2.How big is that apartment?
3.Is there a view from there? 或 Does it have a view?
4.Does the apartment get much natural light? 或 Does the room receive much sunlight?
5.Is it furnished?
6.How much is the rent? 或 How much is it per month?
7.What's the rent on that? How much is the deposit?
8.Are utilities included? (有包含水电吗?)
或 What utilities am I responsible for? (我要负担什么样的公共设施?)
如果是一年的契约,可以确定一下Do I have to sign a twelve-month lease? 我要签十二个月的租约 吗?
有的还有一个月的房租免费优惠,可问一下:"Do I get an extra month free?"(是不是有一个月是免 费的啊?)
1. Monterey Cheddar (蒙特利切达)
2. Wheat (全麦面包)
3. Honey Oat (蜂蜜燕麦)
4. White/Italian(白面包)
5. Italian Herbs & Cheese (意式草本加起司)
6. Parmesan Oregano (巴马干酪)
1. American (美式起司)
2. Shredded Monterey Cheddar (切丝蒙特利切达起司)
3. Pepper Jack(辣味杰克起司)
4. Provolone (波伏洛起司)
1.Lettuce (生菜)
2. Tomato (蕃茄)
3. Cucumber (小黄瓜)
4. Black olivers (黑橄榄)
5. Red Onions (红洋葱)
6. Pickle (酸黄瓜)
7. Jalapeno (墨西哥绿辣椒)
8. Banana Peppers (黄辣椒)
9. Spinach (菠菜)
1. Mustard (黄芥末)
2. Honey Mustard (蜂蜜芥末)
3. Sweet Onion (甜葱酱)
4. Vinegar (红醋)
5. Mayonaise Light(美乃滋)
6.Ranch 农场酱
7.Chipotle Southwest(由美乃滋、芥末、莱姆汁和大蒜等调制成的)
8. Mayonaise Regular (普通蛋黄酱)
1. PEPSI (百事可乐)
2. 7 UP (七喜汽水)
3. ROOT BEER (沙士)
4. Sweet Tea (甜红茶)
5. Potato Chips (炸洋芋片)
6. Doritos (多利多滋)
7. Baked Potato Chips(烘烤洋芋片)
8. Chocolate Chip (饼干内有碎片的巧克力)
9. Chocolate Chunk (饼干内有整片的巧克力)
10. Macadamia Nut (夏威夷坚果饼干)
11. Oat Meal Raisin (燕麦葡萄干饼干)
12. White Chocolate (白巧克力饼干)
2. 火腿肉,冷(Ham);
3. 意大利香肠,冷(Salami);
4. 组合,一般是几种冷的肉组合起来的(Assorted);
5. 烤牛肉,冷(Roasted beef);
6. 腌牛肉,冷(Corned beef);
7. 吐纳鱼,冷(Tuna);
8. 海鲜,就是人造蟹柳,冷(Seafood);
9. 鸡胸肉,热(Chicken);
10. 牛排肉,热(Steak);
11. 培根(Bacon);
12. 肉丸,热(Meat ball);
13. 无骨烤肉,热(Barbecue Rib);
14. 全素(Veggie);
学会了这些,就可以装bility了,比如说我们想要一个大的用白面包做的吐纳鱼三明治,我们可以这样 说:“Can I have a big Tuna on white, please.”或者一个小的,全麦的肉丸治,我们可以说:”Can I get a small meat ball on brown, please.”
1. I think that… 最简单的
2. It seems to me that… 可以用作表达意见,或者summarize或者confirm对方说的话。
3. I would argue that…这里面用would来弱化语气。
4. Just to go along with what you said… 真的很好用,承上启下。这句话还好在,它使你现在插话 看上去legitimate,因为你是为了和前面的那个人go along啊。不赶紧接话,不就along不上了嘛。
5. Going back to what … said… 同上。不过一般是你已经说了几句,此时,想要relate to someting 别人刚刚提到过或者蜻蜓点水说道的东西。这句话的好处就是,一能bring others on board 说看我的说法和你是有一致之处的,二能表现他刚才说的东西你还有印象。
1. I agree with you. 最简单的
2. Building on what XX has just said....
3. I am with you..., but [main point]. * 这里I am with you不一定表示同意也不一定表示反对, 它主要的意思是说“你说的我听懂了/我跟上你说的了。”
4. I follow your logic, but have you thought about/considered this… [main point]…? *和上 面一句话的逻辑是一样的:“你说的我明白了,但是...”
6. With all due respect, I think…
1. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't [a different topic...?
2. I'm not an expert on..., it seems to me that...
3. I might be wrong, but ...
4. I suspect that I lack some [background] information about this aspect, but here is my two cents.
5. I am not sure about this..., you might want to check with Professor X... Would you mind letting me know what he/she says?
6. 别人说了一堆之后 This is one way to look at it. Another way to look at it might be....
1. Just to clarify,...
2. May I ask a follow-up question?
3. Could you say more (about it)? 不确定自己是不是听懂了,请别人多解释一些。
4. Could you elaborate on this?
1. That's an amazing model/useful concept, but it occurred to me that [this/something] might also play a role....Have you considered ...?
2. Thanks for your talk. I completely agree with your conclusion, but as I'm sure you're aware, Dr. XX explains this in a different way, and I was wondering if you could address her theory. * “but as I'm sure you're aware”完全是给对方一个台阶下,可能那个理论他根本没 有考虑过。但是如果对方是很senior的,我们也需要客套一下。
2. I was hoping that if I could talk to you about..
3. I was wondering if it’d be possible that you...
4. Sorry to bother you, Professor X....
5. I realize this is an unusual request...
6. I realize that you are very busy...
7. Thanks for your time.
8. Thanks in advance for your help.
9. It would be great if you could...*这个是最常用的,尤其是email里面