移民内参 职业列表 9232 石油,天然气和化工工艺操作员

9232 石油,天然气和化工工艺操作员

发布时间:2017-04-20 复查时间:2023-10-08 5018

9232 石油,天然气和化工工艺操作员 Central control and process operators, petroleum, gas and chemical processing - immiknow NOC - LEVEL B 


Petroleum, gas and chemical process operators monitor and operate petroleum, petrochemical and chemical plants and monitor, adjust and maintain processing units and equipment in these plants. They are employed by petroleum and natural gas processing, pipeline and petrochemical companies and industrial, agricultural and specialty chemical and pharmaceutical companies. 

9232 石油,天然气和化工工艺操作员头衔范例 Example Titles - Immiknow NOC 

* 酸工厂操作员 acid plant operator 
* 小区机房运营商,氯碱厂 cell room operator, chlor-alkali plant 
* 化学工艺操作员 chemical process operator 
* 首席技师,化学处理 chief technician, chemical processing 
* 气场生产经营者 gas field production operator 
* 气体工厂操作员 gas plant operator 
* 气体回收经营者 gas recovery operator 
* 主运营商 - 化学处理 master operator – chemical processing 
* 石油精炼过程中的运营商 oil refinery process operator 
* 面板操作员 - 化学处理 panel operator – chemical processing 
* 石油加工运营商 petroleum process operator 
* 选矿药剂运营商 pharmaceutical processing operator 
* 管道压缩机站运营商 pipeline compressor station operator 
* 工艺技术员 - 化学处理 process technician – chemical processing 
* 炼油工艺技术员 refinery process technician 

9232 石油,天然气和化工工艺操作员主要职责 Main duties - Immiknow NOC 

石油,天然气和化工工艺操作员执行部分或全部下列职责:Petroleum, gas and chemical process operators perform some or all of the following duties: 

* 操作中央控制室的电子或电脑控制面板,监控和优化若干处理元件的物理和化学过程。 
Operate electronic or computerized control panel from a central control room to monitor and optimize physical and chemical processes for several processing units 

* 控制过程的启动,停机和故障排除 
Control process start-up, shut-down and troubleshooting 

* 监控外部工艺设备 
Monitor outside process equipment 

* 调整设备,阀门,泵和控制器和工艺设备 
Adjust equipment, valves, pumps and controls and process equipment 

* 授权或共同签署维护工作单 
Authorize or co-sign maintenance work orders 

* 关闭,隔离和准备工艺元件或维护生产设备 
Shut down, isolate and prepare process units or production equipment for maintenance 

* 抽样产品,进行测试,记录数据,执行工艺操作的统计过程控制,并写入生产日志 
Sample products, perform tests, record data, carry out statistical process control on process operations, and write production logs 

* 开发运营程序以确保元件正常运行,启动或停机 
Develop operator procedures for normal operation, start-up or shut-down of unit 

* 参与安全审计和方案策划,并在需要时提供应急响应 
Participate in safety audits and programs and provide emergency response when required 

* 确保遵守安全和环保法规 
Ensure adherence to safety and environmental regulations 

* 在轮班周期期间可以在不同的程序部门工作 
May rotate between different processing units during shift cycles 

* 在工作团队中,可能共享监管职责和参加培训其他员工 
May work in a team with shared supervisory responsibilities and participate in training other workers 

* 在轮班周期期间,可能接受某一熟练行业的交叉培训同时在行业内工作。 
May be cross-trained in a skilled trade and work in the trade during shift cycles. 

9232 石油,天然气和化工工艺操作员任职要求 Employment requirements - Immiknow NOC 

* 必需完成中学学业。数学,化学和物理往往是指定的学科。 
Completion of secondary school is required. Mathematics, chemistry and physics subjects are often specified. 

* 某些职位可能要求工艺操作,科学或相关学科的大专文凭。 
A college diploma in process operation, sciences or a related subject may be required for some positions. 

