移民内参 职业列表 7302 承包商和主管,重型设备操作人员

7302 承包商和主管,重型设备操作人员

发布时间:2015-07-01 复查时间:2023-10-08 3887

7302 承包商和主管,重型设备操作人员 Contractors and supervisors, heavy equipment operator crews - Immiknow NOC - LEVEL B 

本单元组包括拥有和经营自己生意的挖掘,分级,铺路,钻井和爆破承建商。还包括监督和协调下列单元组的工人活动的主管:起重机操作员,钻孔者,爆破工 - 表层采矿,采石和建筑,水文水井钻探工,码头工人,物料装卸机,重型设备操作员(除了起重机),公共工程维护设备操作人员及有关人员,铁路站场和养路工人,公共工程和维护劳动者。他们受雇于广泛的场所,工作场所在上述单元组已经描述。 

This unit group includes excavating, grading, paving, drilling and blasting contractors who own and operate their own business. This unit group also includes supervisors who supervise and co-ordinate the activities of workers classified in the following unit groups: Crane Operators [7371](7371), Drillers and Blasters – Surface Mining, Quarrying and Construction [7372](7372), Water Well Drillers [7373](7373), Longshore Workers [7451](7451), Material Handlers [7452](7452), Heavy Equipment Operators (Except Crane) [7521](7521), Public Works Maintenance Equipment Operators and Related Workers [7522](7522), Railway Yard and Track Maintenance Workers (7531), and Public Works and Maintenance Labourers [7621](7621). They are employed in a wide range of establishments; places of employment are indicated in the above unit group descriptions. 

7302 承包商和主管,重型设备操作人员头衔范例 Example Titles - Immiknow NOC 

* 挖掘承包商 excavating contractor 
* 领班/男/女,拆迁 foreman/woman, demolition 
* 领班/男/女,钻井和爆破 - 建筑物 foreman/woman, drilling and blasting – construction 
* 领班/男/女,伐木道路建筑物 foreman/woman, logging road construction 
* 领班/男/女,铁路团伙 foreman/woman, railway gang 
* 领班/男/女,铁路养路 foreman/woman, railway track maintenance 
* 铺路承包商 paving contractor 
* 管道建设主管 pipeline construction supervisor 
* 道路维修领班/男/女 road maintenance foreman/woman 
* 领班/男/女,铁路 section foreman/woman, railway 
* 监事,重型设备操作员 supervisor, heavy equipment operators 
* 监事,油田建筑物 supervisor, oil field construction 
* 监事,水井钻探 supervisor, water well drilling 
* 轨道领班/男/女 - 铁路 track foreman/woman – railway 

7302 承包商和主管,重型设备操作人员主要职责 Main duties - Immiknow NOC 

本单元组的承包商和监事执行部分或全部下列职责:Contractors and supervisors in this unit group perform some or all of the following duties: 

* 监督,协调和统筹安排操作起重机和施工,摊铺,钻井,铁路维护及其他类似的重型设备工人的活动 
Supervise, co-ordinate and schedule the activities of workers who operate cranes and construction, paving, drilling, railway maintenance and other similar heavy equipment 

* 建立方法,以满足工作计划,协调与其他项目主管或经理工作 
Establish methods to meet work schedules and co-ordinate work activities with other project supervisors or managers 

* 申报材料和用品 
Requisition materials and supplies 

* 解决工作中的问题和建议措施,以提高生产力 
Resolve work problems and recommend measures to improve productivity 

* 培训或安排员工培训 
Train or arrange for training of workers 

* 推荐人事,如雇佣和晋升 
Recommend personnel actions such as hirings and promotions 

* 准备生产和其他报告 
Prepare production and other reports 

* 亦可管理本公司的运作 
May manage the operations of own company 

* 也可监督,协调和调度相关的学徒,佣工和劳动者的活动。 
May also supervise, co-ordinate and schedule the activities of related apprentices, helpers and labourers. 

7302 承包商和主管,重型设备操作人员任职要求 Employment requirements - Immiknow NOC 

* 通常需要完成中学学业。 
Completion of secondary school is usually required. 

* 具备多年的业内工作经验 
Several years of experience in the occupation supervised is required. 

* 具备相关行业的熟练工认证 
Journeyman/woman trade certification in a relevant trade may be required. 

