移民内参 职业列表 7316 机械钳工

7316 机械钳工

发布时间:2013-07-01 复查时间:2023-10-08 4997

7316 机械钳工 Machine fitters - Immiknow NOC - LEVEL B 


Machine fitters fit, assemble and otherwise build heavy industrial machinery and transportation equipment, including aircraft engines. They are employed in industrial machinery and transportation equipment manufacturing industries. 

7316 机械钳工头衔范例 Example Titles - Immiknow NOC 

* 飞机发动机钳工 aircraft engine fitter 
* 装配钳工 assembly fitter 
* 重型设备钳工 heavy equipment fitter 
* 机器制造商 machine builder 
* 机械钳工 machine fitter 
* 机床制造商 machine tool builder 
* 机械钳工 mechanical fitter 

7316 机械钳工主要职责 Main duties - Immiknow NOC 

机械钳工执行部分或全部下列职责:Machine fitters perform some or all of the following duties: 

* 阅读和解释蓝图,草图和图表,来确定装配业务 
Read and interpret blueprints, sketches and diagrams to determine assembly operations 

* 打磨和组装预制金属零件来打造重型工业机械和设备,如建筑,养殖,加工机械,铁路车辆和飞机发动机 
Fit and assemble prefabricated metal parts to build heavy industrial machinery and equipment such as construction, farming, and processing machinery, railway vehicles and aircraft engines 

* 使用起吊和运输设备,如桥式起重机,来移动和调整组件和部件。 
Move and align subassemblies and components using lifting and transporting devices such as overhead cranes 

* 安装主要部件,如齿轮,泵,马达或液压组件 
Install major components such as gears, pumps, motors or hydraulic assemblies 

* 检查零件,部件和成品,以确保质量。 
Inspect parts, subassemblies and finished products to ensure quality. 

7316 机械钳工任职要求 Employment requirements - Immiknow NOC 

* 通常需要完成中学学业。 
Completion of secondary school is usually required. 

* 完成机械学徒课程,如磨粉机设计,加工,管道安装,汽车维修或重型设备维修 
Completion of a mechanical apprenticeship program, such as millwrighting, machining, pipefitting, automotive service or heavy equipment repair 

* 或者完成四年制机钳工学徒课程 
Completion of a four-year machine fitter apprenticeship program 

* 或者通常需要完成5年的在职培训。 
Completion of five years of on-the-job training is usually required. 

* 飞机发动机装配工需要完成两到三年的飞机制造或通用制造大学课程。 
Completion of a two- to three-year college program in aircraft manufacturing or general fabrication is required for aircraft engine fitters. 

* 可能需要相关行业认证。 
Certification in a related trade may be required. 

7316 机械钳工附加信息 Additional information - Immiknow NOC 

* 随着经验积累,可能晋升到主管职位。 
Progression to supervisory positions is possible with experience. 

7316 机械钳工其他分类 Classified elsewhere - Immiknow NOC 

* 飞机装配工(飞机装配和飞机装配检查员) Aircraft assemblers (in [9521](9521) Aircraft assemblers and aircraft assembly inspectors ) 
* 工业电气设备装配工(汇编,制造商和督察,工业电气电机和变压器) Assemblers of electrical industrial equipment (in [9525](9525) Assemblers, fabricators and inspectors, industrial electrical motors and transformers ) 
* 机械装配和检查员 Mechanical assemblers and inspectors [9526](9526) 
* 磨粉机的设计者(建设磨粉机的设计者和工业机械) Millwrights (in [7311](7311) Construction millwrights and industrial mechanics ) 
* 主管机钳工(承包商及主管,机械行业) Supervisors of machine fitters (in [7301](7301) Contractors and supervisors, mechanic trades ) 
* 焊工和相关机器操作员 Welders and related machine operators [7237](7237) 

7316 机械钳工职称头衔 All titles - Immiknow NOC 

* 农业机械制造商 agricultural machinery builder 
* 农业机械钳工 agricultural machinery fitter 
* 飞机发动机钳工 aircraft engine fitter 
* 装配钳工 assembly fitter 
* 装配钳工,飞机发动机 assembly fitter, aircraft engines 
* 充电手,机钳工 charge hand, machine fitters 
* 化学加工机制造商 chemical-processing machine builder 
* 压缩机钳工 compressor fitter 
* 起重机钳工 crane fitter 
* 发动机钳工,飞机 engine fitter, aircraft 
* 农场机械制造商 farm machinery builder 
* 农机钳工 farm machinery fitter 
* 钳工,飞机发动机 fitter, aircraft engines 
* 钳工,重型设备 fitter, heavy equipment 
* 钳工,重型机械 fitter, heavy machinery 
* 钳工,机车 fitter, locomotives 
* 钳工,机 fitter, machine 
* 钳工,生产设备; fitter, production equipment 
* 钳工,铁路教练 fitter, railway coach 
* 钳工,船舶机械 fitter, ship machinery 
* 食品加工机钳工 food-processing machine fitter 
* 平地机钳工 grader fitter 
* 重型设备钳工 heavy equipment fitter 
* 重型机械钳工 heavy machinery fitter 
* 导致手,装配机械钳工 lead hand, assembly mechanics-fitters 
* 机车制造商 locomotive builder 
* 伐木机械钳工 logging machinery fitter 
* 机器制造商 machine builder 
* 机器制造商钳工 machine builder-fitter 
* 机械钳工 machine fitter 
* 机床制造商 machine tool builder 
* 机床制造商集成商 machine tool builder-integrator 
* 机床集成员 machine tool integrator 
* 机械制造钳工 machinery manufacturing fitter 
* 制造机械钳工 manufacturing machinery fitter 
* 机械钳工 mechanical fitter 
* 矿山机械钳工 mining machinery fitter 
* 生产设备钳工 production equipment fitter 
* 纸浆和造纸机械制造商 pulp and paper machinery builder 
* 船舶发动机钳工 ship engine fitter 
* 船舶机械钳工 ship machinery fitter 
* 纺织机械钳工 textile machinery fitter 
* 涡轮钳工 turbine fitter

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