移民内参 职业列表 9431 锯木厂机器操作员

9431 锯木厂机器操作员

发布时间:2015-07-01 复查时间:2023-10-08 3717

9431 锯木厂机器操作员 Sawmill machine operators - Immiknow NOC - LEVEL C 


Sawmill machine operators operate, monitor and control automated lumbermill equipment to saw timber logs into rough lumber; saw, trim and plane rough lumber into dressed lumber of various sizes; and saw or split shingles and shakes. They are employed in sawmills and planing mills. 

9431 锯木厂机器操作员头衔范例 Example Titles - Immiknow NOC 

* 圆锯运营商 circular saw operator 
* 齐边锯工人/男/女 edgerman/woman 
* 锯木匠工头 head sawyer 
* 登录切断运营商 log cut-off operator 
* 刨床操作员 planer operator 
* 再锯机运营商 resaw operator 
* 摇分离机 shake splitter 
* 整理者 /男/女 trimmerman/woman 

9431 锯木厂机器操作员主要职责 Main duties - Immiknow NOC 

锯木机运营商执行部分或全部下列职责:Sawmill machine operators perform some or all of the following duties: 

* 操作前端装载机和固定甲板起重机将原木送到锯木厂 
Operate front-end loaders and stationary deck cranes to feed logs into the sawmill 

* 检查原木和粗糙木材来确定大小,条件,质量和其他特点,从而来决定进行最好的木材削减,或使用自动化设备,通过激光扫描仪确定最具生产力和盈利的切割图案然后传输木材。 
Examine logs and rough lumber to determine size, condition, quality and other characteristics to decide best lumber cuts to carry out, or use automated equipment to convey logs through laser scanners which determine the most productive and profitable cutting patterns 

* 从控制室或设备控制台操作自动化伐木场设备,将原木锯成粗糙的木材,将粗糙木材锯,修剪和刨平到各种尺寸的刨光板;锯断或劈开瓦砾和晃动物体。 
Operate automated lumbermill equipment from control rooms or equipment consoles to saw logs into rough lumber; saw, trim and plane rough lumber into dressed lumber of various sizes; and saw or split shingles and shakes 

* 开启输送系统将原木和木材运送到锯或从锯上移开。 
Start conveyor system to move logs and lumber to and from saws 

* 安装和调整锯设备,使用扳手,仪表等手工工具更换刀片或钮带 
Set up and adjust saw equipment and replace blades or bands using wrenches, gauges and other hand tools 

* 操作设备按照长度和厚度进行排序和堆积木材,移动堆栈到存储区或干燥窑,并将木材填入刨床 
Operate equipment to sort and stack lumber by length and thickness, move stacks to storage areas or drying kilns, and feed lumber through planers 

* 监控木材和电脑屏幕运动,以确保按照规格进行削减,并打印生产报告 
Monitor movement of lumber and computer screens to ensure cuts are made according to specifications, and print production reports 

* 清洁和润滑锯木厂设备。 
Clean and lubricate sawmill equipment. 

9431 锯木厂机器操作员任职要求 Employment requirements - Immiknow NOC 

* 通常需要完成中学。 
Completion of secondary school is usually required. 

* 可能需要木材加工技术学院课程。 
College courses in wood processing technology may be required. 

* 通常提供多个星期的在职培训。 
Several weeks of on-the-job training are usually provided. 

* 锯木工工头和刨床运营商通常需要在同一家公司的几年的其他锯木厂机操作职位的经验。 
Head sawyers and planer operators usually require several years of experience in other sawmill machine operating positions in the same company. 

* 可能需要工业急救证书。 
A certificate in industrial first aid may be required. 

9431 锯木厂机器操作员附加信息 Additional information - Immiknow NOC 

* 本职业组的工作有一定的流动性。 
There is some mobility among jobs in this occupational group. 

* 随着经验积累,可能晋升到主管职位。 
Progression to supervisory positions is possible with experience. 

9431 锯木厂机器操作员其他分类 Classified elsewhere - Immiknow NOC 

* 木材,纸浆和纸加工的劳动力 Labourers in wood, pulp and paper processing [9614](9614) 
* 木材平地机等木材加工检查员和分级员 Lumber graders and other wood processing inspectors and graders [9436](9436) 
* 其他木材加工机器操作员 Other wood processing machine operators [9434](9434) 
* 主管,林产品加工 Supervisors, forest products processing [9215](9215) 
* 木工机床操作员 Woodworking machine operators [9437](9437) 