* 可能需要在相关行业的熟练工/女人贸易认证。 

7302 承包商和主管,重型设备操作人员附加信息 Additional information - Immiknow NOC 

* 本单元组的职位之间具有一定的可流动性。 
There is some mobility between occupations classified in this unit group. 

7302 承包商和主管,重型设备操作人员其他分类 Classified elsewhere - Immiknow NOC 

* 监事--重型设备技师(承包商及监事,机械行业)Supervisors of heavy equipment mechanics (in [7301](7301) Contractors and supervisors, mechanic trades ) 
* 监事--伐木机械运营商(监事,记录和林业)Supervisors of logging machinery operators (in [8211](8211) Supervisors, logging and forestry ) 

7302 承包商和主管,重型设备操作人员职称头衔 All titles - Immiknow NOC 

* 机场铺路领班/男/女 airport road paving foreman/woman 
* 机场跑道道路领班/男/女 airport runways road foreman/woman 
* 沥青摊铺领班/男/女 asphalt paving foreman/woman 
* 沥青摊铺劳动领班/男/女 asphalt paving labour gang foreman/woman 
* 爆破领班/男/女 - 建筑物 blasters foreman/woman – construction 
* 桥梁和高速公路建筑物领班/男/女 bridge and highway construction gang foreman/woman 
* 桥梁施工工长/男/女 bridge construction foreman/woman 
* 发承包建筑物 building mover contractor 
* 建筑搬运工领班/男/女 building movers foreman/woman 
* 建筑物移动领班/男/女 building moving foreman/woman 
* 建筑物破坏承包商 building wrecking contractor 
* 建筑破坏领班/男/女 building wrecking foreman/woman 
* 货物装卸主管 cargo handling supervisor 
* 混凝土铺路领班/男/女 concrete paving foreman/woman 
* 混凝土铺设领班/男/女 concrete-laying gang foreman/woman 
* 混凝土铺路劳动领班/男/女 concrete-paving labour gang foreman/woman 
* 施工领班/男/女 construction gang foreman/woman 
* 工地领班/男/女 construction site foreman/woman 
* 承包商挖掘 contractor, excavating 
* 承包商,水井钻探 contractor, water well drilling 
* 承包商,打井 contractor, well digging 
* 承包商,钻井 contractor, well drilling 
* 起重机船员领班/男/女 crane crew foreman/woman 
* 承包拆除工程 demolition contractor 
* 拆迁工头/男/女 demolition foreman/woman 
* 开沟领班/男/女 ditching foreman/woman 
* 码头领班/男/女 - 海运货物 dock foreman/woman – marine cargo 
* 施工dredgemaster - dredgemaster – construction 
* 疏浚设备经营部领班/男/女 dredging equipment operators foreman/woman 
* 疏浚的工头/男/女 dredging foreman/woman 
* 钻探及爆破领班/男/女 - 建筑物 drilling and blasting foreman/woman – construction 
* 爆破工领班/男/女 - 建筑物 dynamiters foreman/woman – construction 
* 炸药领班/男/女 - 建筑物 dynamiting foreman/woman – construction 
* 挖掘和劳动领班/男/女分级的 excavating and grading labour foreman/woman 
* 挖掘承包商 excavating contractor 
* 挖掘设备运营商领班/男/女 excavating equipment operators foreman/woman 
* 挖掘,分级和领班/男/女铺路 excavating, grading and paving foreman/woman 
* 挖掘,分级及相关工作的领班/男/女 excavating, grading and related work foreman/woman 
* 发掘监理 excavations superintendent 
* 挖掘机领班/男/女 excavator foreman/woman 
* 领班/男/女,沥青摊铺 foreman/woman, asphalt paving 
* 领班/男/女,放炮 - 建筑 foreman/woman, blasters – construction 
* 领班/男/女,桥梁建筑物 foreman/woman, bridge construction 
* 领班/男/女,建筑搬运工 foreman/woman, building movers 
* 领班/男/女,混凝土铺路 foreman/woman, concrete paving 
* 领班/男/女,起重机船员 foreman/woman, crane crew 
* 领班/男/女,拆迁 foreman/woman, demolition 
* 领班/男/女,疏浚设备经营部 foreman/woman, dredging equipment operators 
* 领班/男/女,钻井和爆破 - 建筑物 foreman/woman, drilling and blasting – construction 
* 领班/男/女,挖掘设备运营商 foreman/woman, excavating equipment operators 
* 领班/男/女,挖掘,分级 foreman/woman, excavating, grading 