* 石油和化学工艺运营商和工艺技术人员需要完成多年的正规公司培训。 
Petroleum and chemical process operators and process technicians require completion of several years of formal company training. 

* 首席运营商必需具备在由中央控制室控制的所有的运营单位担任石油或化学工艺运营商的经验。 
Experience as a petroleum or chemical process operator in all the operating units controlled by the central control room is required for chief operators. 

* 可能需要石油加工操作员公司认证或技术员认证。 
Company certification as a petroleum process operator or technician may be required. 

* 当某些类型的设备包含在该过程中时,可能需要省级固定工程师执照,压缩机运营商或制冷证书。 
A provincial stationary engineer licence, compressor operator or refrigeration certificate may be required when certain kinds of equipment are included in the process. 

* 可能需要危险货物运输(TDG)的认证,急救,消防,或工作场所有害物质信息系统(WHMIS)。 
Certification in the transportation of dangerous goods (TDG), first aid, firefighting, or workplace hazardous materials information system (WHMIS) may be required. 

9232 石油,天然气和化工工艺操作员附加信息 Additional information - Immiknow NOC 

* 公司内部的工作之间具有相当大的流动性,常作为正式开发或培训计划的一部分。 
There is considerable mobility among jobs within a company, often as part of a formal development or training program. 

* 可能调动到其他石油或化学处理工厂,但可能会受到部门内员工培训和晋升的一般惯例的限制。 
Mobility to other petroleum or chemical processing plants is possible, but may be limited by the usual practice of training and promoting workers from within the establishment. 

* 随着经验积累,可能晋升为主管或经理。 
Progression to supervisory or managerial positions is possible with experience. 

* 本单元组的职业可能会暴露在有毒危害品,易燃易爆的化学品之下,可能需要做好个人防护装备。 
Occupations in this unit group may involve exposure to hazards of toxic, flammable or explosive chemicals and personal protective equipment may be required. 

9232 石油,天然气和化工工艺操作员其他分类 Classified elsewhere - Immiknow NOC 

* 化学厂机器运营商 Chemical plant machine operators [9421](9421) 
* 主管,石油,天然气和化学加工和公用事业 Supervisors, petroleum, gas and chemical processing and utilities [9212](9212) 