9431 锯木厂机器操作员职称头衔 All titles - Immiknow NOC 

* 版块分裂工 - 锯木厂 block splitter – sawmill 
* 板材锯木匠 - 锯木厂 board sawyer – sawmill 
* 螺栓锯木匠 - 锯木厂 bolt sawyer – sawmill 
* 锚杆钻机工 /男/女 - 锯木厂 bolterman/woman – sawmill 
* 慢跑运营商 - 锯木厂 canter operator – sawmill 
* 芯片回收运营商 - 锯木厂 chip reclaim operator – sawmill 
* 芯片-N-锯运营商 - 锯木厂 Chip-N-Saw operator – sawmill 
* 圆锯运营商 circular saw operator 
* 圆锯运营商 - 锯木厂 circular saw operator – sawmill 
* 横截锯运营商 - 锯木厂 cut-off saw operator – sawmill 
* 横截锯,木材 - 锯木厂 cut-off sawyer, timber – sawmill 
* 切割者,带状疱疹 - 锯木厂 cutter, shingles – sawmill 
* 拖锯运营商 - 锯木厂 drag saw operator – sawmill 
* 磨边机操作员 - 锯木厂 edger – sawmill 
* 磨边机操作员,自动 - 锯木厂 edger operator, automatic – sawmill 
* 齐边锯工人/男/女 edgerman/woman 
* 齐边锯工人/男/女 - 锯木厂 edgerman/woman – sawmill 
* 帮派锯木匠 - 锯木厂 gang sawyer – sawmill 
* 团伙锯木匠,原木 - 锯木厂 gang sawyer, logs – sawmill 
* 锯木匠工头 head sawyer 
* 锯木匠工头 - 锯木厂 head sawyer – sawmill 
* 主锯运营商 - 锯木厂 headrig operator – sawmill 
* 主锯运营商 - 锯木厂 head-saw operator – sawmill 
* 高速螺柱运营商 - 锯木厂 high-speed stud operator – sawmill 
* 巨型运营商 - 锯木厂 jumbo operator – sawmill 
* 原木切断运营商 log cut-off operator 
* 原木切断运营商 - 锯木厂 log cut-off operator – sawmill 
* 原木切断锯木匠 - 锯木厂 log cut-off sawyer – sawmill 
* 原木排锯运营商 - 锯木厂 log gang saw operator – sawmill 
* 原木排锯工 - 锯木厂 log gang sawyer – sawmill 
* 原木拖拉切断锯运营商 - 锯木厂 log haul cut-off saw operator – sawmill 
* 原木起重机运营商 - 锯木厂 log hoist operator – sawmill 
* 木材施胶运营商 - 锯木厂 lumber sizer operator – sawmill 
* 机分配器 - 锯木厂 machine splitter – sawmill 
* 操作员,自动磨边机 - 锯木厂 operator, automatic edger – sawmill 
* 运营商,头锯 - 锯木厂 operator, head saw – sawmill 
* 运营商,登录切断 - 锯木厂 operator, log cut-off – sawmill 
* 运营商, resaw - 锯木厂 operator, resaw – sawmill 
* 运营商,分配器 - 锯木厂 operator, splitter – sawmill 
* 运营商,微调 - 锯木厂 operator, trimmer – sawmill 
* 刨工 - 锯木厂 planer – sawmill 
* 刨床刨铣机操作员 planer mill machine operator 
* 刨床操作员 planer operator 
* 刨床操作员 - 锯木厂 planer operator – sawmill 
* 刨工/男/女 - 锯木厂 planerman/woman – sawmill 
* 再锯机运营商 resaw operator 
* 再锯机运营商 - 锯木厂 resaw operator – sawmill 
* 再锯机工人 - 锯木厂 resawyer – sawmill 
* 粗齿锯运营商 - 锯木厂 ripsaw operator – sawmill 
* 锯木厂锯运营商 - saw operator – sawmill 
* 木屑回收运营商 - 锯木厂 sawdust reclaim operator – sawmill 
* 锯床运营商 - 锯木厂 sawing machine operator – sawmill 
* 锯木厂机器操作员 sawmill machine operator 
* 锯木匠 - 锯木厂 sawyer – sawmill 
* 锯木匠 - 锯木厂 sawyer, boards – sawmill 
* 锯木匠,甩头 - 锯木厂 sawyer, shakes – sawmill 
* 锯木匠,木板螺栓 - 锯木厂 sawyer, stave bolts – sawmill 
* 瘦锯运营商 - 锯木厂 scrag-saw operator – sawmill 
* 摇壶制造商 shake maker 
* 摇锯木匠 shake sawyer 
* 摇分配器 shake splitter 
* 瓦切割者 shingle cutter 
* 瓦制造商 shingle maker 
* 卵石锯木匠 shingle sawyer 
* 板锯操作员 slab saw operator 
* 浆纱运营商 - 锯木厂 slasher operator – sawmill 
* 浆纱锯运营商 - 锯木厂 slasher saw operator – sawmill 
* 浆纱修剪运营商 - 锯木厂 slasher trim operator – sawmill 
* 分配器 - 锯木厂 splitter – sawmill 
* 拆分运营商 - 锯木厂 splitter operator – sawmill 
* 分离器,机 - 锯木厂 splitter, machine – sawmill 
* 破碎螺栓锯操作员 stave bolt saw operator 
* 避开螺栓锯木匠 - 锯木厂 stave bolt sawyer – sawmill 
* 看管者,微调 - 锯木厂 tender, trimmer – sawmill 
* 看管者,修边机 - 锯木厂 tender, trimming machine – sawmill 
* 倾斜起重机运营商 - 锯木厂 tilt-hoist operator – sawmill 
* 木材截止锯木匠 - 锯木厂 timber cut-off sawyer – sawmill 
* 传输运营商 - 锯木厂 transfer operator – sawmill 
* 修剪锯运营商 - 锯木厂 trim saw operator – sawmill 
* 修剪锯木匠 - 锯木厂 trim sawyer – sawmill 
* 微调运营商 - 锯木厂 trimmer operator – sawmill 
* 微调看管者 - 锯木厂 trimmer tender – sawmill 
* 整理者 /男/女 trimmerman/woman 
* 整理者 /男/女 - 锯木厂 trimmerman/woman – sawmill 
* 切边机操作员 - 锯木厂 trimming machine operator – sawmill 
* 切边机看管者 - 锯木厂 trimming machine tender – sawmill  

上一页 9432 纸浆厂的机器操作员
下一页 9423 橡胶加工机器操作员及有关人员职称头衔









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