移民内参 职业列表 7305 主管,汽车运输和其他地面公交运营

7305 主管,汽车运输和其他地面公交运营

发布时间:2017-08-27 复查时间:2023-10-08 4065

7305 主管,汽车运输和其他地面公交运营 Supervisors, motor transport and other ground transit operators - Immiknow NOC - LEVEL B 


Supervisors in this unit group supervise and co-ordinate activities of truck drivers, bus drivers, delivery drivers, subway and other transit operators, chauffeurs and taxi and limousine drivers. This unit group also includes bus dispatchers who co-ordinate the activities of transit system bus drivers and subway traffic controllers who operate and monitor signal and track switch control panels. They are employed by motor transportation and ground transit companies and by urban transit systems. 

7305 主管,汽车运输和其他地面公交运营头衔范例 Example Titles - Immiknow NOC 

* 总线巡视员 bus inspector 
* 调度,公交车 dispatcher, bus 
* 领班/男/女,卡车司机 foreman/woman, truck drivers 
* 领班/男/女,城市轨道交通系统 foreman/woman, urban transit system 
* 公交移动检测员 mobile inspector, transit 
* 地铁交通管制人员 subway traffic controller 
* 主管,轻轨(LRT)运营商 supervisor, light rail transit (LRT) operators 
* 主管,校车司机 supervisor, school bus drivers 
* 主管,地铁运营 supervisor, subway operators 

7305 主管,汽车运输和其他地面公交运营主要职责 Main duties - Immiknow NOC 

本单元组主管执行部分或全部下列职责:Supervisors in this unit group perform some or all of the following duties: 

* 监督,协调和安排操作卡车,公交车,地铁列车,轻轨,街车,出租车和其他交通车辆的工人的活动 
Supervise, co-ordinate and schedule the activities of workers who operate trucks, buses, subway trains, light rail transit, street cars, taxis and other transport vehicles 

* 建立方法,以满足工作计划并协调与其他部门的工作活动 
Establish methods to meet work schedules and co-ordinate work activities with other departments 

* 解决工作中的问题和建议措施,以提高性能 
Resolve work problems and recommend measures to improve performance 

* 申报材料和用品 
Requisition materials and supplies 

* 培训工作人员的工作职责,安全程序和公司政策 
Train staff in job duties, safety procedures and company policies 

* 推荐人员的行动,如雇用和升迁 
Recommend personnel actions such as hiring and promotions 

* 调度巴士司机和监控路线,以确保符合计划并解决操作中的问题 
Dispatch bus drivers and monitor routes to ensure schedules are met and to resolve operating problems 

* 监视和操作信号和轨道地铁系统的开关控制面板 
Monitor and operate signal and track switch control panel of subway systems 

* 准备工作报告和预算,并监控支出。 
Prepare work reports and budgets, and monitor expenditures. 

7305 主管,汽车运输和其他地面公交运营任职要求 Employment requirements - Immiknow NOC 

* 通常需要完成中学学业。 
Completion of secondary school is usually required. 

* 通常需要多年的汽车运输或地面运输设备的驾驶员或操作员的经验。 
Several years of experience as a driver or operator of motor transport or ground transit equipment are usually required. 

7305 主管,汽车运输和其他地面公交运营附加信息 Additional information - Immiknow NOC 

* 本单元组的不同的交通运输部门的职业之间几乎不具备流动性。 
There is little mobility between occupations in the different transportation sectors of this unit group. 

7305 主管,汽车运输和其他地面公交运营其他分类 Classified elsewhere - Immiknow NOC 

* 主管,铁路运输业务 Supervisors, railway transport operations [7304](7304) 
* 列车调度员(铁路交通管制员和海上交通监管部门) Train dispatchers (in [2275](2275) Railway traffic controllers and marine traffic regulators ) 
* 卡车运输和出租车调度员(调度员) Truck transport and taxi dispatchers (in [1525](1525) Dispatchers ) 

