9471 无铅板印刷设备经营者 Plateless printing equipment operators - Immiknow NOC - LEVEL C
此单元组包括操作激光印刷工,电脑高速彩色复印机等印刷机器的工人,其打印各种各样的材料,如纸张,塑料,玻璃,皮革,金属上的文字,图片和设计。他们受雇于快速印刷服务,报章及杂志出版公司,商业印刷企业,以及拥有内部印刷设施的制造业和其他机构。This unit group includes workers who operate laser printers, computerized high speed colour copiers and other printing machines to print text, illustrations and designs on a wide variety of materials such as paper, plastic, glass, leather, and metal. They are employed in rapid printing services, newspaper and magazine publishing companies, commercial printing companies and in manufacturing and other establishments that have in-house printing facilities.
9471 无铅板印刷设备经营者头衔范例 Example Titles - Immiknow NOC
* 彩色复印机操作员 colour copier operator* 电子广告牌制作商 electronic sign maker operator
* 凹凸压印机操作员 embossing-imprinting machine operator
* 激光印刷工操作商 laser printer operator
* 印刷机器操作员 - 印刷 printing machine operator – printing
* 快速印刷机器操作员 quick print machine operator
* 丝网印刷机器操作员 silk-screen printing machine operator
* 墙纸印刷工 wallpaper printer
9471 无铅板印刷设备经营者主要职责 Main duties - Immiknow NOC
印刷机操作员执行部分或全部下列职责:Printing machine operators perform some or all of the following duties:* 审阅工作,以确定工作规范,如油墨颜色和数量要求
Review work order to determine job specifications, such as ink colour and quantity required
* 设置和调整印花机, ,如填充墨水或涂料水库以及装载库存
Set up and make adjustments to printing machine, such as filling ink or paint reservoirs and loading stock
* 在电脑机控制台上的键盘上输入代码和键入编程数据
Input codes and key in programming data on console keyboard of computerized machines
* 在打印过程中,操作和监控印刷机器,并根据需要进行调整
Operate and monitor printing machines during print run and make adjustments as required
* 清洁机器和更换磨损的部件。
Clean machines and replace worn parts.
9471 无铅板印刷设备经营者任职要求 Employment requirements - Immiknow NOC
* 可能必需完成中学教育。Completion of secondary school may be required.
* 可能需要完成大专或其他印刷专业的课程。
Completion of college or other specialized courses in printing may be required.
* 提供在职培训。
On-the-job training is provided.
9471 无铅板印刷设备经营者其他分类 Classified elsewhere - Immiknow NOC
* 印刷机操作员 Printing press operators [7381](7381)* 主管,印刷及相关行业 Supervisors, printing and related occupations [7303](7303)
* 纺织印刷机操作员( 纺织纤维和纱线,隐藏和毛皮加工机运营商和工人) Textile printing machine operators (in [9441](9441) Textile fibre and yarn, hide and pelt processing machine operators and workers )
9471 无铅板印刷设备经营者职称头衔 All titles - Immiknow NOC
* 气球印刷工 balloon printer* 蓝图阻滞剂 blueprint blocker
* 蓝图开发者 blueprint developer
* 晒图机运营商 blueprinting machine operator
* 盒子印刷工 - 印刷 box printer – printing
* 盒,箱和衬里印刷工 box, case and lining printer
* 箱印刷机器操作员 box-printing machine operator
* 盲文复印工 braille duplicator
* 盲文印刷工 braille printer
* 盲文印象机器操作员 braille-impressing machine operator
* 颜色和大型复印机操作员 colour and large copier operator
* 彩色复印机操作员 colour copier operator
* 彩色复印机操作员 colour photocopier operator
* 彩色复印件运营商, colour photocopy operator
* 复制,主食和胶机操作员 copy, staple and glue machine operator
* 模具压模 - 印刷 die stamper – printing
* 电子印刷机器操作员 electronic printing machine operator
* 电子广告牌制作商 electronic sign maker operator
* 压花印刷工 embossing printer
* 凹凸压印机操作员 embossing-imprinting machine operator
* 雕刻机运营商 - 印刷 engraving machine operator – printing
* 地板印刷工 floorcovering printer
* 手套印刷工 glove printer
* 高速印刷工操作员 high speed printer operator
* 标签印刷工 label printer
* 激光印刷机操作工 laser printer operator
* 机广告标牌印刷工 machine advertising signs printer
* 机器标记员 machine marker
* 印表工,广告招牌 machine printer, advertising signs
* 机印刷工,标牌 machine printer, signs
* 机器猎枪壳印刷工 machine shotgun-shell printer
* 机器符号作家 machine sign writer
* 离线印刷机器操作员 offline-printing machine operator
* 运营商,印刷机械 - 印刷 operator, printing machine – printing
* 运营商,多工位压力机 operator, transfer press
* 复印件运营商,颜色 photocopy operator, colour
* 影印机管理员 photocopying machine tender
* 塑料印刷工 plastic printer
* pochoir丝网印刷机器操作员 pochoir silk-screen printing machine operator
* 印刷机操作员,转让 press operator, transfer
* 印表机操作员 - 印刷 printer operator – printing
* 印刷工,盒,箱及衬里 printer, boxes, cases and linings
* 印刷工开槽操作 printer-slotter operator
* 印刷工开槽管理员的 printer-slotter tender
* 印刷机器操作员 - 印刷 printing machine operator – printing
* #NAME? proofsheet approver – printing
* 快速印刷机器操作员 quick print machine operator
* 执政的机器操作员 - 印刷 ruling machine operator – printing
* 屏幕打印操作员 screen print operator
* 丝网印刷机器操作员 - 印刷 screen printing machine operator – printing
* 猎枪壳印刷工,机器 shotgun-shell printer, machine
* 鸟枪壳印花机管理员 shotgun-shell-printing machine tender
* 签署作家,机 sign writer, machine
* 丝网印刷机器操作员 silk-screen printing machine operator
* 丝网印刷管理员 - silk-screen tender – printing
* 丝印机操作员 silk-screening machine operator
* 钢模印刷工 steel die printer
* 模板丝网印刷机器操作员 stencil silk-screen printing machine operator
* 制表卡印刷工 tabulating cards printer
* 标签印花机管理员 tag-printing machine tender
* 磁带规则印刷工 tape rule printer
* 移机管理员 - 印刷 transfer machine tender – printing
* 转移印刷机操作员 transfer press operator
* 墙纸印刷工 wallpaper printer
* 墙纸的样品片刀标记员 wallpaper sample sheet cutter-marker
* 壁纸样品表标记员 wallpaper sample sheet marker