移民内参 职业列表 7252 蒸汽管道工,管道装配工和自动喷水灭火系统安装工

7252 蒸汽管道工,管道装配工和自动喷水灭火系统安装工

发布时间:2015-07-01 复查时间:2023-10-08 4262

7252 蒸汽管道工,管道装配工和自动喷水灭火系统安装工 Steamfitters, pipefitters and sprinkler system installers - Immiknow NOC - LEVEL B 


Steamfitters and pipefitters lay out, assemble, fabricate, maintain, troubleshoot and repair piping systems carrying water, steam, chemicals and fuel in heating, cooling, lubricating and other process piping systems. Sprinkler system installers fabricate, install, test, maintain and repair water, foam, carbon dioxide and dry chemical sprinkler systems in buildings for fire protection purposes. Steamfitters, pipefitters and sprinkler system installers are employed in maintenance departments of factories, plants and similar establishments, and by pipefitting and sprinkler system contractors, or they may be self-employed. 

7252 蒸汽管道工,管道装配工和自动喷水灭火系统安装工头衔范例 Example Titles - Immiknow NOC 

* 管工学徒-蒸汽管道工 apprentice pipefitter-steamfitter 
* 防火技工 fire protection mechanic 
* 消防喷淋钳工 fire sprinkler fitter 
* 海洋管工 marine pipefitter 
* 管工 pipefitter 
* 自动喷水灭火系统钳工 sprinkler system fitter 
* 自动喷水灭火系统安装工 sprinkler system installer 
* 蒸汽管道工 steamfitter 
* 蒸汽管安装工,管工 steamfitter-pipefitter 

7252 蒸汽管道工,管道装配工和自动喷水灭火系统安装工主要职责 Main duties - Immiknow NOC 

### 蒸汽管道工和管道装配工执行部分或全部下列职责:Steamfitters and pipefitters perform some or all of the following duties: 

* 阅读和解释图纸,蓝图和规格,以确定布局要求 
Read and interpret drawings, blueprints and specifications to determine layout requirements 

* 手动或使用电动工具或机器在墙壁,地板和天花板上切管开口 
Cut openings for pipe in walls, floors and ceilings using hand or power tools or machines 

* 选择所需管道的类型和尺寸 
Select type and size of pipe required 

* 使用手动和电动工具测量,切割,螺纹和弯管使其成为所需的形状 
Measure, cut, thread and bend pipe to required shape using hand and power tools 

* 焊接,钎焊,用水泥涂抹,焊锡和螺纹接头,使其连接至管道,从而制造管道系统截面 
Weld, braze, cement, solder and thread joints to join pipes and fabricate sections of piping system 

* 安装支架,阀门,管道和控制系统 
Install supports, valves, piping and control systems 

* 使用测试设备测试系统是否泄漏 
Test system for leaks using testing equipment 

* 清洁和维护管件及配件和冲洗系统 
Clean and maintain pipe units and fittings and flush system 

* 取出并更换磨损的部件,并重新启动系统 
Remove and replace worn components and reactivate system 

* 可为客户准备成本估算。 
May prepare cost estimates for clients. 

### 自动喷水灭火系统安装工执行部分或全部下列职责:Sprinkler system installers perform some or all of the following duties: 

* 阅读和解释图纸,规格及消防法规,以确定布局要求 
Read and interpret drawings, specifications and fire codes to determine layout requirements 

* 采用手动和电动工具,安装夹子,支架和吊架,用以支撑管道系统和自动喷水灭火和防火设备 
Install clamps, brackets and hangers to support piping system and sprinkler and fire protection equipment, using hand and power tools 

* 选择,测量,切割,铰孔和螺纹连接管道,安装喷头,并爬上备用管道 
Select, measure, cut, ream and thread pipe, install sprinkler heads and mount prepared pipe in supports 

* 采用焊锡和焊接设备连接管道和管道截面 
Join pipes and piping sections using soldering and welding equipment 

* 把管道系统与水管,供应罐,泵,压缩机和控制设备相连接 
Connect piping system to water mains, supply tanks, pumps, compressors and control equipment 

* 安装阀门,报警器和相关设备 
Installs valves, alarms and associated equipment 

* 使用空气或液体压力设备测试系统是否泄漏 
Test system for leaks using air or liquid pressure equipment 

* 服务和维修自动喷水灭火系统 
Service and repair sprinkler system 

* 可为客户准备成本估算。 
May prepare cost estimates for clients. 

7252 蒸汽管道工,管道装配工和自动喷水灭火系统安装工任职要求 Employment requirements - Immiknow NOC 

* 通常需要完成中学学业。 
Completion of secondary school is usually required. 

* 完成四到五年的学徒计划 
Completion of a four- to five-year apprenticeship program 

* 或通常需要具备行业内五年以上工作经验,以及具备某高中,大学或蒸汽管道安装,管道安装或自动喷水灭火系统安装行业课程,才有资格取得行业认证。 
A combination of over five years of work experience in the trade and some high school, college or industry courses in steamfitting, pipefitting or sprinkler system installation is usually required to be eligible for trade certification. 

