移民内参 职业列表 9433 造纸及精加工机器操作员

9433 造纸及精加工机器操作员

发布时间:2015-07-01 复查时间:2023-10-08 3771

9433 造纸及精加工机器操作员 Papermaking and finishing machine operators - Immiknow NOC - LEVEL C 


Papermaking and finishing machine operators operate process machinery and equipment and assist papermaking and coating control operators to produce, coat and finish paper. They are employed by pulp and paper companies. 

9433 造纸及精加工机器操作员头衔范例 Example Titles - Immiknow NOC 

* 助理涂层运营商 - 纸浆和造纸 assistant coating operator – pulp and paper 
* 打包工/男/女 - 纸浆和造纸 balerman/woman – pulp and paper 
* 压延运营商 - 纸浆和造纸 calender operator – pulp and paper 
* 压花压延运营商 - 纸浆和造纸 embossing calender operator – pulp and paper 
* 卷取工 - 纸浆和造纸 fourth hand – pulp and paper 
* 推土机手 /男/女 - 纸浆和造纸 graderman/woman – pulp and paper 
* 造纸机操作员 paper machine operator 
* 纸张涂布机操作员 paper-coating machine operator 
* 切纸机运营商 - 纸浆和造纸 sheeter operator – pulp and paper 
* 卷纸工 /男/女 - 纸浆和造纸 winderman/woman – pulp and paper 

9433 造纸及精加工机器操作员主要职责 Main duties - Immiknow NOC 

造纸及后整理机器操作员执行部分或全部下列职责:Papermaking and finishing machine operators perform some or all of the following duties: 

* 操作和监视各种造纸及整理加工机械和设备,进行干燥,压光,层压,涂漆,缝,修剪,吹或执行其他造纸和精加工工艺步骤 
Operate and monitor various papermaking and finishing process machinery and equipment to dry, calender, laminate, coat, slit, trim, wind or carry out other papermaking and finishing process steps 

* 使用起重机安装,放置和穿线卷纸 
Mount, position and thread paper rolls using a hoist 

* 使用分布式控制系统和过程计算机控制加工机械 
Control process machinery using a distributed control system and process computers 

* 观察设备和机械,面板指示灯,仪表,一级指标和其他设备仪器,机械和设备故障检测,并确保过程步骤按规格进行 
Observe equipment and machinery, panel indicators, gauges, level indicators and other equipment instruments to detect machinery and equipment malfunctions and ensure process steps are carried out according to specifications 

* 与造纸和涂料控制运营商沟通,并协助调整过程,并按要求启动或关闭过程机器 
Communicate with and assist papermaking and coating control operators to make process adjustments and to start up or shut down process machines as required 

* 目视检查纸张褶皱,孔洞,变色,条纹或其他缺陷,并采取纠正措施 
Inspect paper visually for wrinkles, holes, discolouration, streaks or other defects and take corrective action 

* 完成和维护生产报告。 
Complete and maintain production reports. 

9433 造纸及精加工机器操作员任职要求 Employment requirements - Immiknow NOC 

* 必需完成中学教育。 
Completion of secondary school is required. 

* 需要完成多个星期的正规公司培训和若干月的在职培训。 
Completion of several weeks of formal company training and several months of on-the-job training is required. 

* 通常需要在同一公司内以往劳动者的经验。 
Previous experience as a labourer within the same company is usually required. 

* 可能需要工业急救证书。 
A certificate in industrial first aid may be required. 

* 可能必需具备天然气能力证书。 
A competency certificate in natural gas may be required. 

9433 造纸及精加工机器操作员附加信息 Additional information - Immiknow NOC 

* 本职业组的工作之间具有有限的流动性。 
There is limited mobility among jobs within this occupational group. 

* 随着经验积累,可能晋升到造纸和涂料控制操作员。 
Progression to papermaking and coating control operator occupations is possible with experience. 

9433 造纸及精加工机器操作员其他分类 Classified elsewhere - Immiknow NOC 

* 木材,纸浆和纸加工的劳动力 Labourers in wood, pulp and paper processing [9614](9614) 
* 从事纸制品的制造和组装的机器操作员( 纸转换机器操作员) Machine operators engaged in fabricating and assembling paper products (in [9435](9435) Paper converting machine operators ) 
* 制浆,造纸和涂料控制操作员 Pulping, papermaking and coating control operators [9235](9235) 
* 主管,林产品加工 Supervisors, forest products processing [9215](9215) 

