移民内参 职业列表 7442 水务和燃气维修工人

7442 水务和燃气维修工人

发布时间:2015-07-01 复查时间:2023-10-08 3775

7442 水务和燃气维修工人 Waterworks and gas maintenance workers - Immiknow NOC - LEVEL C 


Waterworks maintenance workers maintain and repair waterworks equipment and facilities. They are employed in water filtration and distribution plants and waste treatment plants. Gas maintenance workers check and perform routine maintenance and minor repairs to exterior and underground gas mains and distribution lines. They are employed by gas distribution companies. 

7442 水务和燃气维修工人头衔范例 Example Titles - Immiknow NOC 

* 气体泄漏定位员 gas leak locator 
* 燃气检修工人 gas maintenance worker 
* 天然气公用事业运营商 gas utility operator 
* 管道维修工人 pipeline maintenance worker 
* 管道巡警/男/女 pipeline patrolman/woman 
* 实用维修厂工人 utility plant maintenance worker 
* 水务维修工人 waterworks maintenance worker 

7442 水务和燃气维修工人主要职责 Main duties - Immiknow NOC 

### 水务维修工人执行部分或全部下列职责:Waterworks maintenance workers perform some or all of the following duties: 

* 检查,清洁和润滑水厂设备,如抽水设备,加氯设备和压缩机 
Check, clean and lubricate waterworks equipment, such as pumping equipment, chlorination equipment and compressors 

* 在合格技工指导下调整和修复水务设备 
Adjust and repair waterworks equipment under the direction of qualified tradesperson 

* 搜索和定位报告的漏水点,并维修水管,阀门或出口 
Search and locate reported water leaks and repair water-mains, valves or outlets 

* 使用手动和电动工具安装水表。 
Install water meters using hand and power tools. 

### 燃气维修工人执行部分或全部下列职责:Gas maintenance workers perform some or all of the following duties: 

* 检查和润滑燃气管道阀门 
Check and lubricate gas pipeline valves 

* 对燃气主电源和配电线路进行例行的检查,利用气体检测设备检测和定位逸出的气体 
Conduct routine survey of gas mains and distribution lines to detect and locate escaping gas using gas detecting devices 

* 调查气体泄漏报告,以确定确切位置和泄漏程度 
Investigate reports of gas leaks to determine the exact location and extent of leaks 

* 挖掘地面以暴露燃气线路并修复受损管道 
Dig ground to expose gas lines and repair damaged pipes 

* 保持执行的工作和管线的位置和条件的记录 
Keep record of work performed and location and condition of pipelines 

* 提供地下燃气输配线的信息,并观察挖掘工作,以确保地下燃气设施受到保护。 
Provide information on underground gas distribution lines and observe excavation work to ensure that underground gas facilities are protected. 

7442 水务和燃气维修工人任职要求 Employment requirements - Immiknow NOC 

* 可能必需完成中学学业。 
Completion of secondary school may be required. 

* 可能需要多年的在同一公司作为劳动者的经验。 
Several years of experience as a labourer in the same company may be required. 

* 提供在职培训。 
On-the-job training is provided. 

7442 水务和燃气维修工人附加信息 Additional information - Immiknow NOC 

* 本单元组的工作之间的流动性通常发生在同一地区的工作,如在污水处理厂,水过滤及分销工厂内或在燃气输配厂。 
Mobility between jobs in this unit group normally occurs within the same area of work, such as within waste water treatment plants, within water filtration and distribution plants or within gas distribution plants. 

* 随着经验积累,可能晋升到主管职位。 
Progression to supervisory positions is possible with experience. 

7442 水务和燃气维修工人其他分类 Classified elsewhere - Immiknow NOC 

* 燃气钳工 Gas fitters [7253](7253) 
* 水,气维修工人( 主管,石油,天然气和化工加工和公用事业监事) Supervisors of water and gas maintenance workers (in [9212](9212) Supervisors, petroleum, gas and chemical processing and utilities ) 
* 水和污水处理厂的运营商 Water and waste treatment plant operators [9243](9243) 

7442 水务和燃气维修工人职称头衔 All titles - Immiknow NOC 

* 分发和维护工人 - 实用工具 distribution and maintenance worker – utilities 
* 现场测量手 - 实用工具 field measurement hand – utilities 
* 气体泄漏检测工 gas leak inspector 
* 气体泄漏定位工 gas leak locator 
* 气体泄漏测量师 gas leak surveyor 
* 气体主要维护和修理工/男/女 gas main maintenance and repairman/woman 
* 燃气检修工人 gas maintenance worker 
* 燃气表安装工 gas meter installer 
* 燃气调压工 gas regulator 
* 天然气公用事业运营商 gas utility operator 
* 消防栓和阀门维修工人 hydrant and valve maintenance worker 
* 安装工,煤气表 installer, gas meters 
* 安装工,水表 installer, water meter 
* 泄漏检测者,煤气总管 leak inspector, gas mains 
* 定位员,燃气泄漏电源 leak locator, gas mains 
* 泄漏检测者,煤气总管 leakage tester, gas mains 
* 线路定位者 - 公用事业 line locator – utilities 
* 维护修理工/男/女,天然气管 maintenance repairman/woman, gas mains 
* 维修实用工人 maintenance utility worker 
* 维修工人,水管 maintenance worker, water mains 
* 维修工人,水厂 maintenance worker, waterworks 
* 巡警/男/女,管道 patrolman/woman, pipeline 
* 管线定位者 - 公用事业 pipe locator – utilities 
* 管道维修工人 pipeline maintenance worker 
* 管道巡警/男/女 pipeline patrolman/woman 
* 管道修复工作者 pipeline rehabilitation worker 
* 康复工作者,管道 rehabilitation worker, pipelines 
* 修理工/男/女,水厂 repairman/woman, waterworks 
* 故障检修工 - 管道 troubleshooter – pipeline 
* 地下线检查 - 实用工具 underground lines inspector – utilities 
* 实用维修工 utility maintenance worker 
* 实用维修厂工人 utility plant maintenance worker 
* 水管维修男人/男/女 water main maintenance man/woman 
* 水管维修工人 water main maintenance worker 
* 水表安装工 water meter installer 
* 供水维修工人 water supply maintenance worker 
* 水系统维护工人 water system maintenance worker 
* 水动力厂维修男人/男/女 water utilities plant maintenance man/woman 
* 水务维修工人 waterworks maintenance worker 
* 水务公用事业服务商 waterworks utility servicer  

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