* 领班/男/女,挖掘,分级和铺路 foreman/woman, excavating, grading and paving 
* 领班/男/女,货运码头 foreman/woman, freight terminal 
* 领班/男/女,分级设备经营部 foreman/woman, grading equipment operators 
* 领班/男/女,重型施工人员 foreman/woman, heavy construction crew 
* 领班/男/女,重型建筑工人 foreman/woman, heavy construction labourers 
* 领班/男/女,重型设备操作员 foreman/woman, heavy-duty equipment operators 
* 领班/男/女,公路建筑物 foreman/woman, highway construction 
* 领班/男/女,搬家 foreman/woman, house moving 
* 领班/男/女,劳动者和其他元素的工人 - 建筑物 foreman/woman, labourers and other elemental workers – construction 
* 领班/男/女,装卸,搬运 - 建筑物 foreman/woman, loading and moving – construction 
* 领班/男/女,伐木道路建筑物 foreman/woman, logging road construction 
* 领班/男/女,码头工人 foreman/woman, longshore workers 
* 领班/女性的脚夫/妇女,装卸和货物处理程序 foreman/woman, longshoremen/women, stevedores and freight handlers 
* 领班/男/女,油田建筑物 foreman/woman, oil field construction 
* 领班/男/女,铺路 foreman/woman, paving 
* 领班/男/女,铺路,堆焊 foreman/woman, paving, surfacing 
* 领班/男/女,管道建筑物 foreman/woman, pipeline construction 
* 领班/男/女,铁路团伙 foreman/woman, railway gang 
* 领班/男/女,铁路维修保养的方法 foreman/woman, railway maintenance-of-way 
* 领班/男/女,铁路铺轨 foreman/woman, railway track laying 
* 领班/男/女,铁路养路 foreman/woman, railway track maintenance 
* 领班/男/女,道路维修 foreman/woman, road maintenance 
* 领班/男/女,露天矿爆破 foreman/woman, surface mine blasting 
* 领班/男/女,停机坪铺路 foreman/woman, tarmac paving 
* 领班/男/女,水井钻探 foreman/woman, water well drilling 
* 领班/男/女,水务建筑物 foreman/woman, waterworks construction 
* 领班/男/女,破坏船员 foreman/woman, wrecking crew 
* 货运处理领班/女人 freight handling foreman/woman 
* 货运配载领班/男/女 freight loading foreman/woman 
* 货运码头领班/男/女 freight terminal foreman/woman 
* 领班/男/女 - 铁路 gang foreman/woman – railway 
* 领班/男/女,桥梁和公路建筑物 gang foreman/woman, bridge and highway construction 
* 领班/男/女,砼浇筑 gang foreman/woman, concrete laying 
* 领班/男/女,建筑物 gang foreman/woman, construction 
* 一般建筑工头/男/女 general construction foreman/woman 
* 一般建筑物主管 general construction supervisor 
* 分级设备运营商领班/男/女 grading equipment operators foreman/woman 
* 重型建筑队工头/男/女 heavy construction crew foreman/woman 
* 重型建筑工人领班/男/女 heavy construction labourers foreman/woman 
* 重型设备操作员主管 heavy equipment operators supervisor 
* 重型设备操作员领班/男/女 heavy-duty equipment operators foreman/woman 
* 公路及桥梁维护道路老板 highway and bridge maintenance road boss 
* 公路建筑物老板 highway construction boss 
* 公路建筑工头/男/女 highway construction foreman/woman 
* 公路养护领班/男/女 highway maintenance foreman/woman 
* 内部动机承包商 house mover contractor 
* 搬家领班/男/女 house moving foreman/woman 
* 劳动领班/男/女,挖掘和分级 labour foreman/woman, excavating and grading 
* 劳动领班/男/女,沥青摊铺 labour gang foreman/woman, asphalt paving 
* 劳动领班/男/女,混凝土铺路 labour gang foreman/woman, concrete paving 
* 劳动者和其他元素工人领班/男/女 - 建筑物 labourers and other elemental workers foreman/woman – construction 
* 装卸,搬运领班/男/女 - 建筑物 loading and moving foreman/woman – construction 
* 装卸码头领班/男/女 loading dock foreman/woman 
* 伐木公路建筑工头/男/女 logging road construction foreman/woman 
* 伐木道路建筑物主管 logging road construction supervisor 
