (television receive only) technician  

上一页 7233 钣金工人
下一页 7282 混凝土整理工









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