7305 主管,汽车运输和其他地面公交运营职称头衔 All titles - Immiknow NOC 

* 公交调度 bus dispatcher 
* 巴士司机主管 bus drivers supervisor 
* 总线巡视员 bus inspector 
* 总线督察调度 bus inspector-dispatcher 
* 司机和出租车司机主管 chauffeurs and taxi drivers supervisor 
* 司机主管 chauffeurs supervisor 
* 控制人员,地铁 controller, subway 
* 送货司机领班/男/女 delivery drivers foreman/woman 
* 送货司机主管 delivery drivers supervisor 
* 调度,公交车 dispatcher, bus 
* driver-salesmen/women导师 driver-salesmen/women supervisor 
* 领班/男/女,送货司机 foreman/woman, delivery drivers 
* 领班/男/女,轻轨交通(LRT)运营商 foreman/woman, light rail transit (LRT) operators 
* 领班/男/女,卡车司机 foreman/woman, truck drivers 
* 领班/男/女,卡车车队 foreman/woman, truck fleet 
* 领班/男/女,城市轨道交通系统 foreman/woman, urban transit system 
* 地面交通检查员 - 公共交通 ground transit inspector – public transit 
* 检查员,公交车 inspector, bus 
* 检查员,地面交通 - 公共交通 inspector, ground transit – public transit 
* 检查员,公交系统 inspector, transit system 
* 督察调度,公交车 inspector-dispatcher, bus 
* 轻轨(LRT)运营领班/男/女 light rail transit (LRT) operators foreman/woman 
* 轻轨(LRT)运营主管 light rail transit (LRT) operators supervisor 
* 轻轨(轻轨)运营商领班/男/女 LRT (light rail transit) operators foreman/woman 
* LRT(轻轨)运营主管 LRT (light rail transit) operators supervisor 
* 移动食堂服务主管 mobile canteen service supervisor 
* 公交移动检测员 mobile inspector, transit 
* 移动面包车司机主管 moving van drivers supervisor 
* 汽车运输路线领班/男/女, route foreman/woman, motor transport 
* 校车司机主管 school bus drivers supervisor 
* 街道铁路和地铁运营主管 street railway and subway operators supervisor 
* 街道铁路运营主管 street railway operators supervisor 
* 有轨电车和地铁运营主管 streetcar and subway operators supervisor 
* 有轨电车运营主管 streetcar operators supervisor 
* 地铁和街道铁路运营主管 subway and street railway operators supervisor 
* 地铁和有轨电车运营主管 subway and streetcar operators supervisor 
* 地铁控制器 subway controller 
* 地铁运营领班/男/女 subway operators foreman/woman 
* 地铁运营主管 subway operators supervisor 
* 地铁系统的交通管制 subway system traffic controller 
* 地铁交通管制 subway traffic controller 
* 主管,巴士司机 supervisor, bus drivers 
* 主管,司机 supervisor, chauffeurs 
* 主管,送货司机 supervisor, delivery drivers 
* 主管,driver-salesmen/women supervisor, driver-salesmen/women 
* 主管,轻轨(LRT)运营商 supervisor, light rail transit (LRT) operators 
* 主管,移动面包车司机 supervisor, moving van drivers 
* 主管,校车司机 supervisor, school bus drivers 
* 主管,街道铁路运营 supervisor, street railway operators 
* 主管,地铁和街道的铁路运营商 supervisor, subway and street railway operators 
* 主管,地铁运营 supervisor, subway operators 
* 主管,出租车司机和私人司机 supervisor, taxi drivers and private chauffeurs 
* 主管,卡车司机 supervisor, truck drivers 
* 出租车和司机主管 taxi and chauffeurs supervisor 
* 终端主管 - 汽车运输 terminal supervisor – motor transport 
* 交通管制,地铁系统 traffic controller, subway system 
* 交通检查员 - 公共交通系统 traffic inspector – public transit system 
* 交通主管 - 汽车运输 traffic supervisor – motor transport 
* 公交系统巡视员 transit system inspector 
* 卡车司机领班/男/女 truck drivers foreman/woman 
* 卡车司机主管 truck drivers supervisor 
* 卡车司机主管 truck driver-supervisor 
* 卡车车队领班/男/女 truck fleet foreman/woman 
* 货运承办商 trucking contractor 
* 城市公交系统的领班/男/女 urban transit system foreman/woman  

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