ANZSCO 272114 康复顾问 Rehabilitation Counsellor - immiknow
272114 康复顾问职业描述 Job description - immiknow
Assists physically, mentally and socially disadvantaged people to reintegrate into work and the community.
272114 康复顾问技术等级 Skill level - immiknow
康复顾问的技能等级为1(ANZSCO Skill Level 1)。
272114 康复顾问所属职业列表 - immiknow
相关职业 - immiknow
272111 职业顾问 Careers Counsellor272112 药物和酒精顾问 Drug and Alcohol Counsellor
272113 家庭和婚姻顾问 Family and Marriage Counsellor
272115 学生辅导 Student Counsellor
272199 其他未分类辅导员 Counsellors nec