新省紧缺职业EE类别打分表 - immiknow
注意:NSNP EE 类紧缺职业类别更新评分标准与FSW标准保持一致,唯一的区别是适应能力分需要与 NS 相关,与其他省份关系密切的不被NS接受。(总分100分,达到67分可以申请)
1- 学历加分(最高25分) | ||
博士 | University degree at the Doctoral(PhD)level | 25 |
硕士 | University-level credential at the Master’s level OR an entry-to-practice professional degree | 23 |
双学历 | Two or more post-secondary program credentials AND at least one of these credentials is for the completion of a post-secondary program of three years or longer | 22 |
本科 | Post-secondary program credential of three years or longer | 21 |
2年专科 | Two-year post-secondary program credential | 19 |
1年专科 | One-year post-secondary program credential | 15 |
高中 | Secondary school education credential (also called high school) | 5 |
高中以下 | Less than secondary school | 不能申请 |
2- 语言加分(最高28分) | ||
英语 | CLB 9 | 单项6分 |
英语 | CLB 8 | 单项5分 |
英语 | CLB7 | 单项4分 |
英语 | 低于CLB 7 | 不能申请 |
法语 | CLB5及CLB5以上 | 共4分 |
法语 | 低于CLB 5 | 共0分 |
3- 工作加分(最高15分) | ||
1年以下 | 不能申请 | |
1年 | 9 | |
2-3年 | 11 | |
4-5年 | 13 | |
6年 | 15 | |
4- 年龄加分(最高12分) | ||
18岁以下 | 不能申请 | |
18-35岁 | 12 | |
36岁 | 11 | |
37岁 | 10 | |
38岁 | 9 | |
39岁 | 8 | |
40岁 | 7 | |
41岁 | 6 | |
42岁 | 5 | |
43岁 | 4 | |
44岁 | 3 | |
45岁 | 2 | |
46岁 | 1 | |
47岁及以上 | 0 | |
5- NS 工作(最高10分) | ||
当前在加拿大合法工作 | You currently work in Canada on a temporary work permit. | 10 |
当前在加拿大从事豁免LMIA要求的工作 | You currently work in Canada in a job that is exempt from the LMIA requirement under: (1)an international agreement (such as, the North America Free Trade Agreement) or (2)a federal-provincial agreement. | 10 |
其他 | 1- You currently do not: (1)have a work permit, or (2)plan to work in Canada before you get a permanent resident visa.OR 2- You are currently working in Canada and a different employer has offered to give you a permanent full-time job. OR 3- You are currently working in Canada in a job that is exempt from a Labour Market Impact Assessment, but not under an international or federal-provincial agreement. | 10 |
6- 适应能力(最高10分) | ||
主申有新省offer | 5 | |
主申在NS省留学2年 | 5 | |
配偶在NS省留学2年 | 5 | |
主申NS工作1年 | 5 | |
配偶NS工作1年 | 5 | |
NS亲属 | 5 | |
配偶英语CLB4 | 5 | |
总分 | 100 |