移民内参 职业列表 7535 其他汽车机械安装工和服务商

7535 其他汽车机械安装工和服务商

发布时间:2015-07-01 复查时间:2023-10-08 3041

7535 其他汽车机械安装工和服务商 Other automotive mechanical installers and servicers - Immiknow NOC - LEVEL C 


Workers in this group install replacement automotive mechanical parts such as mufflers, exhaust pipes, shock absorbers, springs and radiators and perform routine maintenance service such as oil changes, lubrication and tire repairs on automobiles, trucks and heavy equipment. They are employed by automobile and truck service and repair shops, service departments of industrial establishments and construction, mining and logging companies. 

7535 其他汽车机械安装工和服务商头衔范例 Example Titles - Immiknow NOC 

* 起重机润滑工 crane greaser 
* 重型设备服务商 heavy equipment servicer 
* 消声器安装工 muffler installer 
* 散热器安装工 - 汽车维修服务 radiator installer – auto repair service 
* 减震器安装工 shock absorber installer 
* 弹簧安装工 spring installer 
* 轮胎修理工 tire repairer 

7535 其他汽车机械安装工和服务商主要职责 Main duties - Immiknow NOC 

本单元组的汽车机械安装工和服务商执行部分或全部下列职责:Automotive mechanical installers and servicers in this unit group perform some or all of the following duties: 

* 更换发动机油和润滑运行齿轮或拆除汽车,卡车和重型设备的部件 
Change engine oil and lubricate running gears or moving parts of automobiles, trucks and heavy equipment 

* 润滑滑轮,水桶和其他重型设备组件 
Grease booms, pulleys, buckets and other components of heavy equipment 

* 更换汽车,卡车和重型设备的机油,空气和燃料过滤器 
Replace oil, air and fuel filters on motor vehicles, trucks and heavy equipment 

* 为汽车,卡车和重型设备安装更换消声器,排气管,减震器,散热器 
Install replacement mufflers, exhaust pipes, shock absorbers or radiators on motor vehicles, trucks and heavy equipment 

* 维修及平衡轮胎 
Repair and balance tires 

* 为汽车,卡车和重型设备添加或更换液压和变速箱油 
Add or replace hydraulic and transmission fluids in motor vehicles, trucks and heavy equipment 

* 协助机械师,按照指示执行其他职责 
Assist mechanics and perform other duties as directed 

* 驾驶汽车或卡车到建筑,伐木或其它工业场所,提供服务。 
Drive automobile or service truck to location of construction, logging or other industrial sites to provide services. 

7535 其他汽车机械安装工和服务商任职要求 Employment requirements - Immiknow NOC 

* 可能需要一些中学经验。 
Some secondary school may be required. 

* 通常需要数月在职培训。 
Several months of on-the-job training are usually required. 

7535 其他汽车机械安装工和服务商附加信息 Additional information - Immiknow NOC 

* 本单元组的安装工商和服务商之间有一定的流动性。 
There is some mobility among installers and servicers in this unit group. 

* 随着经验积累可能晋升到主管职位。 
Progression to supervisory positions is possible with experience. 

7535 其他汽车机械安装工和服务商其他分类 Classified elsewhere - Immiknow NOC 

* 汽车维修技师,卡车和巴士力学及机械维修 Automotive service technicians, truck and bus mechanics and mechanical repairers [7321](7321) 
* 重型设备技师 Heavy-duty equipment mechanics [7312](7312) 
* 主管在这个单元组的工人( 承包商及主管,机械行业) Supervisors of workers in this unit group (in [7301](7301) Contractors and supervisors, mechanic trades ) 

7535 其他汽车机械安装工和服务商职称头衔 All titles - Immiknow NOC 

* 汽车加油工 automobile lubricator 
* 汽车消声器安装工 automotive muffler installer 
* 汽车散热器安装工 automotive radiator installer 
* 汽车散热器安装工 - 汽车维修 automotive radiator installer – automotive repair 
* 汽车减震器安装工 automotive shock absorber installer 
* 汽车弹簧安装工 automotive spring installer 
* 履带车服务员(技工除外) caterpillar servicer (except mechanic) 
* 起重机润滑工 crane greaser 
* 起重机加油工 crane oiler 
* 履带服务商 crawler track servicer 
* 吊斗铲加油工 dragline oiler 
* 电动高尔夫球车的服务员(技工除外) electric golf cart servicer (except mechanic) 
* 电动车的服务员(技工除外) electric truck servicer (except mechanic) 
* 紧急道路的维修员,机动车 emergency road servicer, motor vehicle 
* 挖掘机加油工 excavator oiler 
* 加油工 greaser 
* 加油工,重型卡车 greaser, heavy truck 
* 重型设备加油工 heavy equipment greaser 
* 重型设备服务商 heavy equipment servicer 
* 重型设备服务商 heavy-duty equipment servicer 
* 马夫- 公交系统 hostler – transit system 
* 安装工,汽车减震器 installer, automotive shock absorbers 
* 安装工,汽车弹簧 installer, automotive springs 
* 安装工,消声器 installer, muffler 
* 安装工,散热器 - 汽车服务 installer, radiators – automotive service 
* 铲装加油工 loading shovel oiler 
* 润滑技术员 - 汽车服务与维修 lubrication technician – automotive service and repair 
* 消声器安装工 muffler installer 
* 石油更换工 - 机动车服务 oil changer – motor vehicle service 
* 加油工 - 汽车服务 oiler – automotive service 
* 加油工和润滑工,起重机和吊斗铲 oiler and greaser, crane and dragline 
* 加油工,重型卡车 oiler, heavy truck 
* 管道服务的卡车司机 pipeline service truck driver 
* 散热器安装工 - 汽车维修服务 radiator installer – auto repair service 
* 散热器安装工 - 汽车服务 radiator installer – automotive service 
* 服务的卡车司机,重型设备 service truck driver, heavy equipment 
* 服务商,重型设备 servicer, heavy equipment 
* 服务商,管道设备 servicer, pipeline equipment 
* 减震器安装工 shock absorber installer 
* 铲加油工 shovel oiler 
* 弹簧安装工 spring installer 
* 剥离铲加油工 stripping shovel oiler 
* 换轮胎工人 - 汽车服务 tire changer – automotive service 
* 轮胎修理工 tire repairer 
* 轮胎修理工 - 汽车服务 tire repairer – automotive service  

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