ANZSCO 133511 生产经理(林业) Production Manager (Forestry) - immiknow
133511 生产经理(林业)职业描述 Job description - immiknow
Plans, organises, directs, controls and coordinates the production activities of a forestry operation including physical and human resources.
133511 生产经理(林业)职位别名 - immiknow
133511 林业经理 Forest Manager133511 收割经理 Harvest Manager (Forestry)
133511 营运经理(林业) Operations Manager (Forestry)
133511 生产经理(林业)技术等级 Skill level - immiknow
生产经理(林业)的技能等级为1 (ANZSCO Skill Level 1)
133511 生产经理(林业)所属职业列表 - immiknow
相关职业 - immiknow
133512 生产经理(制造业) Production Manager (Manufacturing)133513 生产经理(采矿) Production Manager (Mining)