* 码头工人领班/男/女 longshore workers foreman/woman 
* 脚夫/女性,装卸和货运工人领班/男/女 longshoremen/women, stevedores and freight handlers foreman/woman 
* 维修的方式领班/男/女 maintenance-of-way foreman/woman 
* 油田建筑物领班/男/女 oil field construction foreman/woman 
* 油田建筑物主管 oil field construction supervisor 
* 摊铺机和地表人领班/男/女 pavers and surfacers foreman/woman 
* 铺路承包商 paving contractor 
* 领班/男/女铺路 paving foreman/woman 
* 岗路老板铺路 paving gang road boss 
* 铺路,堆焊及相关工作的领班/男/女 paving, surfacing and related work foreman/woman 
* 码头领班/男/女 pier foreman/woman 
* 管道铺设承包商 pipe laying contractor 
* 管道建设主管 pipeline construction supervisor 
* 管道安装主管 pipeline installation supervisor 
* 管道施工工长/男/女 pipelines construction foreman/woman 
* 公共工程维护设备运营主管 public works maintenance equipment operators supervisor 
* 铁路建筑物和维护监 railway construction and maintenance superintendent 
* 铁路领班/男/女 railway gang foreman/woman 
* 铁路铺轨领班/男/女 railway track laying foreman/woman 
* 铁路养路工长/男/女 railway track maintenance foreman/woman 
* 铁路轨道区段的老板 railway track section boss 
* 铁路职工/女领班/男/女 railwaymen/women foreman/woman 
* 路老板,高速公路及桥梁维修 road boss, highway and bridge maintenance 
* 路老板,铺路团伙 road boss, paving gang 
* 道路施工的老板 road construction boss 
* 道路建筑工头/男/女 road construction foreman/woman 
* 道路领班/男/女,机场跑道 road foreman/woman, airport runways 
* 道路领班/男/女 road gang foreman/woman 
* 道路维修领班/男/女 road maintenance foreman/woman 
* ROADMASTER - 铁路 roadmaster – railway 
* 跑道铺路领班/男/女 runway paving foreman/woman 
* 段老板,铁路轨道 section boss, railway track 
* 领班/男/女,铁路 section foreman/woman, railway 
* 下水道建筑工头/男/女 sewer construction foreman/woman 
* 下水道安装领班/男/女 sewer installation foreman/woman 
* 流下领班/施工的男/女 - shed foreman/woman – construction 
* 地盘管工/男/女,施工 site foreman/woman, construction 
* 装卸工领班/男/女 stevedores foreman/woman 
* 装卸领班/男/女 stevedoring foreman/woman 
* 存储领班/男/女 storage foreman/woman 
* 露天矿爆破领班/男/女 strip mine blasting foreman/woman 
* 管理者,码头工人 superintendent, longshore workers 
* 主管公共工程养路工人 supervisor of public works road maintenance workers 
* 监事,重型设备操作员 supervisor, heavy equipment operators 
* 监事,油田建筑物 supervisor, oil field construction 
* 监事,公共工程维修设备经营部 supervisor, public works maintenance equipment operators 
* 公共工程主管,道路维修工人 supervisor, public works road maintenance labourers 
* 监事,水井钻探 supervisor, water well drilling 
* 监事,打井 supervisor, well digging 
* 监事,钻井 supervisor, well drilling 
* 露天矿爆破领班/男/女 surface mine blasting foreman/woman 
* 停机坪铺路领班/男/女 tarmac paving foreman/woman 
* 跟踪老板 - 铁路 track boss – railway 
* 跟踪领班/男/女 - 铁路 track foreman/woman – railway 
* 跟踪领班/男/女,有轨电车 track foreman/woman, streetcar 
* 水钻井承包商 water well drilling contractor 
* 水井钻领班/男/女 water well drilling foreman/woman 
* 水井主管 water well drilling supervisor 
* 水务建筑工头/男/女 waterworks construction foreman/woman 
* 打井承包 well digging contractor 
* 打井主管 well digging supervisor 
* 钻井承包商 well drilling contractor 
* 钻井主管 well drilling supervisor 
* 破坏船员领班/男/女 wrecking crew foreman/woman 

上一页 9211 主管,矿物和金属加工
下一页 9524 装配工和督察,电器,仪器和设备的制造









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