移民内参 职业列表 7314 铁路车辆检修工/男/女

7314 铁路车辆检修工/男/女

发布时间:2015-07-01 复查时间:2023-10-08 4080

7314 铁路车辆检修工/男/女 Railway carmen/women - Immiknow NOC - LEVEL B 


Railway carmen/women inspect, troubleshoot, maintain and repair structural and mechanical components of railway freight, passenger and urban transit rail cars. They are employed by railway transport companies and urban transit systems. 

7314 铁路车辆检修工/男/女头衔范例 Example Titles - Immiknow NOC 

* 铁路车辆维修技工 rail vehicle mechanic 
* 铁路车辆巡视员 railway car inspector 
* 铁路车辆检修工/男/女 railway carman/woman 
* 铁路车辆检修工/男/女学徒 railway carman/woman apprentice 
* 有轨电车和地铁的汽车修理工 streetcar and subway car mechanic 

7314 铁路车辆检修工/男/女主要职责 Main duties - Immiknow NOC 

* 铁路车辆检修工/男/女执行部分或全部下列职责:Railway carmen/women perform some or all of the following duties: 

* 检查货运,客运和城市轨道交通车的内部和外部组件,以确定缺陷和磨损和损坏程度 
Inspect interior and exterior components of freight, passenger and urban transit rail cars to determine defects and extent of wear and damage 

* 维修及安装铁路车辆部件如压缩机,空气阀,轴承,联轴器,气缸和管道 
Repair and install railway car parts such as compressors, air valves, bearings, couplings, air cylinders and piping 

* 修理和维护推进系统和制动系统的电气和电子控制装置 
Repair and maintain electrical and electronic controls for propulsion and braking systems 

* 用手动及电动工具修复缺陷或损坏的金属和木质元件 
Repair defective or damaged metal and wood components, using hand and power tools 

* 修复和重绘木制装置 
Repair and repaint wooden fixtures 

* 更换损坏的窗户,维修装饰 
Replace damaged windows and repair upholstery 

* 使用测试仪等测试设备进行测试和调整部件 
Test and adjust parts using testing gauges and other test equipment 

* 执行和记录日常维护。 
Perform and document routine maintenance. 

7314 铁路车辆检修工/男/女任职要求 Employment requirements - Immiknow NOC 

* 通常需要完成中学学业。 
Completion of secondary school is usually required. 

* 通常需要完成行业提供的学徒计划或三至四年的在职培训。 
Completion of an industry-offered apprenticeship program or three to four years of on-the-job training is usually required. 

7314 铁路车辆检修工/男/女附加信息 Additional information - Immiknow NOC 

* 随着经验积累,可能晋升为主管。 
Progression to supervisory positions is possible with experience. 

7314 铁路车辆检修工/男/女其他分类 Classified elsewhere - Immiknow NOC 

* 机车技师(重型设备技师)Locomotive mechanics (in 7312 Heavy-duty equipment mechanics ) 
* 铁路汽车造车工头/男/女(承包商和主管,机械行业)Railway car repairer foremen/women (in 7301 Contractors and supervisors, mechanic trades ) 

7314 铁路车辆检修工/男/女职称头衔 All titles - Immiknow NOC 

* 空气制动巡视员- 轨道车 air brake inspector – railway car 
* 学徒车辆检修工/男/女 - 铁路 apprentice carman/woman – railway 
* 制动检查员 - 铁路车 brake inspector – railway car 
* 汽车检查员 - 铁路 car inspector – railway 
* 汽车造车 - 铁路 car repairer – railway 
* 汽车修理工学徒 - 铁路 car repairer apprentice – railway 
* 车辆检修工/男/女 - 铁路 carman/woman – railway 
* 车辆检修工/男/女检查员 - 铁路 carman/woman inspector – railway 
* 车厢维修工,铁路 coach repairer, railway 
* 检查员,汽车 - 铁路 inspector, cars – railway 
* 检查员-车辆检修工/男/女 - 铁路 inspector-carman/woman – railway 
* 机械师,有轨电车 mechanic, streetcars 
* 铁路车辆维修技工 rail vehicle mechanic 
* 轨道车机械师学徒 railcar mechanic apprentice 
* 铁路车辆巡视员 railway car inspector 
* 铁路车辆检修工/男/女 railway carman/woman 
* 铁路车辆检修工/男/女学徒 railway carman/woman apprentice 
* 铁路车辆检修工/女检查员 railway carman/woman inspector 
* 铁路车厢维修工 railway coach repairer 
* 铁路设备检查员 railway equipment inspector 
* 有轨电车和地铁的汽车修理工 streetcar and subway car mechanic 
* 电车技工 streetcar mechanic 
* 地铁汽车修理工 subway car mechanic 
* 轮轴检查员 - 铁路 wheel and axle inspector – railway  

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