移民内参 职业列表 8422 造林和林业工人

8422 造林和林业工人

发布时间:2015-07-01 复查时间:2023-10-08 2530

8422 造林和林业工人 Silviculture and forestry workers - Immiknow NOC - LEVEL C 


Silviculture and forestry workers perform a variety of duties related to reforestation and to the management, improvement and conservation of forest lands. They are employed by logging companies, contractors and government services. 

8422 造林和林业工人头衔范例 Example Titles - Immiknow NOC 

* 清理锯操作员 - 林业 clearing saw operator – forestry 
* 森林消防队员 forest firefighter 
* 林业船员工人 forestry crew worker 
* 计件工人 - 育林 pieceworker – silviculture 
* 松土设备操作员 - 林业 scarification equipment operator – forestry 
* 造林工人 silviculture worker 
* 减薄锯操作员 thinning saw operator 

8422 造林和林业工人主要职责 Main duties - Immiknow NOC 

造林和林业工人执行部分或全部下列职责:Silviculture and forestry workers perform some or all of the following duties: 

* 评估现场,选苗和并在造林区域使用人工种植工具种树。 
Assess site, select seedlings and plant trees using manual planting tools in reforestation areas 

* 在造林区操作电力变薄锯削薄和隔开树木。 
Operate power thinning saw to thin and space trees in reforestation areas 

* 操作链锯削薄小林分 
Operate chain saw to thin young forest stands 

* 使用手动工具及化学品控制杂草和林下再生林站 
Control weeds and undergrowth in regenerating forest stands using manual tools and chemicals 

* 完成消防报告和维护消防设备 
Complete firefighting reports and maintain firefighting equipment 

* 在灭火人员或林业技术员的指导下,在燃烧地区挖战壕,砍伐树木,用泵抽水,扑灭森林大火。 
Dig trenches, cut trees, pump water on burning areas to fight forest fires under direction of fire suppression officer or forestry technician 

* 操作和维护集材机,推土机或其他原动机,拉出各种各样的划痕,或在各个再生领域操作林地清理设备。 
Operate and maintain a skidder, bulldozer or other prime mover to pull a variety of scarification or site preparation equipment over areas to be regenerated 

* 执行其他造林工作,如收集球果,修剪树木,协助种植调查和标记树木以备后续操作。 
Perform other silviculture duties such as collecting seed cones, pruning trees, assisting in planting surveys and marking trees for subsequent operations. 

8422 造林和林业工人任职要求 Employment requirements - Immiknow NOC 

* 可能必需完成中学学业。 
Completion of secondary school may be required. 

* 可能需要完成造林工人或林业船员工人大学或其他专业课程。 
Completion of a college or other specialized program for silviculture workers or forestry crew workers may be required. 

* 通常提供电锯操作和维修的正规培训,以及几个月的在职培训。 
Formal training in power saw operation and maintenance and several months of on-the-job training are usually provided. 

* 可能必需具有集材和林业工人经验。 
Experience as a logging and forestry labourer may be required. 

* 必需持有化学品应用许可。 
A chemicals application licence is required. 

* 可能需要工作场所有害物质信息系统(WHMIS),危险货物运输(TDG)证书。 
Workplace hazardous materials information system (WHMIS) and transportation of dangerous goods (TDG) certificates may be required. 

* 可能需要造林工人许可证。 
A silvicultural worker's licence may be required. 

8422 造林和林业工人附加信息 Additional information - Immiknow NOC 

* 本单元组的工作之间有一定的流动性。 
There is some mobility among jobs in this unit group. 

* 随着经验积累,可能晋升到主管职位。 
Progression to supervisory positions is possible with experience. 

* 通过额外的教育和培训,可能晋升到林业技术员或技师。 
Progression to forestry technician or technologist is possible with additional education and training. 

8422 造林和林业工人其他分类 Classified elsewhere - Immiknow NOC 

* 树艺师(景观和园艺技术人员和专家) Arborists (in [2225](2225) Landscape and horticulture technicians and specialists ) 
* 链锯,集材机运营商 Chain saw and skidder operators [8421](8421) 
* 森林的苗圃工人(苗圃和温室工人) Forest nursery workers (in [8432](8432) Nursery and greenhouse workers ) 
* 林业专家 Forestry professionals [2122](2122) 
* 林业技术人员和技术人员 Forestry technologists and technicians [2223](2223) 
* 集材和林业工人 Logging and forestry labourers [8616](8616) 
* 主管,伐木和林业 Supervisors, logging and forestry [8211](8211) 

8422 造林和林业工人职称头衔 All titles - Immiknow NOC 

* 灌木切割工 - 林业 brush cutter – forestry 
* 清理锯运营商 - 林业 clearing saw operator – forestry 
* 集材工,球果 collector, seed cones 
* 船员工人,林业 crew worker, forestry 
* 船员/男/女,森林灭火 crewman/woman, forest fire suppression 
* 船员/男/女,林业 crewman/woman, forestry 
* 灭火队员/男/女 fire crewman/woman 
* 防火了望 fire lookout 
* 灭火队员/男/女 fire suppression crewman/woman 
* 消防队员,森林 firefighter, forest 
* 森林消防队员 forest firefighter 
* 林业养护工人 forestry conservation worker 
* 林业队工人 forestry crew worker 
* 林业队员/男/女 forestry crewman/woman 
* 林业工人 forestry worker 
* 林业工人 - 日志 forestry worker – logging 
* 望风 - 林业 lookout – forestry 
* 运营商,结算锯 - 林业 operator, clearing saw – forestry 
* 运营商,松土设备 - 林业 operator, scarification equipment – forestry 
* 运营商,松土 - 育林 operator, scarifier – silviculture 
* 运营商,间距锯 - 林业 operator, spacing saw – forestry 
* 选择者,球果 picker, seed cones 
* 计件工人 - 育林 pieceworker – silviculture 
* 前商业树削薄者 precommercial tree thinner 
* 松土设备操作工 scarification equipment operator 
* 松土设备操作工 - 林业 scarification equipment operator – forestry 
* 松土运营商 - 育林 scarifier operator – silviculture 
* 种子锥收集者 seed cone collector 
* 种子锥选择工 seed cone picker 
* 造林工人 silviculture worker 
* 间距锯运营商 spacing saw operator 
* 间距锯运营商 - 林业 spacing saw operator – forestry 
* 减薄锯运营商 thinning saw operator 
* 变薄锯运营商 - 林业 thinning saw operator – forestry 
* 树修枝剪 - 林业 tree pruner – forestry 
* 树间隔工 - 林业 tree spacer – forestry  

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