9232 石油,天然气和化工工艺操作员职称头衔 All titles - Immiknow NOC 

* 吸收运营商 absorption operator 
* 吸收工厂操作员 absorption plant operator 
* 酸搅拌机操作员 acid mixer operator 
* 酸工厂操作员 acid plant operator 
* 烷基化首席运营商 alkylation chief operator 
* 烷基化经营者 alkylation operator 
* 烷基化塔招标员 alkylation tower tender 
* 明矾酒工厂操作员 alum-liquor plant operator 
* 合成氨厂的运营商 ammonia plant operator 
* 抗生素发酵工 antibiotics fermenter 
* 助理运营商 - 化学处理 assistant operator – chemical processing 
* 配料化学工艺操作员 batching chemical process operator 
* 苯搅拌器运营商 benzol agitator operator 
* 沥青抽提工厂操作员 bitumen extraction plant operator 
* 沥青升级工厂操作员 bitumen upgrading plant operator 
* 配置工,石油 blender, petroleum 
* 配置工,推进剂 blender, propellants 
* 德曼/女人 - 化学处理 boardman/woman – chemical processing 
* 盐水设备招标 brine equipment tender 
* 卤水净化运营商 brine purification operator 
* 燃烧器运营商 - 石油 burner operator – petroleum 
* 催化剂的操作员,汽油 catalyst operator, gasoline 
* 催化裂化装置的操作员 catalytic cracking unit operator 
* 苛性细胞运营商 caustic cell operator 
* 小区机房运营商,氯碱厂 cell room operator, chlor-alkali plant 
* 化学工艺操作员 chemical process operator 
* 化学工艺单元操作员 chemical process unit operator 
* 化学焙烧炉工 chemical roaster 
* 首席运营商 - 化学处理 chief operator – chemical processing 
* 首席运营商,配料过程 chief operator, batching process 
* 首席运营商,持续的过程 chief operator, continuous process 
* 首席运营商,合成 chief operator, synthesis 
* 首席技师,化学处理 chief technician, chemical processing 
* 氯化工厂操作员 chlorination plant operator 
* 氯工厂操作员 chlorine plant operator 
* 煤炭排气操作员 coal gas exhaust operator 
* 煤焦油蒸馏员 coal tar distiller 
* 列运营商 - 化学处理 column operator – chemical processing 
* 压缩机操作员,废气处理 compressor operator, gas processing 
* 压缩机的操作员,天然气 compressor operator, natural gas 
* 管道压缩机站运营商 - compressor station operator – pipelines 
* 控制面板操作员 - 化学处理 control panel operator – chemical processing 
* 总监 - 石油 controller – oil 
* 油运动总监, controller, oil movement 
* 裂解装置运营商 cracking plant operator 
* 脱硫运营商 desulphurizer operator 
* 调度员,气油 dispatcher, gas 
* 调度,石油 dispatcher, oil 
* 溶解促成员 dissolver-precipitator 
* 蒸馏运营商 distillation operator 
* 蒸馏操作员,石油 distillation operator, petroleum 
* 炸药高级操作员 explosives senior operator 
* 化肥生产商,磷酸盐过程 fertilizer maker, phosphate process 
* 过滤操作员 - 石油,天然气和化工处理 filter operator – petroleum, gas and chemical processing 
* 分馏塔操作员 fractionator operator 
* 气体燃料处理工 fuel gas treater 
* 气体控制协调员 gas control coordinator 
* 气控操作员 gas control operator 
* 气体控制器 gas controller 
* 天然气调度 gas dispatcher 
* 气场运营商 gas field operator 
* 气场生产经营者 gas field production operator 
* 天然气液化和再气化厂运营商 gas liquefaction and regasification plant operator 
* 天然气管道运营商 gas pipeline operator 
* 气体工厂操作员 gas plant operator 
* 气压调节工 gas pressure regulator 
* 气体处理总监 gas processing controller 
* 气体回收经营者 gas recovery operator 
* 汽油催化剂运营商 gasoline catalyst operator 
* 气体处理单元,操作员 gas-treating unit operator 
* 测量员,油 gauger, oil 
* 测量员,管道 gauger, pipelines 
* 甘油磨浆提炼工 glycerine refiner 
* 甘油炼油厂运营商 glycerine refinery operator 
* 脂机制造商 grease maker 
* 重水的化学过程操作员 heavy water chemical process operator 
* 氢过程工厂操作员 hydrogen process plant operator 
* 导致运营商 - 化学处理 lead operator – chemical processing 
* 液化工厂操作员 liquefaction plant operator 
* 主运营商 - 化学处理 master operator – chemical processing 
* 混合者,湿炸药 mixer, wet explosives 
* 萘澄清工 naphthalene clarifier 
* 硝酸氧化工厂操作员 nitric acid oxidation plant operator 
* 硝化棉制造商 nitrocellulose maker 
* 硝化甘油制造商 nitroglycerine maker 
* 硝化甘油硝化运营商 nitroglycerine nitrator operator 
* 硝化甘油分离器 nitroglycerine separator 