9433 造纸及精加工机器操作员职称头衔 All titles - Immiknow NOC 

* 助理涂层运营商 - 纸浆和造纸 assistant coating operator – pulp and paper 
* 背面看管人,造纸机 back tender, paper machine 
* 打包工/男/女 - 纸浆和造纸 balerman/woman – pulp and paper 
* 打包机看管者 - 纸浆和造纸 baling press tender – pulp and paper 
* 压延工/男/女 - 纸浆和造纸 calender man/woman – pulp and paper 
* 压延运营商 - 纸浆和造纸 calender operator – pulp and paper 
* 压延工 - 纸浆和造纸 calenderer – pulp and paper 
* 组合机床操作员 - 造纸厂 combiner machine operator – paper mill 
* 核心切割者和铰刀工 core cutter and reamer 
* 压头运营商 - 造纸 crimping head operator – papermaking 
* 切割者,铰刀,核心 - 纸浆和造纸 cutter and reamer, cores – pulp and paper 
* 压花压延运营商 - 纸浆和造纸 embossing calender operator – pulp and paper 
* 纸浆和纸张装订工 - finisher – pulp and paper 
* 装订工,纸卷 - 纸浆和造纸 finisher, paper rolls – pulp and paper 
* 长网造纸机操作员 - 纸浆和造纸 fourdrinier machine operator – pulp and paper 
* 卷取工 - 纸浆和造纸 fourth hand – pulp and paper 
* 分类工 - 纸浆和造纸 grader – pulp and paper 
* 分类工 /男/女 - 纸浆和造纸 graderman/woman – pulp and paper 
* 督察,片纸 inspector, sheet paper 
* 标号操作员 - 造纸 label operator – papermaking 
* 覆膜机操作员 - 造纸厂 laminating machine operator – paper mill 
* 操作员,砑光机 - 纸浆和造纸 operator, calender – pulp and paper 
* 操作员,涂布机 - 纸浆和造纸 operator, coating machine – pulp and paper 
* 运营商,长网造纸机 - 纸浆和造纸 operator, fourdrinier machine – pulp and paper 
* 操作员,造纸机; operator, paper machine 
* 运营商,切纸机 - 纸浆和造纸 operator, sheeter – pulp and paper 
* 打包机包装服务员 - 造纸 packer-wrapper attendant – papermaking 
* 分类工 paper grader 
* 纸慢跑操作员 - 纸浆和造纸 paper jogger operation – pulp and paper 
* 造纸机 paper machine hand 
* 造纸机操作员 paper machine operator 
* 造纸机卷纸工 /男/女 paper machine winderman/woman 
* 纸卷终结者 - 纸浆和造纸 paper roll finisher – pulp and paper 
* 纸卷包装工 - 纸浆和造纸 paper roll wrapper – pulp and paper 
* 纸张涂布机操作员 paper-coating machine operator 
* 纸加工机器操作员 paper-finishing machine operator 
* 造纸和精加工机器操作员 papermaking and finishing machine operator 
* 印刷工人/男/女,纸浆 - 纸浆和造纸 pressman/woman, pulp – pulp and paper 
* 加工纸复卷工 processed paper rewinder 
* 指腹按压看管者 pulp press tender 
* 复卷机 - 纸浆和造纸 rewinder – pulp and paper 
* 复卷机看管者 - 纸浆和造纸 rewinder tender – pulp and paper 
* 复卷机,加工纸 rewinder, processed paper 
* 卷装订工 - 纸 roll finisher – paper 
* 包装工 - 纸 roll wrapper – paper 
* 打捞络筒机运营商 - 造纸 salvage winder operator – papermaking 
* 采样工,片纸 sampler, sheet paper 
* 秒针,造纸机 second hand, paper machine 
* 纸张督察 sheet paper inspector 
* 纸张采样工 sheet paper sampler 
* 切纸机运营商 - 纸浆和造纸 sheeter operator – pulp and paper 
* 专业复卷机操作员 - 造纸 specialty rewinder operator – papermaking 
* 超级压光机操作员 - 纸浆和造纸 supercalender operator – pulp and paper 
* 看管者,复卷机 - 纸浆和造纸 tender, rewinder – pulp and paper 
* 卷纸工 - 纸浆和造纸 third hand – pulp and paper 
* 络筒机运营商 - 纸浆和造纸 winder operator – pulp and paper 
* 卷纸工 /男/女 - 纸浆和造纸 winderman/woman – pulp and paper 
* 卷纸线运营商 - 造纸 wrapline operator – papermaking 
* 包装工,纸卷 - 纸浆和造纸 wrapper, paper rolls – pulp and paper 
* 包装工,罗尔斯 - 纸浆和造纸 wrapper, rolls – pulp and paper  

上一页 9434 木材加工机器操作员职称头衔
下一页 9432 纸浆厂的机器操作员









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