* 在爱德华王子岛省,魁北克省,安大略省,曼尼托巴省和阿尔伯塔省的蒸汽管道安装工,管工行业认证是强制性的,但在其他省份和地区是自愿的。 
Steamfitter-pipefitter trade certification is compulsory in Prince Edward Island, Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba and Alberta and available, but voluntary, in all other provinces and the territories. 

* 蒸汽管道工-管工(非建造业)行业认证在魁北克省是强制要求的。 
Steamfitter-pipefitter (non-construction) trade certification is compulsory in Quebec. 

* 自动喷水灭火系统安装工行业认证在新斯科舍省,新不伦瑞克省,魁北克省和马尼托巴省是强制性的,而在所有其他省份和地区是自愿的。 
Sprinkler system installer trade certification is compulsory in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Quebec and Manitoba and available, but voluntary, in all other provinces and the territories. 

* 自动喷水灭火系统安装工(非建设)行业认证在魁北克省是强制的。 
Sprinkler system installer (no construction) trade certification is compulsory in Quebec. 

* 红印章背书对于通过跨省红色钢印考试的合格蒸汽管道工-管道装配工和自动喷水灭火系统安装工也适用。 
Red Seal endorsement is also available to qualified steamfitters-pipefitters and sprinkler system installers upon successful completion of the interprovincial Red Seal examination. 

7252 蒸汽管道工,管道装配工和自动喷水灭火系统安装工附加信息 Additional information - Immiknow NOC 

* 红印章背书可跨省流动。 
The Red Seal endorsement allows for interprovincial mobility. 

* 随着经验积累可能晋升为主管。 
Progression to supervisory positions is possible with experience. 

7252 蒸汽管道工,管道装配工和自动喷水灭火系统安装工其他分类 Classified elsewhere - Immiknow NOC 

* 燃气钳工 Gas fitters [7253](7253) 
* 管道工 Plumbers [7251](7251) 
* 住宅和商业安装商和服务商 Residential and commercial installers and servicers [7441](7441) 
* 蒸汽管道工主管,管道装配工和自动喷水灭火系统安装工(承包商和主管,管道安装工)Supervisors of steamfitters, pipefitters and sprinkler system installers (in [7203](7203) Contractors and supervisors, pipefitting trades ) 

7252 蒸汽管道工,管道装配工和自动喷水灭火系统安装工职称头衔 All titles - Immiknow NOC 

* 学徒钳工,自动喷水灭火系统 apprentice fitter, sprinkler systems 
* 管工学徒 apprentice pipefitter 
* 管工-蒸汽管道工学徒 apprentice pipefitter-steamfitter 
* 自动喷水灭火系统钳工学徒 apprentice sprinkler system fitter 
* 蒸汽管道工学徒 apprentice steamfitter 
* 防火和自动灭火系统安装工 fire prevention and automatic suppression systems installer 
* 防火技工 fire protection mechanic 
* 消防管道安装工 fire protection piping installer 
* 消防喷淋钳工 fire sprinkler fitter 
* 钳工,自动喷水灭火系统; fitter, sprinkler system 
* 安装工,防火和自动灭火系统 installer, fire prevention and automatic suppression systems 
* 安装工,消防管道系统 installer, fire protection piping system 
* 安装工,自动喷水灭火系统; installer, sprinkler systems 
* 安装工,洒水车和消防系统 installer, sprinklers and fire protection systems 
* 熟练工/男/女管工 journeyman/woman pipefitter 
* 熟练工/男/女喷水灭火系统安装 journeyman/woman sprinkler system installer 
* 熟练工/男/女 蒸汽管道工-管工 journeyman/woman steamfitter-pipefitter 
* 维修管工 maintenance pipefitter 
* 海洋管工 marine pipefitter 
* 海洋蒸汽管道工 marine steamfitter 
* 管道安装,散热器 pipe installer, radiator 
* 管工 pipefitter 
* 造船管工 - pipefitter – shipbuilding 
* 管工,铁路车辆和机车 pipefitter, railway cars and locomotives 
* 管工,涡轮机 pipefitter, turbines 
* 管工,焊接 pipefitter, welding 
* 管工-蒸汽管安装工 pipefitter-steamfitter 
* 铁路机车和机车管工 railway car and locomotive pipefitter 
* 船舶管工 ship pipefitter 
* 船舶蒸汽管安装工 ship steamfitter 
* 喷淋和消防安装工 sprinkler and fire protection installer 
* 洒水钳工 sprinkler fitter 
* 自动喷水灭火系统钳工 sprinkler system fitter 
* 自动喷水灭火系统安装工 sprinkler system installer 
* 自动喷水灭火系统安装工(非建造业) sprinkler system installer (non-construction) 
* 自动喷水灭火系统安装学徒 sprinkler system installer apprentice 
* 蒸汽加热安装工 steam heating installer 
* 蒸汽主要服务机构 steam main servicer 
* 蒸汽管工 steam pipefitter 
* 蒸汽管安装工 steamfitter 
* 蒸汽管安装工 - 造船 steamfitter – shipbuilding 
* 蒸汽管安装工,船舶 steamfitter, ships 
* 蒸汽管安装工/管工(非建造业) steamfitter/pipefitter (non-construction) 
* 蒸汽管安装工,管工 steamfitter-pipefitter 
* 涡轮管工 turbine pipefitter  

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