* 硝化甘油分离运营商 nitroglycerine separator operator 
* 油配置工 oil blender 
* 油总监 oil controller 
* 油调度 oil dispatcher 
* 油田生产经营 oil field production operator 
* 油田抽油工 oil field pumper 
* 油运动总监 oil movement controller 
* 油运动协调员 oil movement coordinator 
* 石油管道运营商 oil pipeline operator 
* 炼油者 oil refiner 
* 石油精炼过程中的运营商 oil refinery process operator 
* 操作技师 - 化学处理 operating technician – chemical processing 
* 操作技术员 - 化学处理 operations technician – chemical processing 
* 运营商,催化转化 operator, catalytic conversion 
* 运营商,化工过程 operator, chemical process 
* 运营商,化学工艺单元 operator, chemical process unit 
* 运营商,加氯装置 operator, chlorination plant 
* 压缩机站 - 管道运营商, operator, compressor station – pipelines 
* 运营商,控制面板 - 化学处理 operator, control panel – chemical processing 
* 运营商,脱硫装置 operator, desulphurizing unit 
* 操作员,蒸馏设备 operator, distillation equipment 
* 运营商,过滤器 - 石油,天然气和化工处理 operator, filter – petroleum, gas and chemical processing 
* 操作员,精馏塔 - 石油 operator, fractionator – petroleum 
* 运营商,重水的化学过程 operator, heavy water chemical process 
* 运营商,液化厂 operator, liquefaction plant 
* 操作员,硝酸氧化厂 operator, nitric acid oxidation plant 
* 运营商,氧气回收厂 operator, oxygen recovery plant 
* 运营商,面板 - 化学处理 operator, panel – chemical processing 
* 操作员,石油加工 operator, petroleum process 
* 操作员,石油精炼厂 operator, petroleum refinery 
* 运营商,制药加工 operator, pharmaceutical processing 
* 操作员,聚合单元的 operator, polymerization unit 
* 运营商,电力配电 - 化学处理 operator, power switchboard – chemical processing 
* 运营商,生产 - 化学处理 operator, production – chemical processing 
* 运营商,净化 - 化学处理 operator, purification – chemical processing 
* 操作员,炼油厂 operator, refinery 
* 氧恢复工厂操作员 oxygen recovery plant operator 
* 面板操作员 - 化学处理 panel operator – chemical processing 
* 石油加工运营商 petroleum process operator 
* 石油炼油工 petroleum refiner 
* 石油炼制商 petroleum refinery operator 
* 石油单位操作商 petroleum unit operator 
* 选矿药剂运营商 pharmaceutical processing operator 
* 试验厂招标者 pilot plant tender 
* 管道压缩机站运营商 pipeline compressor station operator 
* 管道测量员 pipeline gauger 
* 聚合釜运营商 polymerization kettle operator 
* 聚合单元操作员 polymerization unit operator 
* 功率总机接线员 - 化学 power switchboard operator – chemical 
* 过程控制系统的操作员 process control system operator 
* 工艺技术员 - 化学处理 process technician – chemical processing 
* 加工实验室操作员 processing laboratory operator 
* 处理运营商 - 化学处理 processing operator – chemical processing 
* 程序员,无菌产品 - 化学处理 processor, sterile products – chemical processing 
* 生产经营者 - 化学处理 production operator – chemical processing 
* 推进剂配置工 propellant blender 
* 泵站管道运营商 - pump station operator – pipelines 
* 泵站运营商 pumping station operator 
* 净化运营商 - 化学处理 purification operator – chemical processing 
* 炼油厂运营商 refinery operator 
* 炼油工艺技术员 refinery process technician 
* 旋转炉招标者 - 化学处理 rotary furnace tender – chemical processing 
* 高级操作技师 senior operating technician 
* 高级操作员 - 化学处理 senior operator – chemical processing 
* 无菌产品程序员 - 化学处理 sterile products processor – chemical processing 
* 硫酸厂经营者 sulphuric acid plant operator 
* 罐区运营商 tank farm operator 
* 技术员,工艺 - 化学处理 technician, process – chemical processing 
* 技术员,炼油厂过程 technician, refinery process 
* 招标者,试点工厂 tender, pilot plant 
* 热酸设备操作的 thermal acid equipment operator 
* 化验员,燃料气体; treater, fuel gas 
* 化验员,石油 treater, petroleum 
* 升级程序流程操作员 - 石油 upgrader process operator – petroleum 
* 湿炸药混合者 wet explosives mixer  

上一页 9235 制浆,造纸和涂料控制运营商
下一页 9231 中央控制和过程操作员,矿产和金属加工









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